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2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

2023 Astrology Forecast

2023 is a year for the history books, and how will you write your story? My name is Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your yearly forecast for 2023. There’s so much happening this year, big changes.

And I know you’re probably so tired of hearing that. I’ve been talking about how 2023 is a year of soul-searching, and I always hear the collective groan. Here it is. This is a year when you can finally live your soul’s purpose. I know we’ve had so many challenging, hard. wrenching years, and it’s all been leading to the changes that are transpiring in 2023.

This is a year to fulfill your soul’s purpose, to live the life your soul intended, and to do and be who you were born to be. That is a tall order. And that is what the energy of this year is moving you toward. I’m sure you’ve been feeling it, so the. Three years, 2020, up until now, have been massive changes in society, collective changes.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

We’ve been dealing with collective trauma as we’ve been dealing with truth being revealed and awakenings, and it’s been a lot. Because you probably realize what does and does not work for you anymore.

You realize what you will not tolerate anymore, and the process has been exhausting, and dealing with that collective trauma has awakened some of your personal trauma, too, most likely.

And so this process of awakening, of bringing to light these aspects of your life and the world that are dysfunctional, is actually helping you deal with reality and live in alignment with your truth. So as you move forward throughout this year and the rest of your life, you can live on purpose.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

So again, this is a tall order. And I’m going to share with you some of the most important events in astrology and numerology that I see that are really causing this change.

But I don’t want to use the word “causing” because the planets, the numbers, don’t make you do things. They simply indicate the changes that are happening within and around you. As above, so below. So as we can predict the weather by looking at patterns and the way things are shifting.

When we look at the planets, the numbers, and even the tarot teachers, it shows us what’s moving, and they are all archetypes.
They show us in what ways and what our spiritual lessons are going to be.

This is a year rich with spiritual lessons. Change is immense. We are going to have a completely different ecosystem in the heavens by the end of the year, which means that life here on earth is going to be completely different.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

The planets that are changing our social planets, and we have an outer planet that’s a generational planet, Pluto, that’s changing. And this means that life will never be the same.

Saturn is changing signs, and that happens once every two to three years. Jupiter is changing signs. That’s a once-a-year thing. And Jupiter blesses everything it touches when it is in a sign, and Pluto only changes signs once every 20 ish years.

And that’s what’s happening this year. Pluto comes around, and its orbit around the sun is 248 years, so that is a generational change.

So when Pluto changes signs, everything in our culture and society shifts to Saturn as well. Saturn and Jupiter are the social planets. So all three are changing signs this year. In addition to that, the nodes of the moon are changing.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

Those are known as the Lunar Nodes of Destiny, and that also shifts what we are culturally transforming karmically, our karma, which we heal as a collective, and our dharma, which we are going toward as a collective, which also, of course, transpires on a personal level. Every planet’s going to be retrograde, and we actually begin the year with Mercury in retrograde and Mars in retrograde.

Those are personal planets. You are probably familiar with Mercury retrograde and all the mayhem that can ensue when Mercury is retrograde. It doesn’t need to be that way. Mercury is the planet of your mind, your thoughts, and your communication. Mars is the planet of action.

So with these two planets retrograde at the top of the year, plus Uranus, which is the planet about freedom and liberation and awakenings and movement, sudden movement, these three are retrograde, and they all three go direct in January.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

So we start the year in a time of reflection in a way with a world that’s upside down. And your world may have been turned upside down this last year, and especially the last three years.

And so you’re rethinking things. You’re reevaluating things. And so before there was this forward movement and starting the year with, “I’m going to do this, “and this is “what I want, “and “this is what I’m going to do,” you’re starting in reflection.

The universe speaks to us through symbols and signs, and the universe is telling you to slow down. Maybe you’re exhausted. Most of us are exhausted, especially from this last year of doing, doing, going, going.

What the universe is telling you is that’s not necessarily the best way anymore because you can’t just keep moving forward in the way you’ve been doing it. You have to stop and tune into yourself.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

Retrogrades are inner journey movements. Every planet’s going to be retrograde this year, so this is a year of tuning in and revising, revisioning, and rethinking. In July and August, up until the beginning of September, Venus is going to be on a 40-day retrograde journey.

Forty days and 40 nights. The planet of the heart is going inward. Who do you love and why? Everything about this year is questioning why? Why are you doing what you’re doing? And how can you do it differently? That is what the universe is showing us what is necessary right now in order for you to thrive.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

Now, there’s something that pulls this together. All these planets, this planetary movement. In numerology, 2023 is a seven year. And 7 is the number of soul-searching. Seven is associated with tuning into your soul, tuning into your heart, and tuning out the world. So usually, in a seven year, there’s more reflection.

Are you seeing the patterns of the universe here? Everything in the universe is showing you that you need to question WHY? How? Who are you connecting with?

How can you make your movement on this planet and your journey on this planet meaningful? This is really a deeper search for meaning. Seven is associated with intuition, not “out”t uition, intuition.

7 Universal Year

Okay, so there’s always questioning when the 7 is activated. This is the theme all year. It’s the year of asking the big questions. And so all of the changes that have been happening in the world have forced us to change how we live, work, and love in the world, and how we respond and how we heal.

So it’s a year of tremendous healing as well. And again, you’re probably tired of it, but in some ways, we’ve only scratched the surface because we’ve become aware of what needs to be healed in society and in your heart. Because we’re connected, nobody’s a microcosm, we’re not a microcosm from the planets, and we’re not a microcosm of each other.

We live in a holographic universe. So things have been coming up that have brought to your awareness what needs to be healed, and this is a year to heal them, to know yourself better.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

So if you haven’t by now realized ways that you have been doing, Simply to please other people or out of conditioning because this is the way you’ve always done it.

Well, you’re going to recognize that now, but if you’ve already been in that process, you have a huge head start. So this is a year where I encourage a lot of therapy, therapeutic work, and tuning in meditation. This 7 is a year that is all about the bridge between heaven and earth. We have seven days a week.

We have 7 colors in a rainbow. More importantly, you have 7 major chakras, and the chakras are the energy centers that connect your physical being with the energetic realm, and that’s very much a metaphor for what the 7 is about. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And in this human experience, how do you want to make your mark in the world?

7 Universal Year

How do you want to live? Now, that doesn’t need to be a career, although if you are still working, you will most likely change the course of your career. In some ways, it can look the same on the outside, but the way you approach your work and your calling will be very different because this is very much about finding your calling or living your calling.

And I know there’s something in you that is just driving you to do more while enjoying more as well because that is part of the big question.
Why do you even work? It’s to enjoy the people in your life. It’s to enjoy having a body and all the delights of the planet.

