The Future Is Light

We celebrate our solstice tomorrow, (December 21) marking the return of light in the Northern Hemisphere, while southern neighbors will have warmer days.

What a bright future is ahead of us!

We can all use some more light now. As a collective, we have experienced a dark night of the soul. This year has been challenging, heartbreaking, and relentless. There is hope on the horizon.

Just as the sun rises every morning, the light returns after a long winter.

There is a beauty in the predictability of the seasons. 2020 has been a year like no other.

Solstice Connections

This solstice is extraordinary.

Jupiter and Saturn join in a cosmic kiss. Our two largest planets are closest in proximity than they’ve been since 1623! Their celestial spectacle will illuminate our skies.

If you gaze into the night sky (which I suggest you often do), you can see these two luminaries joining forces in what looks like the Star of Bethlehem. Such a breathtaking spectacle!

The magic they impart will have long-lasting effects.

These two planets connect once every twenty years in what is known as “The Great Conjunction.” When this occurs, it initiates radical cultural shifts.

What is extraordinary is today’s Great Conjunction is the first time these two are meeting in an air sign in 800 years. For the past 200 years, the Great Conjunctions have been in earth signs.

Jupiter and Saturn are connecting at 0ยฐ Aquarius, an air sign, initiating “the Age of Aquarius,” a 2000-year cycle.

Aquarius is a forward-thinking sign of hope, dreams, and humanitarian ideals. It incites innovation for the greater good.

A new era of hope is here.

Our Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are all at the 0ยฐ point of potential in the sign of progress. As you hold a vision for our future in your imagination, you begin the process of creation.

Today, as you gaze upon the miracle of our planetary light, remember to radiate hope and love in your heart. Visualize with your whole being what you wish to create for yourself, your loved ones, and the world. And so, it is.

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.


Are you ready for the revolution?

Change is coming. Buckle up!

This week brings all the fireworks. It began with the New Moon Solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

Our finale will be an era-defining cosmic connection between our social planets Jupiter and Saturn on the solstice.

These two powerhouses meet up once every twenty years. When they join forces, it always initiates a radical shift in society.

December 21st will be the first time they are meeting in Aquarius in centuries. It is the closest these two planets have been since 1623!

Everything is about to change!

Aquarius is the sign of innovation, equality, and humanitarianism.

What’s initiated this week will propel our culture forward into the future.

This is not a magic wand.

Today, Saturn begins its two-year sojourn into this freedom-seeking sign. Saturn always requires discipline and hard lessons.

As a society, we have a lot of work to do. Humans inherently resist change.

Saturn in Aquarius will demand it.

There are a myriad of ways this energy will play out personally and politically.

If you want to know more about how to navigate the erratic energies of our upcoming year, I encourage you to join me for 2021 Illuminated.

Great news! In case you missed my email, then you’ll be happy to know that it’s on sale for just one more day!

I’m extending the early bird price through Solstice! I don’t want you to miss out on this chance to align with the transformational energy of 2021.

The Solstice is a perfect time for you to do the New Year Releasing & Manifesting Ritual that is one of your many bonuses when you register. I want you to have all the tools you need to navigate 2021 with confidence.

Meanwhile, enjoy this exhilarating energy. It’s going to be wild.

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.



New Frontiers Await You!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2021 is finally here!

Get ready! 2021 will be a wild ride!

This dynamic year will be full of excitement and transformational change.

As the calendar turns annually, it ushers in a new Universal Year in numerology. The spiritual lessons and vibrational shift depicted by the Universal Year Number are experienced globally.

2021 is a 5 Universal Year. (2+0+2+1 = 5).


Sounds boring, right?

The nature of 5 is to disrupt the status quo.

Anything outdated and outmoded will need to be upgraded. Any changes that have been avoided will need to be reconciled. Freedom will be at the forefront of people’s consciousness.

There will be drama.

Not everyone has the same idea of what freedom means to them. You can imagine how this will unfold.

Themes of freedom and change are what our astrology reveals too.

