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June 2023 Astrology Forecast – Destiny is Calling

You can breathe a sigh of relief because this month’s energy is a lot lighter than the past couple of months. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and happiness coach. With your June forecast and we begin this month in Gemini season, this is also light energy.

Its element is mutable Air Gemini is the honeybee of the zodiac, so you may feel the impulse to explore new things, go to new places, meet new people, mix it up a bit. It’s been very intense the past two to three months, probably the most intense of the year, and thankfully, The eclipses, the Mercury retrograde, all behind you.

Now, what that did was bring up for you anything that you needed to change in your life, karmic endings, things that needed to be cleared. It was a lot of work. It was not easy, but you made it through and now you have emptied your cup ready to be filled again.

There’s more of that actually, because June, 2023 is a 13 universal month, and 13 is the number of letting go and also weeding out your spiritual garden. In the tarot, it’s the Death card. It’s never the death of a person.

June 2023 Astrology Forecast

It’s always about the death to an old way of being. In a way that’s weighing you down so that you can make room for new growth and new life and new things. And that’s what’s happening.

There’s a lot of new energy bubbling to the surface and things that you want to fulfill in your heart and you might feel more social. And really it’s about momentum now. And this month is very special because there’s a lot of energies converging that are helping you get in touch with your destiny the very first day of this month, June 1st.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance is connecting with the north node of the moon In Taurus, the north node of the moon is known as your destiny. It’s the lunar node of destiny.

It’s opposite the south node of the moon, which is also about karmic endings and letting go. But this is about where you are headed, what your soul decided to come to earth to do. To become. And so you are going to feel this urge within you to move forward in ways that you haven’t explored before because that north node is unexplored territory.

Destiny is Calling

So there’s a real drive right now. But because this is something that you are becoming something unexplored, it can feel a little exciting, but also perhaps. Scary, but really good. So I’m encouraging you to follow those callings within you and really move toward uncharted territory. It’s going to open up a whole new world of being for you.

There’s a lot more around this getting in touch with your soul kind of energy here because, well, first of all, we have, it’s a busy month. Pluto is changing signs Retrograding back again into Capricorn. Now you know, all the hullabaloo about Pluto in Aquarius, where it’s going to be for 20 years, beginning in January of next year.

We got a taste of it beginning the end of March. So this age of Aquarius, which is more about really uniqueness and equality and group energy and diversity and power to the people. That’s all aquarium themes. Well, Pluto goes into a sign for about 20 years at a time to unearth things so that we have more change toward those things.

Well, Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld is retrograding back into Capricorn, the final master degree of Capricorn Retrograding back June 11th, and then it’s going to be back in those final degrees of Capricorn until January of next year. So what does that mean? As a collective, we’re mastering the energy of Capricorn.

June 2023 Astrology Forecast

We’re tying up loose ends in Capricornian themes. So Capricorn governs government and economy and business finance. So most likely we will see some drama. Around those things and the economy may have a few shakeups and so, all the way back in December of last year when I was forecasting this year, advised people not to do any risky financial ventures. Right now this is about slow and steady. This is about really the big picture, the long haul.

So don’t do anything risky right now financially. Personally though, what this means for you is to really reclaim your authority. Capricorn is all about your status, your authority, systems, business, really how you’re making a mark on the world. So this is about you getting in touch with those parts of yourself that is the authority of your life.

And about being in authority and about not being afraid of your power. So the rest of this year is about that for you, is about really reclaiming the parts of yourself that is not afraid of being powerful, that is not afraid of making a mark in the world. And so that is really coming to a head right now.

And so these themes are going to be coming up for you in your inner life, in your outer life as well and really knowing your worth. Also, it’s a really good time to look at your finances and the systems of your life to make sure they are working for you.

Destiny is Calling

We have two other outer planets, retrograding this month. By the end of the month, they’ll be retrograde and they stay retrograde for several months as well. Saturn, which is Capricorn’s, ruler, is Retrograding into Pisces. It just went into Pisces in March as well.

And Neptune, Pisces, ruler is Retrograding also into Pisces. So we have these retrograde planets going into Pisces. So these outer planets going retrograde is all about the big picture of your life.

This is about really having an overview of your life and going inside and reconnecting with those parts of your soul that are speaking to you. Pisces is the sign of the soul. It’s also about tying up karmic endings as well. So remember, you have to let go of things in order to make room for new growth, and that is the theme of this month.