Now, Jupiter, the sign that is going into in May for one year, Jupiter is moving into Taurus, which is all about enjoying the physical body and the delights of the planet and artistic beauty. The beauty all around you.
It’s about our values, also how we make and earn money. Now, that begins in May.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

There’s all this happening before that in March. That is when Saturn and Pluto change signs. That’s going to be a big month. Now, when an outer planet changes signs, it doesn’t always have an immediate effect, but usually in that month, right around that time, there’s a jolt, there’s a shift.

These are slow, incremental changes that happen over time. Saturn has been going into Pisces for three years. Saturn is the planet of structure and boundaries and limitations and discipline and responsibility. Saturn is the Lord of karma, the Lord of time. How you keep time. It’s all about how we structure our lives in the physical world.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. It’s also related to karma and healing karma. Pisces is mutable water. It has no natural boundaries. So it will be interesting how the planet of boundaries and structure goes into the sign of Boundarylessness. It will be interesting and healing. This will bring a lot of healing over the next three years.

7 Universal Year

This is actually one of my favorite parts about what’s coming up for us. People will feel more comfortable talking about mental health. There will be resources developed to treat mental health. Everyone will be more comfortable talking about feelings and not just Instagram feelings. Okay? Not just happy presenting feelings.

Really what’s going on on the inside? You’ll be amazed at what is happening on the inside, people, because this is a tough planet, okay? And we are all going to start to talk about what’s really going on, and this will help all of us heal. Anytime there’s any kind of representation, we will see more representation and more diversity because boundaries are being dissolved.

That’s what happens when Saturn is in Pisces. So this is why this is also a time of immense healing. Now, of course, we’re all going to be so emo! It’s going to be very emotional, but that’s part of the healing, right? You have to feel to heal.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

And of course, as we all become more comfortable talking about our feelings and not just these happy feelings, not just what we want to present to people, this is going to transform the world in beautiful ways.

Now, also in March, Pluto moves into Aquarius. This is only going to be until June. We’re going to get a taste of this transformational planet, the planet of death and rebirth and transformation, and the underworld, the shadow, truth. Pluto moves into Aquarius until June and then goes back into Capricorn, where it’s been since 2008.

Pluto in Capricorn has transformed our economy, the way we do business, and government. All the big structures of our world. Since 2008, Pluto has been bringing to light all that needs to be healed and fixed and abuses of power. Pluto goes into the sign of the people. Aquarius is all about society. It actually governs society.

7 Universal Year

It actually governs astrology itself. Aquarius is your dreams, your goals, your friends, the people that you commune with, and people that you have things in common with. And what’s so beautiful about Aquarius is the inherent paradox. Because Aquarius teaches us that we all need to work together in a way that we’re all equal by having us all be unique individuals.

So it’s both a sign of individuality and the collective because that is the best way to be in a group in a collective. That’s the way we all grow and thrive. Nature thrives in diversity, so we’re being called by the universe to be more of ourselves, to be comfortable being ourselves. And this is accentuated when the North nodes of destiny move into Aries.

Now, this is what triggers the eclipses. The North Node of Destiny is where we are all headed collectively. It’s going into Aries, and karmically, the South Node shows us what we need to let go of collectively, and that’s in Libra.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

Libra is the sign of relationships. Now, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be in relationships. However, Libra, in its shadow form, is too accommodating, and Aries believes in itself.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. It teaches you to have confidence and courage, and those nodes change signs in July. So that’s all happening while Venus is going retrograde, helping you reevaluate yourself.

So everything about this year is teaching you to go inside, find your buried treasure, reconnect with your passions, reconnect with your purpose, and express that in the world.

7 Universal Year

Now, there’s so much to this. There are so many nuances to the changes transpiring this year, but I wanted to give you the main essential points.

That said, I have three essential ways your keys to happiness and success this year that you absolutely must pay attention to.

Essential For Happiness

Your first essential for happiness this year is to take time for yourself every day. That’s non-negotiable, especially with that 7, which is all about having divine downloads and an influx of information, an influx of insight. It could be very taxing for your nervous system if you’re not processing things.

You can miss things if you’re not taking time. So it’s very important that you take time and. space for yourself every day. Even more helpful if you process your thoughts and emotions.

Journaling is really helpful. Therapy is helpful. Any healing modality is helpful for you to process. So that’s an investment in you if you are taking time to heal yourself.

If you’re taking time to process your emotions, meditation. , the 7 is often associated with retreat. So anyway you can distance yourself from the noise of the world, so essential.

Second Essential For Happiness

Okay, which brings us to the essential key to happiness number two, which is to express yourself with integrity. Now, I hope I’ve made it clear how important it is for you to be yourself. The reason that so many people suffer is that they’re hiding who they are, and that keeps people at a distance.

It keeps opportunities from presenting themselves when you are living your soul’s purpose. When you have the courage to be yourself, and again, this means all of you, not just the part you think Instagram wants to see or your clients want to see, or whatever that is.

You need to be yourself and express that with integrity, which means the whole version of you, not a piece of you, not this piece of you, all of you. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to do that’s a part of you that’s really craving expression, pay attention to those parts of yourself that are longing for expression.

If there’s something that you’re not saying to someone because you’re trying to protect them, well, that’s not expressing yourself with integrity. All of you authentically need to be expressed and communicated, and I promise you that when you have the courage to be yourself, your whole world changes for the better.

Third Essential For Happiness

Now, your essential key to happiness number three is to build better boundaries. That’s challenging for a lot of people because it’s really even challenging to know what boundaries are. So, boundaries are first around your time.

So are there any time leeches? Do you find yourself wasting time by scrolling or getting involved in other people’s drama? Or not saying no when you should be doing something for yourself.

Okay? Boundaries in time, boundaries in energy. So you have to be very careful where you are directing your energy. Notice your energy, how you feel in different circumstances, and where you want to focus your energy.

7 Universal Year

Is what you’re doing and who you are with, are they a good use of your life force to be connecting with them? Pay attention to all of that. So as you build better boundaries around your time and your energy, you can direct that to make your life more joyful.

You can create boundaries to create time where you recreate or you relax every day. And if you do things, if you create habits every day that contribute to your well-being, that’s a boundary of time. In this boundary of time, I do this for me! And that is going to change your world.

So do you see? Your world can change for the better. With all these changes in our world, you are going to find your place in it bigger and bolder than ever before.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

Now I do have something free for you that’s going to help you. My numerology guide for your personal year helps you understand how you can direct your energy in this 7 universal year.

This is based on your birthdate, and that is free, so I highly recommend that you get that using the link below. I also have so much more that I have to share about this year.

I have five hours of video where I talk about your personal numerology and the astrology of the year and month by month, the best timing for everything, and a 170-page celestial guide that really helps you know how to navigate the many twists and turns of the year.