Jupiter and Saturn, known as the social planets, will be in revolutionary Aquarius.

Aquarius is a sign that brings innovation, collaboration, and unity. It ushers in an era of “power to the people.” Freedom is the hallmark of Aquarius – whether related to civil liberties, community gardening, or creative expression. Liberation is inevitable.

With Jupiter and Saturn in this humanitarian sign, freedom will be at the forefront of our personal and political lives. Individuality will be celebrated. Differences will be honored. Creativity will be cherished.

One thing is certain; change is inevitable.

If there is an area of your life that needs an upgrade, the Universe will force your hand. It’s best to be proactive about making positive shifts in your life.

In this forecast, I share with you the 3 essential steps to help you navigate the wild energies ahead:

Watch the video below:
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Hello. I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your 2021 forecast. Yay. Happy new year. We made it to 2021 in this year. Going to be exciting. This is going to be a wild ride. 2021. The themes are freedom, revolutionary change and radical transformation. Boring, right?

This is going to be a wild ride. There’s so much in store for you. Every calendar year we usher in a new universal year in numerology. So, that universal year number gives you an idea about the spiritual lessons that you’re going to have to integrate in the energy that we have to understand and integrate as well. And it’s a universal year because it really is global. It shows us what each one of us on the planet is working on. And of course, we’re all going to manifest that in different ways, but it’s really profoundly accurate.

We are in this five universal year in 2021 five is a pivot point. It’s really dynamic. So, it’s the center of the single digits. It really is a turning point and, and fosters a lot of dramatic change. Now, the letters that add up to the number five in the English language are N E N w which spelled the word new. This gives you an idea about what’s in store for us this year. You really want to try new things, explore experiment, be creative.

New Frontiers Await You!

This is about pushing the boundaries. The five is here to break up anything that’s not working. It’s here to break up structures and foundations that are limiting restrictive in any way. And that aren’t progressive. It really brings us toward future progress and change. And that’s why it’s a real year of experimentation now because so much had to change last year and so much.

Wow. I mean it was hard, and you had to let a lot go, and you may be in that in-between place right now, where you gave up a lot, and you know, you need to do something new, or maybe you didn’t give it up, but you know, it’s not working for you anymore. Things are just really strained or tenuous in some ways. And you know, you need something new, you know, you need to, to try new things or, or you’re headed for something better, but you don’t know what that is yet.

Well, you know what, you’re in a great place because that’s where you’re supposed to be because this is an energy of transformation change. There’s this, there’s this sense that you’re supposed to dip your toe in different waters and experiment and, and really explore and be creative. And the creative energy is not something that you just know inherently.

Freedom and Progress

It’s about the discovering process. It’s about the wild frontier that hasn’t yet been explored. That’s what this year is about. If you feel that sense of confusion or unease or, or anything of that, that unknowing, that’s exactly where you’re supposed to be. Just remember that it’s an exciting place, but it’s also kind of scary when you don’t know what’s going on, but just know that’s exactly right. So, really this five is this pivot point.

So because it brings freedom and progress, and there’s this sense of breaking up the status quo. It’s important to remember that not everyone in your life or the world is going to have the same idea about what freedom means. So, this is why this number can also bring some drama. It’s very dynamic. So, and maybe even that sense within you, like, should I shouldn’t die, right?

It’s like, I don’t know, but I’m encouraging you to explore as much as you can and be as creative as you can. Five is a very social number and group oriented. And it’s also associated with technology. Even because we’re still in this year when it’s not really in-person socializing as much technology is going to be a big part of that still. And we’re going to see a lot of progress in that. So, you know, it’s also fun.


Five can be a lot of fun, and we didn’t really have that many in 2020. We also have a lot of this freedom, revolutionary energy in our astrology as well. Now you may remember this great conjunction of 2020 on the solstice. Do you remember 2020? Yeah. So on December 21st of 2020, we had that great conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter, which are known as the social planets because every 20 years when they meet up in assign, it changes the paradigm.

