October 23 – November 21

Scorpio zodiac sign can use profound emotional intelligence to create loving relationships and embody the healing power of their heart.

Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation on which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth.

Knowing your Sun Sign is akin to having an owner’s manual. Some characteristics exist in your sign that shape how you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.


Mars governs the spectrum of all things masculine, from sex to war. This planet’s energy is assertive and aggressive. Mars energizes the other planets bringing confidence, courage, and competition. One thing is certain; this red planet is a bit of a hot-head.

Pluto rules transformation and the cycle of life and death. In mythology, Pluto is the Lord of the Underworld. This tiny planet packs a lot of power.

Pluto is always a catalyst for change. Pluto governs all that hides beneath the surface, including what is buried in your subconscious. Thatโ€™s why Pluto associates with privacy, secrets, sex, and power.

ELEMENT:ย  FIXED WATERย  ย Fixed Water

Fixed signs are born in the second month of a season. Their role is to stabilize and concentrate the energy that was initiated by the cardinal signs.

Water has no natural boundaries. It takes the shape of its container. When a person looks into the water, their image reflects back to them.

Water signs often cannot distinguish their emotions from others. They are empathically sensitive. Water takes on many forms – it can be frozen solid or flowing liquid. It can be a gentle stream or a formidable wave. Therefore, water signs are therefore very adaptable.

They will deeply feel the full range of feelings and can have immense emotional intelligence. Their sensitivity can foster heightened intuition and creativity.



Still-waters run deep. Scorpios, born under the Scorpio zodiac sign, born under the Scorpio zodiac sign, have a deep well of emotions. Superficiality is not an option for sensitive Scorpios. Their intense emotional nature requires them to engage in meaningful relationships.

They crave intimacy on all levels. Depth is their wheelhouse. Therefore, Scorpios, representing the Scorpio zodiac sign, tend to hide their inner life in secrecy.

To protect their sensitivity, they can be intensely private. Their ability to navigate beneath the surface lends them to great investigatory minds and intuitive perceptions.

They can sense all that is unseen. Scorpios, embodying the Scorpio zodiac sign, can ultimately use their profound emotional intelligence to create loving relationships and embody the healing power of their heart.


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Guided Meditation for Forgiveness

This forgiveness meditation will assist you in releasing your past with unconditional love. Breathe deeply and easily as you bring your awareness from your mind into your heart. We ask that you are surrounded by a legion of angels. They were surrounding you with love, light, healing, and protection. You are breathing in their loving, healing, light. This light is filling every cell of your being. Keep breathing this light into your heart. We now call in Archangel Jeremiel, who assists you in your life review in a loving and nonjudgmental way. to accompany you now. We call in archangels Michael, Raphael, and Uriel, and your highest-level spirit guides to assist you in this healing process. With their assistance on forgiveness meditation, you can heal your karmic residue so you can allow more love and prosperity into your life. You simply need to relax And receive as you allow them to heal your body, mind, and spirit through your etheric and emotional bodies.

Archangel Healing

Keep breathing into your heart chakra during forgiveness meditation. I’m going to guide you to bring your awareness to certain experiences. As you do, just notice and trust the first thing that comes to you without judgments. Simply trust the process. Bring your awareness now to any guilt about a choice you made at any time in your life where you or someone else suffered as a result of your choices. And trust the first thing that comes to you. Bring that to your awareness now. Feel where you are experiencing that in your body. Keep breathing as you visualize yourself during the time in your life when you made that choice. As you see yourself in that time, waves of light and love are flowing to you, to yourself in the present, and to your younger self, the one who made those choices. You can see yourself receiving that love, light, healing, and compassion in your body and every cell of your being. Allow yourself now to receive the pure energy of forgiveness as you release yourself from blame, shame, or guilt about those choices. Waves of light, love, and compassion are flowing to any people who are affected by those choices. In all directions of time, as you feel them receiving this light, you receive the pure energy of love.