7 Universal Year

You can find out about all of those things using the links below. I’ll leave that for you in the description, And if you found this video helpful, make sure you are subscribed to this channel because I have so much more that I’m sharing with you throughout the year about intuition, astrology, and numerology.

So many things to help you throughout your life, so you can subscribe and hit that bell to be notified when I come out with a new video. And if you’ve enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up. I love you so much, and I wish you a joyful, beautiful, and fulfilling 2023 and beyond.

So much love to you. Lots of love. Bye for now.

2023 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast

Looking to the stars for guidance?

It’s 2023 – an exciting time to be alive! We are in the middle of a seismic shift in our society, and it’s only natural to feel a bit overwhelmed by all the changes.

But fear not! You can use astrology and numerology to make sense of it all. In this forecast, we’ll explore the major planets changing signs in 2023 and how they will affect you this year. You’ll also learn what it means to be in a 7 Universal Year and how that will shape our lives in the coming months.

Three of the most influential planets will be changing signs: Pluto in Aquarius, Saturn in Pisces, and Jupiter in Taurus. We explore what these placements mean for your life and how to make the best of them in the year ahead.

We also discuss the personal planets Mars, Mercury, and Venus retrograde. They hold the lessons of your daily life, including who and what you love.

In numerology, 2023 marks a 7 Universal Year โ€“ one full of introspection and soul-searching. Seven is associated with inner wisdom which suggests that now may be an excellent opportunity to reflect on your life, while also planning ahead for future goals or dreams.

This is a year to make your dreams come true!

Expect 2023 to be an action-packed yet transformative year filled with plenty of self-reflection!

In this forecast, I share with your THREE ESSENTIAL KEYS TO HAPPINESS to make this your best year yet.

You can utilize the power of astrology and numerology to inform and shape your journey into a successful and fulfilling 2023!

We have busy and bustling last two months of the year, that’s why I’m offering my entire 160+ page 2022 Celestial Guide as a free gift to you. Get your FREE 2022 Celestial Guide Now ยป


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October Astrology Forecast: Love in the Time of Eclipses

October is an eclipse month, which means we have some emotional intensity and unexpected surprises. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your October forecast. And this month is going to be all about bringing light to your relationship dynamics. There’s going to be some other things at play, but that’s really a highlight of what’s happening. We are in the sun sign of Libra until the 22nd. And then we move into Scorpio. Those are two very relationship oriented signs. Libra is about creating harmony and balance and it can be very other people oriented and Scorpios need to have emotional. Intimate relationships. So all this relationship energy while we’re in eclipse season and the eclipses are going to be highlighting everything that’s going on beneath the surface. Anything that you need to be healed. Karmic patterns that you’ve brought with you throughout your life. That will come to an end because they need to. So, there’s a lot of endings and beginnings. Of course, Scorpio’s death, birth, rebirth. Of course, we don’t go into Scorpio until the 22nd. But Mars, Mercury, the Sun are all going to have all of these relationship influences all throughout.

Love in the Time of Eclipses

So, there’s a lot going on. Eclipses are very intense versions of lunations. So we know that full moons, right? Make people a little bit more emotional. That’s where we get the word lunatic from. And so lunations in general are designed to create endings and beginnings. New moons are beginnings. Full moons are endings. And so we’ve had four super moons. in a row with our full moons. So those super moons are also emotionally intense, bring up more emotions, bring more to the surface. And now we’re headed into eclipse season. What is going on? Why is this happening? Well, there’s always a reason. There is always a divine plan for everything. So this year, 2023 is a seven universal year. Seven is all about soul searching, getting in touch with your truth, learning what’s right for you. It’s a little bit more introspective. And so we’ve had Venus and Mars, personal planets, retrograde, which only happens with Venus once every 18 months. It’s like a two year cycle, right? And so this is a year where we’ve had every planet. Retrograde in this soul searching year. We are coming out of this supermoon thing that got you to get in touch with what’s been going on inside of you. And now we’re headed into an eclipse season. We’re still having five planets in retrograde, but they’re not personal planets.

Love in the Time of Eclipses

So it’s not going to be. Like everything’s moving backwards, but you’re still going to feel this emotional intensity. You’re still going to experience things that bring your emotions to the surface so that you can end karmic patterns. And that is what eclipses. are about. Eclipses are very high octane lunations that connect with the nodes of the moon. The south node is about karmic patterns that you need to let go of and the north node is about where you need to head, your Dharma. And so these eclipses change signs around every 18 months. And so right now. We’re going to be experiencing a new set of eclipses. We have a Libra eclipse on October 14th. So we have a new set of eclipses that are in the Aries Libra axis. Aries is about yourself. Libra is about really relating to other people. So it’s that dynamic. It’s that polarity that you’re going to be dealing with whatever these patterns. that need to be healed are going to be coming up for you. And so that cycle will last throughout all of next year as well.

Love in the Time of Eclipses

These eclipses are going to be highlighting self versus other, how you take care of your own needs versus how you accommodate other people. This is the polarity. That we’re going to be working on from now until January of 2025 because that’s what the eclipses bring up. They highlight certain themes based on these nodes of the moon. So we have the Aries North node, which is about Learning how to put yourself first, learning how to believe in yourself Learning how to take chances and push through fear so that you can shine more brightly. And in our self node is Libra, which is the patterns that we need to move away from collectively and personally. So you’re moving away from people pleasing. You’re moving away from over accommodating other people at your expense. Okay, but you’re learning through spiritual lessons. It’s not like it just like happens. You have to learn through experiences. And so eclipses bring endings and beginnings in a very big way. Sometimes you meet people that are going to be important for you for the rest of your life, especially eclipses or North Node eclipses. And with South Node eclipses. or full moons, usually karmic endings and letting go of big situations that have been really underneath the surface for years.

October Astrology Forecast

What’s interesting about these eclipses is a lot of things actually, but October 14th is a new moon solar eclipse. New Moon Eclipse in Libra, which means it’s New Moon Eclipse. It’s all about fateful new beginnings. It’s all about starting things that will bring you love and peace and harmony and beauty. And it’s connected with the South Node. So even though it’s all about beginnings, it’s also about letting go. And two weeks after that, eclipses always come in pairs every two weeks. So we have that New Moon Eclipse in Libra. On the 14th and the 28th is our full moon in Taurus. It’s the last in this series, this 18 month series that we’ve had of the Taurus Scorpio eclipses. So that is a North Node Eclipse on a full moon. So again, the full moon brings endings and yet it’s a North Node, which is about moving toward beauty, moving toward love, moving toward really honoring and delighting in. The beauty of your life, sensual pleasures, everything that brings you joy as you’re letting go of Scorpio things. Being enmeshed in other people’s trauma or drama. So everything about this month is highlighting how you relate to other people and how you relate to yourself to get you to love yourself more, to honor yourself more, to appreciate the love and beauty in your life and to honor your needs.