But this month is more about the growth rather than the release, but there’s always that ongoing process. You’ve been through a lot of soul searching this whole year. Being a seven universal year is about soul searching, and this is a pivot point. This is a time when you are reclaiming parts of yourself that maybe you buried or tucked away for safekeeping, and now it’s time to get in touch with those parts of yourself. So how do you navigate this incredibly soulful energy?

Three Action Steps

Of course, I have three action steps for you. Your first action step is to tune into your calling. What do I mean by that? Your calling is different than your career. Your calling is really about what you came to the planet to do. And again, that is more than your career.

Your calling is about what is going on inside of you. That acorn inside of you that wants to grow into a tree. What is that inside of you that is longing for expression in the world? And it could be playing music, not necessarily as a career, but something that your soul is longing for.

It could be connecting with your soul, family, or your soulmate, and now it’s time for you to really focus on that. Whatever it is that you’re longing to express.

The creative urges inside of you that really want to be born into the world is to connect with that and use that as your compass. Use that as your North star, because oftentimes we think of things in life in terms of just the practicalities. So right now the universe is asking you to think of yourself.

Action Step Two

In terms of the spiritual urges inside of you, which brings us to action step number two, which is to listen to your soul rather than your ego. You can make soulful choices or you can make ego choices, and when I say ego, I’m typically referring to.

The parts of you that are looking for approval, the parts of you that are doing things because you think you should do them, the parts of you that are doing things because you are afraid. Now, there is something to having a healthy ego and Pluto Retrograding into Capricorn is going to help you reclaim those parts of yourself.

That is done through the soul. That is done by knowing yourself, knowing what’s true to you, knowing what’s inside of yourself, and choosing everything in your life from that perspective.

Action Step Three

Which brings us to action. Step number three, tread your own path. This is very much. An era, especially as we go into Pluto in Aquarius starting next year. But you’re training now to be more unique, to be more of an individual.

This is a time of individuation where you’re breaking away from the pack. So much in our life, especially with social media, tells us what our life should be like. And so when you are looking. Around the world, you can think, oh, this is what I’m supposed to be doing. This is how I’m supposed to be feeling.

This is how I’m supposed to be acting. And yet the soul is very unique. Your soul has a way that it wants to express itself in the world, and so that often requires you doing something. That you don’t see around you, it requires you to take the road less traveled. That is a way that your intuition really gets tested a lot too. When you listen to that part of you that says, well, everything logical tells me to do this, and everyone is telling me to do this, but I feel I should do that, you are a unique, beautiful individual being.

June 2023 Astrology Forecast – Destiny is Calling

You have a unique essence. That needs to be expressed, so listen to that, especially if you don’t see it modeled in the outside world. You will be rewarded manifold, I promise you. And I’ve also created something that’s going to help you with this. I have a free on demand masterclass.

Numerology and your soul’s destiny to live the life your soul intended. This is to help you understand the karmic patterns that you came in with, the things that are holding you back, and how to move through that to live your fullest potential. This is a free on demand masterclass and you can access that using the link below, and I highly encourage you to do that. Not only will you understand yourself, you will also understand your loved ones and everyone around you more deeply.

Your birthdate is not an accident, and that is a clue that helps you understand very much what you came here to learn. And to express. So again, you can access that using the link below. And this is an incredible month, and I hope that you have the courage to be yourself, to listen to the voice of your soul and to express your unique essence in the world. I love you so much, and I’m wishing you a joyful June and beyond lots of love. Bye for now.

June 2023 Astrology Forecast – Destiny is Calling

PHEW! You made it through some tumultuous terrain. You’re in the aftermath of a cosmic storm. You may be reeling from the intensity, yet this is an opportunity to rebuild your life to feel more fulfilled.

Before you begin the reconstruction process, you must clear the path for new growth. It’s time to weed your spiritual garden and let go of the people and circumstances weighing you down.

Your Destiny is Calling!

You’re off to a great start on June 1st with a blessed meet-up between beneficent Jupiter and the Moon’s North Node in Taurus. Jupiter brings optimism and expansion. The North Node points you toward your destiny.

Throughout the month, you’ll expand your comfort zone – like a plant that has outgrown its container.