We have a whole new changing culture, changing society. Really, it really is a bit radical. The roaring twenties is when that happened, the forties that was radical, the sixties that was really radical. The eighties that was radical in all the wrong ways, 2020 20, it really started, it starts these paradigm shifts. We’re going to see progress being made in our culture. Everything’s, it’s going to be a whole new genre and we’re ready for that. We’re ready for a lot of change in our culture and our societies.

They met up in the sign of Aquarius, Saturn, and Jupiter, and they’re going to be in Aquarius throughout this whole year. And Aquarius is also a sign of revolution, radical change, freedom. It’s a very much a power to the people, energy. It’s also associated with innovation and electronics and technology. We’re going to see a lot of innovation and progress in those realms.


Aquarian is a very much about the greater good. And again, we need that. And even though it’s about the groups and societies and friends and culture, which is very much five energies while there’s always a theme, it’s also about the unique individual. It is your unique voice that contributes beautifully to the greater good.

And this is why creativity and art and culture is such a big part of what’s. What progress is. Your unique voice is as much a part of moving things forward as the collective energy. And it is the collective energy. You’re the particle within the wave. That is so important. Because this energy is very dynamic and a little of a roller coaster, I want to make sure that you have everything you need moving forward for this very dynamic year. There’re three things to keep in your mind and your heart as you move toward the whole entire year.

So keep these as your overarching themes and actions.

Three Essential Steps

Your first step is to be very proactive about change. Now, there’s going to be many areas in your life where it’s easy to hold on to the, the universe has been in your intuition and your inner voice has been telling you it’s time.

It’s time to move on. You really need to change this, but life is busy and things are scary to change. And so, you may be holding on to some things that seem secure, or just because you’re being complacent, or you don’t have time. The universe is going to force your hand. You must be very proactive about change because change is going to happen. You might as well make conscious choices and be proactive about that. So again, keep that in your mind in your heart.

And if you feel yourself being complacent in any way, really start to, to take some very concrete action steps, moving forward, again, dip your toe in different water. That’s what this energy is about. It’s not about knowing what you want. It’s about at least exploring new things.

Second Step

Now your second action step is to be flexible. There is a roller coaster year, and there’s going to be many times when life is going to happen. And you don’t necessarily what you thought you were going to do. You won’t have a chance to do so. It’s good to leave things a little open and know that you can’t just like, say, this is what I’m going to do. And this is exactly how I’m going to get there. It’s not the year for that. And as I’m tracking the energy for 2021, there are some very specific cosmic storms that are coming up.

And there’s, there’s these pivot points where it’s obvious that your intentions will change. I, you know, I go through these in depth in the 2021 illuminated event and really specifically, but just so you know that you just need to stay very flexible.

If things start to feel like they’re not right, pay attention to the universe, the universe is going to show you when and where you need to change, but just don’t be stubborn about getting all your goals done because they, they, they will probably transform over time. Okay? So, it’s important to have intentions, but it’s important to know when they’re going to change and to, to let life happen as well.

Third Step

Now, your third action step is to dare to be yourself. Remember, this is about, this is about being unique. This is about both the five energy and the Aquarian energies.

It’s about expressing your voice and how your voice matters and, and how, how being yourself is what attracts positive people and circumstances to you. And if you are hiding and new identities are going to be emerging. So as you allow yourself to express who you are, even if it’s someone you weren’t before, if you’re if you’re some, if you want to do or be, or represent yourself differently, that’s what this year is about the future, right?

This is a futuristic energy and that’s happening right now. So be your future self and, and don’t hide parts of yourself. The five is associated with the fifth chakra, which is very much creative. It’s very much about the voice that you were meant to share with the world, your unique gifts, your unique creativity. So as you dare to be different, you are going to attract a whole new world of possibilities to you.

2021 Year Ahead

And this is going to be an exciting adventure now because this is a bit of a roller coaster poster kind of year, never a dull moment. I want to make sure that you have the spiritual, emotional, and practical tools that you need. And this is why 2021 illuminated is a four-day event. On day one, we do energy healing to let go of the grief, the heaviness, the emotional baggage, the emotional burdens of 2020. Oh my goodness.