Love in the Time of Eclipses

and honor your joy and desires in a way that is nourishing for you. So you’re not overgiving, you’re not people pleasing, you’re not doing too much. And the reason we’ve had all these super moons, these retrogrades, these eclipses, like all in a row this year being so emotionally rigorous. Is because next year is an eight universal year. October always gives us a glimpse of next year’s energy so 2024 is going to be an eight universal year. October of 2023 is an eight universal month. 8 amplifies everything. There’s a lot of misconceptions about the number 8 because it’s known as the money number, the abundance number and like most things in the spiritual community, it’s been simplified or like turned into some kind of like magic, right? It’s not. What happens is you go through the 7 energies, which is all about soul searching and knowing your truth. And letting go of what’s not right for you because that is what’s going to be amplified when you have the eight energy. So this month might feel larger than life and next year is going to be full on with that eight energy.

October Astrology Forecast

Everything is amplified. So you want to be very clear about who you are, who and what you love. And how you relate to yourself and other people. That’s why we go through this seven energy soul searching. That’s why we’ve had the supermoons, the retrogrades, the eclipses. For you to really hone in on your truth. And know who and what is right for you. And what you want your life to be. And who and what you appreciate about your life. Because what you appreciate grows. That’s what appreciation means. It grows. So this is the month to really focus on that because it’s going to be amplified and you want to let go of what is not right for you before we go into that eight universal year. You don’t want to amplify what’s not right for you. Because it will only be expanded. So it’s an incredible opportunity right now to focus and heal and clarify what’s in your heart. With that said, I have three action steps to help you. First of all, your first action step is to put yourself first. That is a huge lesson of what we’re going to learn all throughout these Aries Libra eclipses, all throughout this year, next year.

Love in the Time of Eclipses

It’s what the universe is showing you is what’s right for you, is to put yourself first. How often? Do you center other people in your equation when you’re thinking about what you need to do and what’s right for you? How often are you first thinking about how it’s going to affect everyone else? And that just muddles and makes it hard for you to understand what’s in your heart. So if you just put that all aside and put your needs first, everything will fall into place. It’s not being selfish, it’s being smart to have clarity because then you can make decisions based on what’s right for you. And everything will fall behind that that will benefit your loved ones. Everything will be in alignment. Now your second action step is to See your relationships as a mirror. The world is always showing you how you treat yourself. Relationships are always showing you how you relate to yourself. It’s going to be amplified this month, especially with these eclipses. So you want to really pay attention to power dynamics because whenever we have that eight energy, it’s really showing you.

October Astrology Forecast: Love in the Time of Eclipses

Power dynamics that are at play. So whether you’re giving away your power or owning your power. So if you are diminished at work somehow or not receiving what you’re worth or people talk down to you. It’s not to say to take all of it personally because there’s always going to be that in the world. But to really pay attention to if there are patterns with it, are you always mistreated? Are you always undervalued? Are you always ignored? Are you always, um, having your boundaries broken? This is something to pay attention to in your heart and in your life and notice what are the patterns and if somehow you’re giving your power away. or not owning your power. That’s what these relationships are going to mirror for you. So really take stock of it and note what always seems to happen to you and how maybe there’s a fear in you about asserting yourself or living more brightly or speaking up for yourself or asserting boundaries. Now, your third action step is to speak your truth. I may say this every month. It’s not important though.

October Astrology Forecast: Love in the Time of Eclipses

There are times when You don’t say what’s in your heart because you’re protecting other people. Maybe you’re taking on their karma because you don’t think they can handle it. Or maybe you’re afraid of hurting their feelings. Or maybe you’re… Afraid of being rejected. Pay attention to that as well. Maybe you want to write things out first. Really get clear about what you want to communicate. But this month is going to bring up for you any areas in your life where you’re not sharing your truth. So you really want to be proactive about it. You really want to speak what’s in your heart directly. And… Especially if you’re concerned about being rejected, being abandoned, or if you’re protecting other people from their own truth. So important right now because that’s really a lot of the people pleasing energy that the universe is trying to help you heal. Now, this is why I have created my six month Shine and Be Seen monthly moon circle because these moons bring up all this energy that needs to be healed. Any fear, shame, guilt it comes up and the universe tells you what’s coming up for you.

October Astrology Forecast: Love in the Time of Eclipses

So I have created A six month journey to help you shed these layers of fear, shame, guilt, and conditioning. Because what’s underneath is your true self. What’s underneath is your inner voice, your intuition, and your soul that wants to radiate brightly in the world. So if you want some assistance with all of this healing and to understand why things are happening when they’re happening, I would love to help you. We start our six month journey together on October 5th, so if you want to know more about that Shine and Be Seen moon circle, I’ll share that link below. You can go to karysamuels. com forward slash moon circle. And if you want to experience what that healing is like to get a taste of it. We did a new moon equinox healing last month. You can access that for free. I’ll leave that link as well, but I would love to help you. We have a big year coming up. We have the eclipses then we have holiday season and then we have. Amplified eight energy throughout next year. And I would love to support you. Don’t try to do everything yourself. I know a lot of people who’ve had to self parent or are really capable.

October Astrology Forecast: Love in the Time of Eclipses

You really try to do all your healing yourself. Just let me help you if you’d like that. So once again, you can find that information at karrisamuels. com forward slash moon circle. I’ll leave the link below and I hope that you use the energy this month to Have the courage to be yourself and to speak your truth and to know how loved and beautiful you truly are. I love you so much. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends and loved ones. And make sure you subscribe to my channel because I have so much more to share with you throughout the coming year. I love you so much and have an awesome October and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

October Astrology Forecast: Love in the Time of Eclipses

October Astrology brings unexpected events. This is an illuminating month filled with emotional intensity and spiritual revelations. The stars are aligning for a period of deep soul-searching; two powerful eclipses will reveal hidden truths and long- buried secrets that may hold the key to unlocking new possibilities. Five planets are also in retrograde, guiding you to unearth buried treasure from deep within. Prepare yourself for this journey into the unknown!

moon circle The personal planets are no longer retrograde (our outer planets are). That doesnโ€™t mean you wonโ€™t experience a personal transformation. It is a time of deep inner work. This monthโ€™s eclipses will highlight anywhere you have unresolved issues in your relationships. Eclipses always bring your most deeply buried issues to light. These eclipses will activateย  old wounds so you heal them. This process can transform your challenges into strengths. In this month’s forecast, I share with you how to make the most of this spiritual charged energy. It can be an incredible month if you flow with the tides of change.