In this month’s forecast, you’ll learn how to tap into the energetic momentum for a bigger, brighter future.

Onward and upward for you!

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May 2023 Astrology Forecast – Cosmic Surprises and Unexpected Events


May is a wild month, so buckle up and get ready for an adventure. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor, and Happiness Coach with your May forecast, and a lot is happening this month, and it has been since last month.

The energy is intensifying now. I know you’ve been feeling it, so if things have been coming up for you, please know you are not alone. This intensifying happens because you are making space for new growth, new identities emerging, and a new way of expressing yourself.

April was also a bit wild, and that’s because we had the eclipse and Mercury retrograde, and that energy is intensifying now.

We’ve been in the Eclipse Portal since April 20th. That means that eclipses are two weeks apart, and we had one on April 20th that was a new moon eclipse, and the two weeks between eclipses is known as the Eclipse Portal, and that’s when things come up for you.

Cosmic Surprises and Unexpected Events


That’s when you are letting go of things and realizing things you haven’t been processing, something that eclipsed from your consciousness, come up for you so that you deal with them because eclipses are fateful and destiny oriented.

So there’s a sense of letting go of a karmic pattern. Sometimes fateful new beginnings and things that happen to you, or that you attract into your life, or people you meet may change your life forever.

So it’s a very exciting time, and that’s what we’re in now, and we begin this month in that Eclipse Portal, and we have this very powerful eclipse on May 5th. It’s a Scorpio full moon eclipse. Scorpio full moons tend to be more intense because Scorpio is all about what’s in the shadow and connecting with the deepest parts of yourself so that you can have more intimacy and deeper connections. Scorpio’s ruling planet is Pluto. It’s also co-ruled with Mars, and Pluto is going retrograde.

On the very first day of this month, May 1st, Pluto goes retrograde. And outer planets go retrograde for several months a year. So it’s not really like a personal planet that feels very dramatic, but this one is dramatic.

May 2023 Astrology Forecasts


Everything about this month is over the top. Pluto is the Great Transformer and the Lord of the Underworld, bringing up things from the shadow, and it’s going retrograde at zero degrees, which is the beginning of a sign.

If you remember, Pluto just changed signs into Aquarius at the end of March and will be in Aquarius until June 11th and then goes back retrograding into Capricorn, those final degrees of Capricorn. And then Pluto will be in Aquarius for 20 years, beginning in January 2024.

So these are era-defining moments, and Pluto is going back and forth into these final degrees of Capricorn and beginning degrees of Aquarius. It’s finishing up some business, and Aquarius rules society. Capricorn is our economy, our government. Aquarius is very forward-moving. It’s about technology, change, and transformation in a way that everyone celebrates their uniqueness.

Everyone can be co-equals in a way. And so those issues will be coming up as Pluto is retrograding. It’s changing our government, economy, how we do business, and how we relate to each other.

May 2023 Astrology Forecasts

So what’s happening the first of the month is when this change starts to happen, this retrograde happens. And it will be retrograde for several months.

Scorpio’s rolling planet is Pluto, and we’re having this wild eclipse on May 5th. Now again, Scorpio’s full moons are always pretty intense. To have it be a lunar eclipse is even more so; it’s exponentially so. This eclipse is a South Node eclipse, which means it’s connected to this part of our collective way of being where we’re letting go of karmic patterns.

So this is happening personally and collectively, and there are sudden abrupt endings. Sudden, sometimes shocking revelations and things come up for you so that you are forced to let go, to change a pattern that has been weighing you down and keeping you stuck. And again, this is happening in the world as well, and we’re seeing things happening very dramatically and quickly.

Sometimes things that you never thought would happen. So this is a South Node eclipse, meaning it has a karmic ending. It’s also at 14 degrees. And it’s on May 5th. So that’s the fifth day of the fifth month. And 14 also reduces to five, and 14 is a karmic number.

May 2023 Astrology Forecast


So the five, everything’s a message. Nothing’s random in the universe. Five is a lot of things. And the 14 karmic energy of five is all around freedom. How you’ve been restricting your space and dependent on people or circumstances or situations in a way that you may resent, but you feel like you need this for security.

Well, these things are coming to an end. Something that you’ve been relying on, people that you’ve been relying on, and maybe resenting that you feel that you need because you’re afraid of moving forth in different ways.