We’re going to let that go and call in your guides and angels for spiritual protection, for renewal, for intention setting. So, you have all those spiritual tools that you need moving forward. Now on day two, we go a month by month. And we’re looking at all the deeper spiritual lessons that this year is going to bring in. There are many lessons and when the cosmic storms happen and when the opportunity moments are.

And so, that you’re prepared, and you know how to plan to avoid some of the pitfalls that may occur. And then you can plan for happiness and success. Yes, we’re going to go through your purse year numerology, which is significant to know how to focus your energy as good as you can focus. Right?

2021 Illuminated

But what, how, what types of energies want to come through in your life and how that relates to the five universal here? Because it’s a little, it’s a little different in every year. It’s a lot different actually. And we’re also going to have a live Q and A. So, I hope that you join me for that. I know that it can help you. I get so many thank you’s every year from people who say it saved them a lot of time, money, headache, hassle, and heartbreaks. So, I hope you join me. It’s extraordinary.

And I want to impart on you all the tools that you need to be prepared. Whatever you choose to do, I am wishing you a magical, fantastic stick, fun, fabulous five universal year and beyond. It is going to be such an exciting adventure. So honored with the journey. I love you so much, and let’s do this. Lots of love. Bye for now.




Three essential steps for an amazing 2021:

Be flexible

Change is inevitable, so it’s best to be proactive about it. If you’re clinging to your tried and true ways of dealing with things, the Universe will have some surprises for you. As you set your intentions, know that your plans will most likely change.

Save some space on your calendar for spontaneity. Allow time in your day for curveballs that life may present to you. You can trust that even if things aren’t turning out how you intended, there is a divine plan for your life.

Change your routine

You’ll be making significant changes in your life this year. Yet, it’s the incremental changes that will create strong and lasting foundations. For example, if you take the same route to work every day, maybe you want to walk or drive on a different path. By doing so, you might find your new favorite shop!

Try a new sport or dance if your routine has become uninspiring. Perhaps once a week, you can replace food in your diet with something more nutritious. If you want to learn a new skill, you can practice a little every day. You’ll be amazed at how small changes can yield profound results.

Express your true self

It’s time to break free of your self-imposed limitations! If you have aspects of yourself that you are hiding, you are doing yourself and others a disservice. It can feel scary sharing your feelings and uniqueness. Yet, it’s always worth it! You can only be loved for who you are if you allow yourself to BE yourself.

Any feelings, artistic endeavors, creative projects, or spiritual callings that you’ve been repressing will need to be expressed. Reveal your true self.

2021 can surely be a wonderful year if you tune into the divine and express what’s in your heart.

Have a magical year!


Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

Mercury Retrograde In Scorpio

Mercury is up to some more mischief.

Yes, the trickster planet goes retrograde today.

For the next 22 days, he has a lot to teach us. We have quite a month ahead of us!

Weโ€™re in the midst of Mars Retrograde until November 13th, and Mercury is now retrograde as well. These are personal planets.

You might feel as if youโ€™re taking one step forward and ten steps back. The key to happiness is to go with the flow.

Make your list and check it twice.


Mercury will be retrograde until November 3rd, the day of the United States election. (Because the Universe has a wicked sense of humor).

Mercury governs communication, transportation, post offices, and our words.

That’s why it’s so important now if you live in the United States to vote early if you can, and double-check your state’s rules for your ballot.

Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio, a sign that rules our shadow and everything buried beneath the surface including secrets.

This can be a time of tremendous healing if you are speaking your truth. If you have been hiding parts of yourself, it’s time to share who you truly are.

If you’ve been holding back your feelings, now is the time to initiate a meaningful conversation. You can only be loved for who you are if you allow yourself to BE yourself.

Mustering the power of Mars

One of the many lessons of 2020 is learning how to do more with less. That means not pushing yourself when you simply donโ€™t have the energy. Efficiency is power.

As weโ€™re in the midst of this Mars and Mercury Retrograde, youโ€™re learning how to best conserve your energy and only do whatโ€™s absolutely important.