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September 2023 Astrology Forecast – Soul-Searching and Surprises

This month is going to bring some surprising twists and unexpected events. So if you know how to manage this energy, you can really have a beautiful relaxing month and avoid some of the challenges that other people may experience. Hello. I’m Keri Samuels, your intuitive counselor and happiness coach with your September forecast. And we begin this month with six planets retrograde plus Chiron. which is an asteroid known as the Wounded Healer, which sometimes acts like a planet. So that’s a lot of retrograde. And this whole month is very retrograde y. It’s all about tuning in, listening to yourself, really understanding what’s right for you. It’s very much in alignment with this 7 Universal Year that we’re in. 7 is a number of soul searching, retreat. Retreat from the external world in a lot of ways and really going inward. Really knowing what’s right for you. Really discerning what is good for you moving forward. And in addition to these six planets in retrograde plus Chiron and this seven universal year, we’re in.

September 2023 Astrology Forecast

September 2023 is a 7 Universal Month. So you have this double 7 energy. Every September brings a double energy of the year. And 7 is really very intensely a number of tuning in and soul searching. And so this whole year has been about getting you to understand what’s right for you, getting to understand what’s not right for you. There have been perhaps many obstacles to you moving forward because when the 7 is present, it’s really about Knowing what’s true to you before you move forward next year. 2024 is going to be an 8 Universal Year and 8 is all about going big, but the reason the 7 comes before the 8 is because you really need to know what’s in your heart before you expand on it. You really don’t want to magnify something. That’s not appropriate for you. You want to know what’s right for you. So this energy of discernment is playing out through this whole month. You’re in Virgo season until the 23rd and Virgo is all about knowing what’s right for you. Virgo, the maiden of Virgo, always holding the wheat.

Soul-Searching and Surprises

It’s about separating. The chaff from the wheat separating what’s not good for you. What’s not nourishing you and retaining what is healthy. Virgo is very much a sign of health and well being and self sustenance. The Virgo Maiden is a goddess who knows what is right for her, right? And so this energy right now is about knowing what is right for you and what isn’t. This energy of discernment is playing out through this whole entire month. And by the way, fellow Virgos, happy birthday to us. So we are meant to know what is. really nourishing for us and develop different ways of being moving forward for this last part of the year and into this very robust 2024 with a clear heart. Now Venus, which really governs your heart, has been retrograde and will end her retrograde on September 3rd. That 40 days and 40 nights. Retrograde is all been about you knowing what is it right for your heart knowing who and what you love. And so that ends on September 3rd. However, we’re still in Mercury retrograde until the 15th.

September 2023 Astrology Forecast

And so Venus and Mercury are personal planets. And so they affect you more personally, right? They’re really about your heart and your mind. So whereas Venus is about what you feel Mercury. is what you think, how you communicate. So you’re understanding what’s in your mind better, what’s in your heart better, and connecting them. And that’s why we have so many retrogrades. It’s really about getting you back into yourself because forward moving planets are just that. They’re moving ahead, going about their business, right? And then when a planet is retrograde, which appears to be moving backwards, From the Earth’s perspective, it’s time for you to go back before moving ahead and re assessing, re evaluating, reviewing all the RE words. And so, this Mercury retrograde, Mercury is in Virgo and Mercury is also Virgo’s ruling planet. So it’s a little bit extra retrograde y. So the trickster energy of Mercury retrograde happens when you’re moving too fast. When the universe is trying to get you to slow down and rethink, fix things that are not working properly, including how you communicate so that you can move forward with more clarity.

Soul-Searching and Surprises

It’s about really going back and collecting parts of your psyche, parts of your consciousness. you weren’t paying attention to. And of course, September is always this month about getting back to business, right? Or like really learning things and rolling up your sleeves. That’s very much Virgo energy. Virgo is all about service and work and also health and well being. So it’s not summer energy, whether you’re in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere. This is really very much a time about. Going in and learning and being productive in a way that benefits yourself and the greater good. We have some very special events this month. Of course, we have our Equinox, which is on the 23rd. So after all of this retrograding, all this tuning in and going inside and slowing down because that’s what the retrogrades require of you. The 23rd is when we have. Our equinox, the days and nights are equal all over the planet. There’s this sense of balance and harmony and beauty. And that’s what Libra brings or at least that’s what Libra is seeking. Harmony and balance and that happens at the end of the month. And so the personal planets in retrograde will be behind you by the end of the month. And then. We have this beautiful equinox, which is really about finding harmony within you and finding a balance between heaven and earth and body, mind and spirit.

September 2023 Astrology Forecast

And so that’s when you can really move forward with more of a sense of peace and harmony. And there’s not so much of these personal planets. making their trickster energy get in your way. Now, also at the end of the month on the 28th or the 29th, depending on where you live, we have our last supermoon of a series of four. Now we begin this month really riding on the waves of that supermoon that happened on the 30th of August and we have four supermoons in a row. And so supermoons really Amplify your emotional energy. That’s what these moons do. They amplify your emotions to bring things to light so that you can let them go. And so there’s so much of this really like bringing things up having you get in touch with what’s inside of you so that you can let it go. and move forth with more confidence and clarity. So I have three action steps to help you navigate this energy to avoid the pitfalls of these retrogrades and really make the most of this beautiful time which can be a very Spiritual time.

First Action Step

Now, your first action step is to leave space in your calendar. I know I said this last month, but we were also in retrograde season last month with Venus and Mercury retrograde. So that still applies. And if you didn’t heed that advice. I’m sure maybe things didn’t always go as planned because you can’t really just push forward with everything like go, go, go. When these retrogrades are happening, especially Mercury retrograde, especially with Mercury being in his home sign of Virgo. One of his home signs, the other is Gemini. And so you really want to stay flexible. You really want to Leave things a little bit open for things to maybe not go as planned. And so you also want to take extra care of your health. because Virgo really governs health. And if plans go awry because people around you or you are not feeling well, that could really throw a curveball in things, right? So you want to take extra care with your health and you want to take extra care leaving space in your calendar.

Second Action Step

Now, your second action step is to build healthy habits. We’re all about health right now, health and well being. And so healthy habits… Habits are built incrementally. So this isn’t about completely changing or revamping your life because that actually isn’t the way to create healthy habits. Healthy habits are done a little bit at a time incrementally. So really pay attention to some of the things that you’re doing that you know aren’t good for you that you can change a little bit at a time. So one example. is scrolling on social media and getting triggered. So maybe you want to allow yourself just a little bit of time to scroll on social media and then have time where you’re writing in your journal instead, or meditating or exercising or doing breath work or incorporating those things into your daily routine. Again, start a little bit at a time, incrementally, and that’s where you’ll see the biggest results.