The universe is making you right now deal with those things. So when you let them go, you’re letting go of these identities, relationships, and circumstances that have kept you stuck. You become liberated, so you can find new ways of being and expressing yourself.

And on the May 5th eclipse, the Sun is conjunct with Mercury and Uranus, and Mercury’s how you communicate. Uranus is the freedom planet. It’s a liberating planet. Aquarius’ co-ruler is Uranus.

Cosmic Surprises and Unexpected Events


So there’s a lot of this energy this month that’s around expression and freedom, and finding new ways of expressing yourself, ways of communicating, and ways of connecting with the world. Five is also a number of speaking and communicating.

The Sun is in Taurus for the first three weeks of this month, and Taurus rules the throat. And Taurus teaches you another way of being. That’s all about appreciating life’s beauty and simple pleasures. Taurus, the element is fixed earth.

It’s stabilizing and grounding after the Aries energy, which is all about pioneering. It’s like seed energy. Taurus is about finding a nourishing container, finding ways to nourish and nurture the grounding ideas that give you security. So a lot is coming up right now around security, and this is one of the lessons that Taurus teaches you.

May 2023 Astrology Forecast


It’s all about what and who you value and valuing yourself. So you are learning to slow down and value what’s truly important in life, your health, and the beauty of the simple things in life. To value your self-worth, and that is what this month is about. Now, our Sun is in Taurus.

Mercury is retrograde in Taurus, and Mercury is how you think and communicate. And when Mercury is retrograde, which it will be until the 14th, again the 14th, it teaches you to slow down and catch up with those intuitive parts of yourself, the information you’ve been overlooking.

So again, there’s more of that. What did I miss? What have I not been seeing? What has been in front of me this whole time that I’ve been too busy rushing, striving, and doing all these things that are stressing me out? What can I do now to slow down and appreciate what’s right here? Taurus is associated with money, and they talk about your funds appreciating, which means they’re growing, and that’s not an accident.

It’s about valuing even your material things so that you feel grateful; you know the value of things. You know the energy and the care that goes into creating things, having things, and these are some of the lessons of Taurus and Mercury and Taurus teaching you to slow down, value yourself, value your gifts, and express your true self.

Cosmic Surprises and Unexpected Events


In numerology, May of 2023 is a 3 Universal Month, and three is also about communicating, speaking from your heart, things that have been in your heart that you’ve wanted to say, need an expression. And all of the energy this month is compelling you to share your unique voice, creativity, and expression with the world.

So can you see how beautiful and exciting this is? So when things happen to you, when you are drawing into your circumstances, frustrating people, maybe the universe is telling you to slow down and process and deal with things and recognize how you can express what’s in your heart in those moments.

We have another outer planet changing signs this month, which is so exciting. The day after Mercury goes direct, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, is changing signs. It’s in a sign about once a year and moving from Aries into Taurus. Now, Jupiter expands everything it touches, so while it was in Aries, it brought life, power, and expansion to all things Aries.

The entrepreneurial spirit, you believing in yourself, having courage and confidence, and making yourself a number one priority, but also anger and how anger shows you where you need boundaries. Well, that energy is expanding now that Jupiter’s moving into Taurus for a year. So that energy around delighting in life’s beauty and slowing down and enjoying food, art, nature, and the beauty of life gets a boost.

May 2023 Astrology Forecast


And yes, if you have your Sun and Taurus, your Sun sign is in Taurus means that lucky Jupiter is in your sign for a year. But we all get to benefit from this all of these Taurean qualities. Taurus’ ruling planet is Venus. So we get a boost to this Venusian energy.

And Taurus is associated with money, but in a Venusian way; how do you attract things to you? By elevating your self-worth and appreciating what you have, you attract things by valuing what goes into things and your time and energy.

This process isn’t a get-rich-quick kind of money. Taurus is about slowly building and growing wealth and financial well-being. So this is an incredible time, and you have so much opportunity. So can you see why I’m so excited about it?

First Action Step

I have some action steps for you to navigate most of this incredible time. Now, your first action step is to slow down. And I know that doesn’t seem like an action step because maybe that’s the opposite of action. After all, how it is slowing down helps you be productive.

Well, it does. Especially with Jupiter and Taurus, and this is what we will learn for a whole year. The slow way is the fast way. The tortoise will win the race because you’re paying attention to things and learning how to draw things to you in a feminine way, in a Yin way, through love, through appreciation, and through nurturing.