You might get triggered by other people. That’s why it’s so important to keep your cool now and process your emotions before you speak.

This is a powerful energy. Make the most of it.

How to Stay Positive Around Negative People

These chaotic times call for extreme self-care. If you feel depleted from your environment or other people, you need strong energetic boundaries.

My How To Stay Positive audio course teaches you simple effective tools to stay happy no matter who is around you. You can experience peace and serenity even in challenging times.

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October 2020 Energy Forecast – Reimagine Your Life Purpose

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your October forecast. And October is a month that comes along once every blue moon, because this is the blue moon month. And that means there’s a certain amount of intensity to this month as well.

We’re in the last quarter of the year, which is fantastic actually, because that means you made it through the first three quarters of a very intense year. Yet these last couple of months, especially October, November, are going to bring a certain level of intensity and I want you to be prepared for it.

So, as I mentioned, this is a blue moon month. So, blue moons means there was two full moons in one calendar month and full moons bring about a certain amount of high octave emotions. They bring your emotions to light. They expand your emotions and they’re a wake up call, right?

So that’s what we’re experiencing this month. There’s a lot of energies coming together that are all divinely designed to bring your awareness to certain aspects that have been buried inside of you and the world.

Reimagine Your Life Purpose

And there’s a lot of conflicting energies coming together because it’s 2020 and that’s what’s happening. So I want you to be prepared for it. In addition to these full moons, one of the first day of the month, and one of the last day of the month that are, that are amplifying your emotions, Mercury is going retrograde on October 13th, and it’s going to end its retrograde on November 3rd.

And if that date sounds familiar, it’s because that is election day here in the United States and the universe has a sense of humor. So everything leading up to that, there’s a lot of confusion around ballots and mail.

And so Mercury rules, all of those areas of transportation and communication. So that’s why it’s very extra encouraged, if you live in the United States, to check everything against your state website, make sure your signature matches your driver’s license vote early.

Hand drop your ballot instead of using the postal service and drop it off at your election office. These things are really encouraged because this Mercury is going retrograde all through this lead up period. So of course, there’s this confusion as well. So you really want to be prepared.

October 2020 Energy Forecast

Like I said, vote, if you live in the United States, vote early, if you can, and by hand and you want to double check everything, go on the website and make sure you’re registered all of that. Okay. And so that you know, it goes direct on November 3rd and the days that Mercury goes retrograde and direct, it’s kind of like, it’s very jarring.

It’s almost like a bus stopping really quickly, or like, it’s like, woo. You know, and there’s this it’s can be kind of jarring and things can get tumbled. And that’s why this whole time right now is very jarring. I think in general, it’s not just the days that the Mercury is stationing, it’s a chaotic time in the world.

And in addition to Mercury going retrograde in general, that can be very confusing, and having communications snafus, it is retrograde in Scorpio. Now Scorpio is a sign that is very emotionally intense and very deep. Now all of the Mercury retrogrades in 2020 are in water signs.

Reimagine Your Life Purpose

And that’s part of why it’s been a very emotional time because water is associated with emotion and spirit. So as your mind, which is connecting with the deepest part of your heart, helps connect you to your truth.

And Scorpio is the sign that really connects you to your truth, right? Scorpio is all about, what’s been buried in the shadow probably to keep you safe at some point in time. But now it’s like, time to be more truthful to yourself. It’s time to be more truthful with how you express yourself.

You know, if there’s elements that you’ve been hiding from the world, because you don’t want to rock the boat, or you don’t want people to know something about you, or you’re afraid of any kind of conflict or whatever this Mercury retrograde in Scorpio is teaching you to be more truthful in how you express yourself. Maybe you’re going to be sharing parts of yourself that you’ve kept hidden.

October 2020 Energy Forecast

And when they’re hiding in the shadow, they actually bring about more conflict and more pain. So the more true you are to yourself and the more true you are to who you express as being yourself, how you express yourself, then actually ultimately you create less conflict because you’re bringing in, you’re attracting and people and circumstances who appreciate you and love you for who you are, not who they expect you to be.