Third Action Step

Now, your third action step is to do what nourishes you and let go of what doesn’t. Remember, this is the time of discernment. It’s about health and well being. And so, as you are going through your day, take note. Is this activity nourishing for me? Is this person… Good for me. Is this situation I’m in nourishing for me or does it drain me? Do I need to let it go? Is it an energy vampire? All those things. This is an incredible time. To take note of that and really actively let go of energy drains. Let go of people and situations that do not nourish you. I have something that I am so excited about that can help you with this. On the new moon, September 14th, I am hosting a free live new moon ritual that will be an energetic reset to help you let go of any energy, emotions, beliefs, and expectations that aren’t benefiting your well being so that you can let go of them and start this new moon cycle with clarity, confidence, joy, and enthusiasm.

September 2023 Astrology Forecast

Again, that new moon. Equinox magic ritual is absolutely free and you can join me using the registration link below. I hope you will and even if you cannot attend live. When you sign up, you get the recording and you can listen and enjoy it at your own time. So I am wishing you an absolutely beautiful, harmonious, blissful September and beyond. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, make sure you like it and subscribe to this channel and hit the bell to be notified when I come out with a new one. I have a lot to share with you in the months coming up. I’m wishing you a beautiful September and so much love. Lots of love. Bye for now.

September 2023 Astrology Forecast: Soul-Searching and Surprises

September astrology brings surprising twists and unexpected events. We begin this month with SIX planets, plus Chiron, an asteroid known as the Wounded Healer, in retrograde. With retrogrades in every corner of the heavens, you will rethink all aspects of your life. When a planet goes retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in the sky. This can be a confusing and frustrating time, as things may also seem to be moving backward in your life. However, retrogrades are a valuable time to pause and reflect.

New Moon Healing

You have some soul-searching to do.

Retrogrades foster inner work. You can use this time to review your past choices and see how they have led you to where you are today. This introspection can help you to make better choices in the future. In numerology, 2023 is a 7 Universal Year, and this is a 7 Universal Month (9 + 2+0+2+3 = 16. And 1+6 = 7). The 7 vibration requires deep reflection and a retreat from the mundane world. In this forecast, I share with you how to avoid the mayhem Mercury Retrograde can bring so you can have a peaceful and beautiful month.

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August 2023 Astrology Forecast – Blue Moon Magic

Welcome to the month of August. This is a rare Blue Moon month, which brings a certain kind of magic and opportunities. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your August 2023 astrology forecast. So these moons, they’re incredible. What is a Blue Moon month? It has nothing to do with the color of the moon.

It’s all about the frequency. Blue Moons are when you have two Full Moons within a calendar month. So we begin this month with a Full Moon in Aquarius and then on August 30th at the end of the month there’s a Full Moon in Pisces. These are Supermoons and we have four Supermoons in a row. This is our second and third Supermoon.

And Supermoons are closer to earth. And as you know, the moon has a gravitational pull. We’re made of almost 75% water. So this tugs on your emotions as well. When that moon is larger than life and it’s closer to earth. It really has a magnetism. So this is pulling up a lot of emotions for you.

Blue Moon Magic

And we actually begin this month with four planets in retrograde. And we end with six planets retrograde. So that’s a lot of retrograde. Plus which is the asteroid known as the Wounded Healer. And it’s just like what it sounds like. You’re moving through your wounds. You’re healing them. And as you do that, they become your greatest strengths.

So that’s what this month is about. It’s about really going into your heart, touching base with your heart. Reconnecting with your passions, your purpose, and also those emotions that you didn’t want to deal with, right? The universe is like, you know what? Now’s a good time for you to process those. And the reason that’s happening is because you are ready.

You’re ready for new opportunities, new frontiers, a new phase in your life. So this month is all about the heart. Everything about this month is reconnecting with your heart. We’re still in Venus retrograde in Leo, which started last month and goes until September 3rd. So this whole month, still you’re connecting with those parts of yourself, reevaluating.

August 2023 Astrology Forecast

So Venus governs what you value. What you love who and what you love and you’re reassessing that it’s also connected to your self worth now in Leo And we also have the Sun in Leo until the 23rd. Leo is all about really expanding your light shining brightly Really believing in yourself and celebrating yourself.

The Sun is the center of our universe. So it’s really about making yourself the center of your universe. So it’s not about how to please other people. This is about drawing in people and circumstances and love and beauty into your life through self love, through honoring yourself, through really developing a healthy ego.

Because having a healthy ego means that you have good boundaries. You believe in yourself and you’re willing to shine as your unique self. Now that first Full Moon that begins on the first in Aquarius is all about being unique. And that last Full Moon in Pisces on the 30th is all about touching base with your soul.

Blue Moon Magic

Because you came here with a unique purpose. with unique passions and gifts and challenges. And now it’s time to really touch base with that. And connect with that. And reconnect with your heart. Reconnect with those parts of yourself that maybe don’t even feel good about yourself. So that you can process them.

So if you’re dealing with old memories or things that you thought you healed already. All the things that you thought you already processed. If that’s coming up for you, that’s why. The retrograde planets. Remember, there’s lots of retrogrades now. And retrograde planets are all about going in, reconnecting.

They’re not so outwardly focused. And Leo is a very extrovert kind of sign and energy. However, this month has a different flavor to it because there’s more of that inward journey. So yes, this is about relationships, including your relationship to your self worth, to your career, to your money. To really every relationship in your life, how you can reassess your self worth.

August 2023 Astrology Forecast

Now, there’s another important retrograde coming up because it’s another personal planet. You know this, you love this. It’s Mercury retrograde. So, when Virgo, when the Sun goes into Virgo, On August 23rd, that’s also the day that Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo. Virgo is very different from Leo because it is more introspective.

It’s all about discernment and really figuring things out. So whereas Venus is about reassessing what’s in your heart, Mercury is about rethinking things. So you’re reconnecting your heart and your mind. With what’s true to your soul. It’s a very important month. And of course, these moons are going to be amplifying your emotions.

Do you see what’s happening here? So we have all of this amplification of emotions with the retrograde planets, which bring you more inward. You have Venus retrograde, which has you reassessing. Everything you value and all of your relationships. Mercury in Virgo, which is about discerning what is truly healthy for you and what’s right for you.

So there’s a lot with that. And the numerology of the month really helped clarify how to manage this energy. August 2023 is a 6 universal month and 6 is all about the heart chakra. Leo actually rules the heart. So do you see this? This is all about living from the heart. This is all about making choices based on what’s right for you.

Blue Moon Magic

That’s what the six teaches you. It teaches you to listen to yourself and listen to your heart and make choices based on what is in your heart rather than what other people expect of you or what you think or feel other people. expect from you. And there’s always a test with that. There’s always a decision to be made.

So please bear this in your mind and your heart as you’re making decisions this month. As you’re moving forward with decisions. It’s so important. So I have three action steps that can help you navigate this kind of really wild energy.