And through being connected to nature, which restores us all to being connected to art and beauty, which feeds the spirit, which always helps every area of your life.

Second Action Step

So, slow down and take time to process, which brings us to action step two: feeling your feelings. We’re not taught how to do that.

We’re taught to think about our feelings. If I asked you how you’re feeling, you tell me everything in your life, or you’d say you’re fine and not even think about it. Feel your feelings in your body when you’re thinking about something you wanna do or something that upsets you or anything.

What’s happening in your body as you are experiencing that? We go straight to our minds and try to explain things, but we take the time to feel them. Because the eclipses will have you processing a lot of emotions at once, you can only really process and transform when you allow yourself to feel them. So get in your body, and notice what’s happening in your body.

If things are uncomfortable, just breathe through them. Breathe life and light through your body until you feel things start to move for you. Identify your feelings, not like what’s happening in your life, but try to describe your emotions. The more adept you are at processing and feeling your feelings, the more you can transform them and make space for new growth.

Third Action Step

And your third action step is to change your story. We all have stories that we tell ourselves. I’m always a person who does this. I’ve always had this happen to me. Whatever that is for you, those are your karmic patterns, and you are letting go of them now.

And now it’s time for you to have a new version of yourself emerge. You are the heroine of your adventure story. How do you want to write this next chapter? So let’s say you’re someone who has always attracted romantic partners who are emotionally unavailable.

Instead of saying to yourself, “Oh, I’m that person who always finds those people who will not be good for me,” rewrite that for yourself. Know that you are that person who’s learned from that and now can attract people who always support and love you and value you for who you are.

Let’s say you’re a person who’s never been good with money. Know that, yes, I learned from that. That was a drama in my story. And now I know that I can be responsible with money. I can attract lots of money. Whatever it is for you that you have identified with, change that for yourself.

May 2023 Astrology Forecast – Cosmic Surprises and Unexpected Events


Cause this next chapter is unwritten, you can go on an incredible adventure and attract all the good things to yourself. One of the reasons I love astrology is because it helps you understand your true nature, and when you understand your true nature, you can align yourself with that.

So if you’d like some assistance, I have a free Zodiac guide that will help you understand your Sun sign and other people’s Sun sign so that you can live following your true nature and express your destiny in a way that feels in alignment with you.

If you’d like that, you can get that for free using the link below. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, give it a like, a thumbs up, and subscribe to this channel. I have so much more I want to share with you, and I wish you a marvelous May and beyond. I love you so much; lots of love. Bye for now.

May 2023 Astrology Forecast – Cosmic Surprises and Unexpected Events

Cue the drama. This month is full of twists and turns. Emotions will run high. Truths will be revealed. Expect the unexpected.

Eye-opening awakenings abound! It’s like turning on the lights in a dark and dusty attic – all those buried emotions and desires are about to come to the surface.

First up, we’ve got powerhouse Pluto going retrograde on May 1st. Though the retrogrades of slow-moving planets tend to be more subtle in our day-to-day lives, Pluto always packs a powerful punch, especially since this is at 0 degrees Aquarius.

Our Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th will be one for the ages.

Eclipses illuminate all that has been hidden from your consciousness. We often hide from our intuition because we fear our transformation.

This is a turning point. You MUST move forward toward inevitable growth, no matter how frightening it may feel.


We’re still in Mercury Retrograde until May 14th. Taurus teaches you what you truly value. As you elevate your self-worth, you learn to speak your truth more confidently and directly.

This is a lot of change, but fear not. You’re creating space for new growth and exciting horizons.

In this month’s forecast, I share with you how to make the most of this momentous month. You can feel excited as you journey forth on your new ventures.

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April 2023 Astrology Forecast – A Month of Miracles!

April’s energy is absolutely electric, so buckle up because it will be a wild ride. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach with your April forecast. And as the stars predicted, March was pretty intense, and we’re only ramping up the energy.

And that shouldn’t scare you because April is a month of incredibly positive changes if you are proactive about making those changes. So we are in Eclipse season, and this is our first eclipse of the year.

Eclipses are lunations, really like the most high octane you can get. So it’s like a full moon amplified. What eclipses do is they bring up anything that has been in your subconscious or your unconscious. They bring it up to your consciousness- anything from your consciousness.