That’s really important right now for you to express your personal truth. There’s going to be other elements that are going to be bringing that up for you because Mars is also retrograde in Aries. And Mars is very fiery Aries as a fire sign, Mars rules Aries. Now Mars has been an area since the end of July. Mars is going to be an Aries until the beginning of January.

So it’s in Aries for a really long time. That’s part of why we have this fiery energy right now. And as soon as this energy transpired, we had these explosions in Beirut. And then we had these fires here out West in the United States. This has combustible energy. I was talking about this fiery energy back in July, about how this is going to be a theme throughout the rest of the year.

Reimagine Your Life Purpose

And it’s not just our elements in our environment. This is brewing within you. Mars is ultimately a personal planet. And so is Mercury. So these energies, you’re feeling these in a very personal way right now. So what Mars in Aries, especially as it’s retrograde and it will be retrograde through November 13th.

Now what this Mars retrograde in Aries is teaching you is to get in touch with what fires you up. Get in touch with your passion, getting in touch with what is really important to you. It’s like a simmering energy, but there’s other aspects that Mars retrograde and Aries is teaching you because Mars is a forward moving planet.

And, and it’s the planet of vitality and energy. And you may feel like, you know, you don’t have that anymore. This year has been exhausting, right? And the lesson in that and the beauty in that is that sometimes you get so exhausted that you can not care what other people think about you anymore.

October 2020 Energy Forecast

You’re like, you know what, who cares? I don’t even care anymore. I just need to do what’s important to me because that’s the best way forward, right? And also because you are getting in touch with what fires you up, you are getting in touch with. What’s really important when you don’t have a lot of energy.

And when things are kind of crazy in your external environment, it really helps you fine tune your purpose. It really helps you fine tune. And this is what retrogrades are about. They’re about reevaluating, everything. So you are reevaluating your very purpose right now.

You’re getting right to the core of things. What is my passion and why am I really here and what is not lighting me up inside anymore? And is it really worth hanging on to, these are big spiritual lessons that you are learning right now.

Reimagine Your Life Purpose

And they’re really going to be brought to light in October. In addition to that, yep there’s more energy. October, 2020 is a five universal month. And five is the number of revolution. Now we’re having a five universal year. Now October of every year always gives you a little taste of what the next year is going to be about. So there’s this revolutionary energy. There’s this energy of, we’re not going to take it anymore, right?

So there’s, there’s an energy of a personal revolution. Like I need to do something new. I need to branch out in ways that are more truthful to myself because I can’t take this anymore. I have to be true to myself. The five energy can be a lot of fun. So this is teaching you to be joyful. It’s teaching you to have fun and to laugh and to connect with likeminded souls.

This is energy of the five, right? To try new things, to expand, to have adventure, to share what’s in your voice, which is associated with the fifth chakra, right? This is all great. So these are the lessons of this very kind of challenging energy. These are incredible lessons to carry forth, and we have this beautiful balancing energy of this because through most of the month, until the 22nd, the sun’s going to be in Libra.

October 2020 Energy Forecast

And Libra is a beautiful balancing energy. Libra is the energy of the diplomat and the artist it’s ruled by Venus. And we really need that right now. Right? And Libra is a Cardinal sign. It’s not about being passive. This is Cardinal is about action oriented, right?

So this is about very much being active. About the love and beauty you want to bring into the world. Which brings us to our three action steps, because I really want to give you some concrete ways that you can navigate this, you know, amazingly enlightening energy.

First Action Step

So your first action step is to create space for yourself because there’s so much going on in the world. And there’s so much chaotic energy, and there’s a lot of anger, right? You really need to take this time and this space to process your energy, to calm your nervous system, to discern what’s important to you.

You must be taking that space for yourself and also take space in your calendar. Because of so many retrogradesย  and because it’s so emotional, things are not going to go as planned. So you have to plan for things not to go as planned. If you know what I’m saying, you have to create some wiggle room in your calendar.