First Action Step

Your first action step is to keep space on your calendar. Not just because your plans may go awry with Mercury retrograde or Venus retrograde.

But really, you’re going to need that to process your emotions. Please promise yourself. You’re going to give yourself time and space every day to process your emotions. You’re going to need that space and things can go awry. I want to remind you of one other thing with Venus Retrograde. It’s one of those things where something maybe looks more valuable or you think it’s more valuable than it really is.

So you want to be careful. That you’re investing your time and your money wisely. That something doesn’t seem good on paper or maybe it looks good at the time.

And then afterwards you think, you know what? That wasn’t really worth it. And again, Mercury is retrograde. So you want to be careful about signing contracts because you may be changing your mind afterwards. Remember your heart and your mind are separate. still in this process of reevaluation. So keep that in mind and heart as you’re moving through this month.

I know August has a lot of pressure to just do everything at once before the autumn comes. But really what’s most important is that you are honoring yourself and valuing what’s really important in life, which is usually the simple pleasures.

Second Action Step

So your action step number two is to tune into your heart for answers.

You will have decisions to make and you really want to ask yourself. How does this feel to me? Does this help me feel better about myself? Does this support me in my life? Does this nourish me? And you really want to make sure you’re not basing your decisions on what you think other people will think of you or how this affects other people or what’s expected of you.

Really listen to what’s going on inside of you.

Third Action Step

And your action step number three is to dare to be different. Because that Aquarius Full Moon, this Leo energy is all about your unique personality. So everything about this month is teaching you to be your unique, beautiful, albeit sometimes quirky, wonderful self. Your unique essence is what lights up the world and please make your decisions on what feels good to you.

What’s right for you as an individual rather than what everyone is telling you is right. And really that 6 energy is teaching you that. So I know that if you stay true to yourself, if you listen to your heart, and if you honor your time and space and energy, this can be a really magnificent month.

This can really turn you in a really positive direction.

August 2023 Astrology Forecast

It’s a pivotal month. So stay true to yourself. Stay true to your heart and you will always find your way. I also have some things for you this month that can help you. I’m hosting two live Q& A’s where I’m going to be doing intuitive numerology readings so Any question that you have, we’re going to look at it and how the numbers are teaching you for yourself, for your loved ones, any circumstance in your life.

Really, the numbers give us clues. And I also have my Repeated Numbers Revealed course on sale for just a few more days. So you can find out about both of those things using the link below. And I very seldom do these things where I open up these group readings and they’re so helpful. But they’re also really beautiful because you see how we’re all connected and how you’re never alone on your journey.

And what one person is experiencing and the insight that comes through from our guides can really help you as well. It’s a beautiful experience and I hope you join me. And I am wishing you an absolutely, astoundingly awesome August and beyond. I love you so much. And remember, you can hit that bell to be notified and subscribe to this channel to hear more about the coming months.

I love you and have an amazing August. Bye for now.

August 2023 Astrology Forecast – Blue Moon Magic

August’s energy is audacious and bold. Flanked by two Full Supermoons, everything will feel larger than life.

Blue Moons are those blessed occurrences when we have two Full Moons within one calendar month. This rarity can bring delightful surprises and out-of-the-blue opportunities.

We have four planets in retrograde at the start of August and a staggering six planets in retrograde at the end of the month. (Yes, Mercury, the mischief-maker, will be in reverse).

In numerology, August 2023 is a 6 Universal Month. When six is activated, you can be sure big decisions are on the horizon.

This period provides a profound opportunity for deep emotional exploration.

It can be a time of steamy passion, rekindled romance, or pursuing your purpose. Regardless of your focus, you’re realigning with what’s important to you.

In this month’s energy forecast, I share with you how to avoid the pitfalls of the retrogrades and use this time to delve into your heart, reconnect with your passions and purpose, and address any long-held emotions that have been avoided.

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July 2023 Astrology Forecast – Reignite Your Passions

July Astrology Forecast

This is a month to rekindle your passions and reconnect with your heart. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach with your July forecast. And it’s a beautiful month. There is so much happening that’s helping you really touch base with your soul and know what you love, and be loved and feel loved and find what you love.

Did I mention love? It’s the summer of love. So, We begin the month for the first three quarters of the month, we are in the Sun Sign of Cancer, and Cancer is very sensitive. It’s a water sign. It helps you reconnect with your emotions. It’s very intuitive and this is all about nurturing and nourishing. Of course, it’s the sign of the mother, so this is a time to really nourish yourself, including your inner child.

Now, those parts of yourself that want to be tended to, to feel emotionally secure. Cancer is all about your emotional roots. So you may be rethinking your home, what home means to you, your sense of home, your sense of emotional security, and what you need to be nourished. So it’s important that you take the time to nourish yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

July 2023 Astrology Forecast

It’s a very soulful month. This is the seventh month of a seven universal year. 2023 is a seven universal year in numerology, and seven is the number of the soul – of soul searching. This is our seventh month, so we have that double seven energy, and of course we have our 7, 7, 7 day on the seven of this month.

So this is really a pivotal month. It’s a pivot point in terms of maybe you’re going to change course, maybe you’re going to change perspective. This is a 14 universal month in numerology because if we add the seven month to the seven year, we get 14. 14 is a karmic lesson number that’s all about your dependence and your independence.

How you find freedom and the things that you are dependent on that you don’t want to be. And so this is going to help you shift perspective so that you can release yourself from the things that you are dependent on that are no longer nourishing you so that you can change direction. 14 reduces to five, and five is the center of the single digits.

It’s always this pivot, a change a shift. There’s a lot of shifting perspective as you reconnect with your soul. We have Neptune and Saturn retrograde in Pisces for the next few months, most of the rest of the year. We are halfway through the year, if you can believe it. Boy did that go fast. And retrogrades are always about going inward.

Reignite Your Passions

Even though these are outer planets, they’re slower moving, but they will shift your perspective. They will help you go more inside. And of course, they’re retrograde in Pisces, which is the sign of the soul of deeper connections of how you’re connected to spirit, how we’re all connected to each other and really about your calling as well, so that’s retrograde. Now, we also have a very important retrograde coming up this month when the sun changes into Leo on the 22nd. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and attraction goes retrograde into LEO as well. Venus has been in LEO since early June. It will stay in LEO until October.

Venus is usually in a sign only one month or less per year. Because it’s retrograde, we have this extended stay of Venus in Leo, and we have this retrograde until September of Venus in Leo. So Venus has a lot to teach us in a Leonine way. So Venus is about who and what you love. It’s about knowing your heart.

It’s about attracting things to you through an elevated self-worth. It’s through your self-worth. That’s why Venus is also associated with money. It’s all things you attract, and it’s who and what you value, as well as love, including yourself. Leo, of course, is the sign of the lion. It’s affectionate, it’s playful, and of course, Lions have pride, right?