April 2023 Astrology Forecast

This total solar eclipse is something even as eclipses go, which are always pretty intense. This one is even more incredible for so many reasons. First, last month, we had that amazing new Moon in Aries at zero degrees. Zero is the beginning of the sign, and zero degrees Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac.

So that’s what we had last month, right after the Equinox. And then this New Moon is another Aries New Moon. That happens on the 20th of this month. Two new moons in the same sign in a row are called a Black Moon. The first one was at zero degrees at the beginning of Aries. This is at 29 degrees, the end of the Aries degrees.

It’s the critical degree. It’s a karmic degree because usually, when we have anything happening in the final degree, it brings up some crisis so that you make a change. This is happening on a total new moon, a solar eclipse is mind-blowing, and the universe tells you that you need to make some changes in an Aries way.

Put Yourself First

This is about teaching you mastery of Aries energy. These two new moons are in Aries. We’ve been in a new moon in Aries sandwich this whole time. So you’ve been learning about putting yourself first, believing in yourself, having a pioneering spirit, and trailblazing in some way.

This total new moon, solar eclipse, this Black Moon is bringing up issues around your self-worth, your confidence, how you believe in yourself, and how you put yourself first. And this is the first Aries eclipse we will have for two years in Aries and Libra. We will have a whole new set of eclipses now that will teach you how to have harmony and more balance in your relationships.

So you learn to put yourself first, making all your relationships more harmonious. That is just the beginning of the fantastic things happening this month. There is so much more. After that eclipse on the 20th, the Sun and the moon change into Taurus, like moments after that.

April 2023 Astrology Forecast

And then we’re in Taurus, and then right after that, Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus. We have a lot of Taurus at the end of the month. We begin with all this Aries energy and end with many Taurus energy. And Taurus is teaching you to enjoy the finer things in life, and Taurus also rules what you value, and it also rules the throat.

Mercury is how you communicate going retrograde, and Taurus teaches you to speak up for yourself and value yourself. To value what’s beautiful about you and life in general – art, creativity, beauty, nature. It’s earthy, so things slow down. However, energetically they’re still ramping up because right after that, that new moon eclipse on the 20th, we have eclipse season, which is two weeks until our next eclipse, which is a lunar eclipse.

Things are going to be coming up for you. That’s part of the retrograde about Mercury, how you think and communicate. Looking back, revising, reviewing, and reevaluating so that you can value yourself more to see what the universe is teaching you. This is why I’m so excited about this month. And there’s so much more.

11 Universal Month

In numerology, April 2023 is an 11 Universal Month 11 is a master number. So we have that eclipse in the mastery degree of Aries, and we have this master number numerology. You’re learning how to be the master of your destiny. You’re learning to take charge of your life, changing how your life is headed.

11 is an incredible number where we receive a lot of divine downloads. That’s the sacred geometry of that number. It’s inspiration and intuition. It’s teaching you to believe in yourself. 11 is about light and being a light, allowing yourself to be a light in the world, and having the courage to do that.

April 2023 Astrology Forecast

And that’s what all the Aries energy teaches you to have the courage to be the light you were born to be. So, so much beauty with that 11. And there’s even more happening.

We have the most blessed day of the year on the 11th of this month. That is when the Sun, about how you shine and radiate in the world, meets Jupiter, the planet of luck, abundance, and prosperity. In astrology, they connect on the 11, known as the Day of Miracles. It feels like this is a month of miracles.

Miracles require you to do some work because none of this will happen to you. The whole energy around this month is about you having the courage to make changes, so you have to be very active about how you make the changes in your life so that you can change the course of your destiny toward one that feels in alignment with your values, your heart, and your passions.

A Month of Miracles!

I would love to help you with this. I’m having my monthly Moon Circle, “Shine and Be Seen,” because it is your time to live your destiny. And I know how hard this is to do on your own sometimes, and I have been trained in many healing modalities. I’ve helped thousands of people around the world.

This is when your emotions come to light around the full moon. When things come up for you to be released and healed, we do this during the monthly Moon Circle. We call in our Guides and call back your power so that you can peel away the layers of shame, guilt, fear, and all that conditioning that has kept you from shining and liberating your truth.