Especially with this, Mars retrograde. Now, you can’t really push forward if the universe is telling you to cool your jets, right? So you want to make sure you’re taking that time and that space to allow for life, to have its ups and downs. And it’s, you know, roller coaster kind of energy. That’s going to happen this month.

Second Action Step

Now, your second action step is to respond instead of react. I hope I’ve made it very clear that there’s going to be some tumultuous energy in the ethers, and you will be triggered. I can guarantee you will be triggered. That’s a one thing you can count on, not this certain, right?

So, you really don’t want to say anything that’s going to contribute to any agitation or any drama or anything like that. You don’t want to fuel any fire. So it’s really important that as you’re taking this time and this space too, to tune into yourself, that before you say something or, or contribute to any kind of escalation, you don’t want to react while you’re feeling emotionally charged.

You want to take that time to find a way to be direct while being diplomatic. So call upon that Libra energy. Call in Venus to find ways to be kind as you communicate who you truly are. You really don’t want to get involved in any social media, tit for tat type of things. Right?

Third Action Step

Okay. You got that. Now, your third action step is to cultivate beauty. This is one of Libra’s most beautiful lessons, and the world needs this right now. You know, the world is feeling kind of ugly sometimes at the moment. There’s so much division and so much anger, right? So much that I think we’re feeding the wrong energy. We’re cultivating the wrong energy. It’s as if we want to create a culture of love, we must cultivate love, right? So if you want to live in a culture of beauty, you must cultivate it.

And this is what Libra teaches you. This is why it is an action oriented sign. You have to create. That’s active, right? To cultivate, that’s a doing energy. So it’s actually your job to create an energy of kindness and love and beauty, where you go to use your words to uplift and inspire others, to use your energy, to create calm and love and peace and joy, and create beauty around you and do art. Art is so healing.

And you know, if you are ever in the zone, even if you’re not doing art for art’s sake, if you’re cooking or gardening, you’re in that zone where you’re, you’re in that process of cocreation, it’s a very peaceful and joyful zone. And that’s where you can really get some intuitive downloads as well. So you want to create as much of that as you possibly can.

October 2020 Energy Forecast – Reimagine Your Life Purpose

So really let that be your mantra. As you move forward through this month, how can I cultivate more beauty, joy, and love in my life and in the world, it’s really special. And as you do that, you are contributing to the greater good in magnificent ways.

Now, of course, I have something to help you. I’ve created a free guide to navigate the retrogrades by your number, by your personal numerology, because every numerology, every life path number responds differently. So you can download that free guide to Mercury retrograde by the numbers. You can download that using the link below. And I really encourage you to do that because you’re going to need some help, right? So also take all the help that you can get.

Now, if you’ve enjoyed this video, I hope that it has helped you. And if you feel that it can help someone else share it with them, I know they will be grateful that you did that. And I am wishing you an absolutely awe-inspiring, awesome October and beyond filled with so much love, joy, and beauty. I love you. Lots of love. Bye for now.

October 2020 Energy Forecast – Reimagine Your Life Purpose

PHEW! October is here and we’re in the last quarter of the year!

It’s 2020 so guess what? We’re heading for an intense month. There’s a cosmic brew of fiery energy that’s about to heat up.

We begin this month with an impassioned Full Moon in Aries. On Halloween, we’ll be blessed with another Full Moon making this a BLUE MOON month.

Emotions will run high.

Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio from October 14- November 3. Mars is retrograde in Aries. These personal planets in retrograde will have you re-evaluating everything. No stone will be left unturned.

In numerology, October 2020 is a 5 Universal Month. 5 brings some extra drama and a bit of conflict as well.

Thankfully, our Sun will be in loving Libra for most of the month, bringing some much-needed diplomacy.

In this October 2020 astrology and numerology forecast, I share with you how to navigate these conflicting energies so you can experience peace, even when the world feels chaotic.

It CAN be a month full of joy and love if you choose.

Download your FREE Numerology Guide to Mercury Retrograde:


Enjoy and share the love!

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.