July 2023 Astrology Forecast

And courage. So this time right now, especially right now, this month, is teaching you to value yourself, to let yourself shine more brightly. So you’ll be finding things come to your attention if you’ve belittled yourself in some way, or if you dim your light in any way, or you let people take advantage of you. Or if you don’t charge enough for your services in your business or in your career, or if you don’t value your time and money and love with other people, these things will be brought to your attention.

Now, they have been coming to your attention , this past month, and they will continue to do that, so pay attention to what’s coming up for you in terms relationships. Money worth. This retrograde is teaching you how to value yourself more so you attract people and circumstances who love value and appreciate you. It’s all a mirror for you. And when Venus is retrograde, it’s important to reevaluate all of your relationships. So you may find yourself doing that naturally, but also how you spend your money.

You don’t want to be quick with that. You really want to ask yourself if something is truly worth it before you make a big , expenditure in anything. You sometimes don’t really understand or appreciate the value of something while Venus is retrograde, it’s, it’s a personal planet, so it’s similar to Mercury in that sense that you don’t want to make these big decisions.

Reignite Your Passions

All the time around these big expenditures when Venus is retrograde because you may change your heart about what you feel something is worth. Also, like let’s say you’re going to look at a house or a home or an apartment, and you may think to yourself, oh, sure, I can deal with that old ugly wallpaper.

It’s no big deal. That’s during Venus retrograde. And then after Venus goes direct, you’re like, yeah, no, I can’t. So these are the kinds of things to look out for when Venus is retrograde. And again, relationships. Are you in relationships with people who love you, who appreciate you, who celebrate you, who make you feel valued and appreciated and shiny?

And if you’re dimming your light. That will be reflected for you. So this is an opportunity for you to turn up the wattage, to let yourself shine. Venus is really all about that catwalk, so walk with pride, be awesomely celebrating about who you are because you are amazing. And I also have three action steps to help you through this month, which is an incredible time for growth and opportunity.

First Action Step

So your first action step is to tend to your heart. I know especially here in the northern hemisphere when it is summer and you just want to be out and being with everybody and doing everything yet your tender, tender heart – here in Cancerian season especially wants to be tended to. You’re going to feel more emotional perhaps.

There’s a lot to reevaluate, and so take this time every day to really connect with your feelings, to ask yourself how you’re feeling. If you want to take some time to yourself, allow yourself to do that. Maybe you want to journal to help you understand how you’re feeling. Really indulge in self care and love and whatever that means to you, to nourish and nurture your heart.

And sometimes that means reparenting yourself. The sign of Cancer is all about the mother, and so it’s about mothering yourself and so you can mother yourself and reparent yourself by treating yourself as you would your own child. Treat yourself as you would a tender little one. Okay? Because that’s how we all are on the inside, aren’t we?

Second Action Step

Now your second action step is to let yourself play. Really, that is what so much of this is about. So I know I said that you want to take some time to yourself and tend to your heart, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun.

Tending to your heart can mean having more fun. You may not feel like working, whether you’re in the Northern Hemisphere where it’s summer. Or the southern hemisphere where it’s winter. It’s hard to work in both capacities all the time. So let yourself play. Let yourself relax. Let yourself have fun, be creative, and that is how you attract more good things to you.

It’s when you’re in the vibration of joy. It’s when you’re in the vibration of creativity and love and exuberance. Let the lions be a model for you. They do not spend all day hunting, right? This is what Leo is teaching us. Lions play. Lions are affectionate lions, cuddle lions are amazing teachers. So be like the lions and let yourself rest and play and be creative and have fun, and that is how you bring good things to you. That is what raises your vibration so that you can really bring more loving people to you. And this is the lesson of Venus in Leo.

Third Action Step

Now I have a third action step for you because this is a pivotal month. You may be changing course, is to pay attention to the signs. You’ll see signs for your direction, reinforcements about your choices.

Everywhere around you, if you get out of your head into your heart and start paying attention, because the universe is always speaking to you. The universe can bring animal messengers your way. And so if something like that happens, even if it’s unpleasant, but sometimes pleasant, like, it’s like, oh, there’s raccoons in my garage.

Well then maybe you want to look up what raccoons mean, or think about what that means for you. It’s like, is someone stealing your time? Is someone stealing your energy? Because raccoons are little bandits, right? Or something like that, right? So you can look at animal messengers, you can look at numbers.

That’s one of my favorite ways to see signs. I always see repeated numbers, especially on license plates or clocks. When trying to figure something out. The universe is amazing in the way it speaks to me like that, and I know that happens to you. I actually have a free repeated number guide, a FREE Angel Number Guide that you can download using the link below.

July 2023 Astrology Forecast – Reignite Your Passions

I created this for you because I want to give you a glossary to interpret those numbers. It’s very simple once you learn it. And so I want to give you something that’s going to help you understand the messages of the universe. So once again, if you see those repeated numbers and you want to know what they mean, you can download that free guide using the link below.

And the more you know numbers, the more your guides have a language to speak to you. They talk to you, your guides, your angels, they communicate to you. The more you communicate with them, and this gives you a language to do so. So again, download that using the free link below, and I’m so excited to hear about what is going on in your heart and your life and what changes you’re making, how you’re playing, how you’re creating.

Feel free to share with me and everyone else in the comments below what is going on in your heart and how you are tending to yourself. I am wishing you an absolutely glorious July and beyond. And remember, I have so much more to share with you, so subscribe to this channel by hitting that link below.

And if you’re on YouTube hip debt bell to be notified. I love you very much, and I’m wishing you a joyful July and beyond lots of love. Bye for now.

July 2023 Astrology Forecast – Reignite Your Passions

July 2023 astrology has arrived! Get ready for a joyful and transformative journey!

It’s Sun in Cancer season! ๐Ÿฆ€ With the solar fires in the sign ruled by the Moon, this is a time of heightened sensitivity and intuition.

How well do you know your heart?

You’re about to find out. Neptune and Saturn are retrograde in dreamy Pisces, offering you an opportunity for deep soul searching.

Venus, the planet that governs your self-worth, will also retrograde in the radiant sign of Leo on July 22nd.

As this celestial charmer begins her backspin through the sign of the courageous lion, it’s a cosmic call to slow down and take a deep look at your relationships.

Now is the time to rethink, reconsider, and reevaluate what you truly desire and need from your connections.

๐Ÿ€ Hello, Lucky 7!

July is the 7th month in this 7 Universal Year.
In numerology, seven guides you to tune into your inner voice and tune out the opinions of others.

Now is a time of soul-searching and spiritual growth. In this energy forecast, I share how to tune into your heart and intuition for a clear path forward.

Wishing you a joyful and jovial July!