It’s an incredible experience. I encourage you to join me. When will I have the opportunity to offer this to you again? It begins on April 6th, and so I hope you join me. You can find out again using the link below at

First Action Step

Now, I also have some action steps for you this month. Of course, I do help you navigate this electric energy. Your first action step is to exercise yours. Oh, my goodness. This energy is such a high voltage, and so many things are coming up for you that it’s like sticking your finger in a socket. So you’re going to want to ground yourself, and you’re going to want to move your body so that you can keep up with the ethereal and mental energy and inspiration coming.

Physical exercise, especially in nature, helps you stay grounded and centered. And I don’t know about you, but I get so many ideas, and things make so much more sense when I’m walking or jogging or doing something where I’m moving. So get that energy moving, which will help you keep up with this incredible inspiration.

Second Action Step

Now, your second action step is to. Space on your calendar. Oh, my goodness. You’re going to need a lot of it. No matter your plans, I guarantee they’ll have to change slightly. Only pack a little in whatever you do because you’ll want that space, first of all, to process all these divine downloads, these awakenings that you’re receiving, and also, life will throw you some curveballs.

You can guarantee it, and you’ll want to have some wiggle room, some space to process to deal. So if you’re overbooked, you will be overwhelmed. So under, book yourself a little bit. I know we’re all busy, and April is a busy month, but you have to leave space for life to happen.

Third Action Step

Now, your third action step is to honor your beautiful intuition.
That means a few things. First, you receive all these divine downloads, giving you ideas and inspiration. Listen to that, those images that come to you. That’s from the divine. That’s telling you that your Spirit Guides believe in you. And can help you transform your life if you honor that.

Now, even more important than that is to honor the intuition you have been ignoring. That’s part of what this Mercury retrogrades about. That’s definitely what this eclipse is about. We all have those hard truths we don’t want to face because they require change. They may need conflict because, let’s face it, we are in Aries season now, and there can be some head-butting.

In the season of the Ram, right? And only some things are comfortable to change. Nobody wants it. We all want to change, but then we want to avoid facing what we must do to change. So you have to face those nudges inside of you that you know you have to deal with. Please do it now. Or the universe will force your hand.

Shine and Be Seen

You want to be very conscious about dealing with the things coming up for you over the past few months. Because now is the time for you to change course. This whole year has had a lot of like course corrections and changes. That’s part of what the seven universal years are about.
It’s the year of the soul. Our ego has plans, but our soul has a whole other plan for us, and it’s always better than what we think it is.

I’ve inspired you to be the most beautiful, courageous version of yourself to be unabashedly you because you’re terrific. Remember, if you want help, I’d love to help you in my Shine and Be Seen Monthly Moon Circle. You can find the link below to re-listen to the new Moon eclipse. Free healing that I did it’s still available for you. I’ll leave that link below for you too. It’s pretty incredible, and you may want to listen to it because it’ll give you that fire to believe in yourself.

I have so much more in store for you, so make sure you’re also subscribed to this channel. And if you’re on YouTube, hit that bell to be notified of my next video. I love you so much, and I look forward to your incredible transformation. Lots of love. Bye for.

April 2023 Astrology Forecast – A Month of Miracles!

Get ready for an epic astrological ride this April! Brace yourself for a month of incredible energies and opportunities for transformation with a rare Black Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, the start of Mercury retrograde, and an 11 Universal Month in numerology.

The number 11 is considered a master number in numerology, and it’s associated with spiritual awakening, intuition, and creativity. So, in this 11 Universal Month, get ready to unleash your inner creative genius and let your intuition guide you towards exciting new possibilities in your personal and professional life!

But this month’s real showstopper is the Black Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. A Black Moon occurs when there are two new moons in the same calendar month, and this Total Solar Eclipse is in the master degree of Aries.

The Universe is really shaking things up for you.

It’s time to take a bold step forward and step into your power!

Shine and Be Seen
It’s not just the Solar Eclipse that’s shaking things up this month. April also marks the start of Mercury Retrograde!

This electrifying energy can be dizzying without the right direction.

Donโ€™t worry. Iโ€™ve got you covered. In this monthโ€™s forecast, I share with you the essential steps to navigate this wild energy.

You really can make this a month of miracles.

There’s More to Explore!

We have busy and bustling last two months of the year. That’s why I’m offering you my entire 160+ page 2022 Celestial Guide as a free gift. Get your FREE 2022 Celestial Guide Now ยป