Archangel Healing

As light flows to you, you allow yourself to release any guilt. Blame or shame about not being good enough for yourself or someone else. Allow yourself to release any guilt, blame, or shame about not doing enough for yourself or someone else. These emotions are now being transmuted, formless and harmless into the pure energy of compassion. Keep breathing after forgiveness meditation, letting go of anything that doesn’t serve your higher purpose as you continue to breathe in love. You are now going to heal the karmic residue with a specific person in your life. Ask yourself, is there any person who you feel has caused you suffering? Allow yourself to notice the first person who comes to your awareness. No need to judge. As you bring this person into your awareness, notice what is happening in your body. Do you feel any tension or sensations? Breathe light into your body. As light flows through you, you release any anger or resentment you have toward yourself or the other person in regard to your relationship with them.

Guided Forgiveness Meditation

This anger and resentment is being released from you now in all directions of time and being transmuted into the pure energy of love. Any blame you have toward yourself or the other person is now being released from your energy, being transmuted in all directions of time into pure. Love. Love. Allow yourself now to receive the energy of forgiveness. Love and compassion are flowing through you as you breathe in this light. Take a deep breath in as you release anything that doesn’t serve your higher purpose. Now. You are going to balance the karma of giving more than you are receiving. We ask Archangel Raphael to open up the channels of your receiving energy. As he touches the back of your heart chakra, you feel any restrictions releasing, so you can allow an equal flow of giving and receiving love. Ask yourself, is there anywhere in your life where you deny your own well-being? To benefit others, notice what comes up for you without judgment. Breathe in light, and on the exhale, allow yourself to release any beliefs that you are a bad person for having these feelings. As you release this judgment, you are flooded with the divine light of unconditional love and compassion. This light pulses through you in all directions of time, healing your past, present, and future.

Forgiveness Meditation

Take a deep cleansing breath as you release any belief that you need to work hard and prove your worth in order to be loved. Allow yourself to release any fear of abandonment or rejection. If you are not perfect, these emotions are being transmuted in all directions of time into pure. Love. You are being flooded now with the pure energy of unconditional love. Drink that energy into your being. As Archangel Michael surrounds you with a shield of positive energy, we ask now that Archangel Uriel continues to expand your consciousness with the light of understanding, integrating these lessons your soul has experienced. So you can now choose love toward yourself and others for the highest and best of all. Take another deep cleansing breath and notice how good you feel in your body. Bring your awareness now to the present moment and honor yourself for your experiences, for who you are now, and for how much you’ve learned on your journey. With love. As you affirm, I am love. And so it is.

Forgiveness and Letting Go

Forgiveness and letting go are powerful acts that can bring healing and liberation to our lives. But what if we feel stuck in the process, unable to release past hurts or resentment fully? This is where Archangel Healing comes into play, offering divine assistance to help us navigate these challenging emotions. Archangel Raphael, known as the angel of healing, can aid us in forgiving ourselves and others by offering comfort and guidance. By calling upon Raphael’s energy, we invite a higher vibration of love and compassion into our hearts. Visualizing his emerald-green light surrounding us can cleanse lingering negativity, allowing forgiveness to bloom.

Additionally, Archangel Michaelโ€™s unwavering strength can offer support when it feels difficult to let go. With his mighty sword of truth, he assists in cutting cords that bind us to painful memories or toxic relationships. By enlisting Michael’s presence, we find the courage to release old wounds and embrace a future filled with renewed hope. Ultimately, forgiveness and letting go are gateways to personal growth and inner peace. Through harnessing the power of Archangel Healing alongside our own willingness to heal through forgiveness meditation, we embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and liberation from past burdens. May this heavenly guidance lead you toward embracing forgiveness as a path toward true freedom. Practice this 15 minute meditation, Open your Heart to Love, here ยป.



August 23 to September 22

Your Sun Sign is like an owner’s manual. Discover how Virgo zodiac sign uses fine minds for thoughtful communication that serves humanity.

Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation on which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth.

Knowing your Sun Sign is akin to having an owner’s manual. There are characteristics that are hard-wired into your sign that shape the way you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.


Mercury is the messenger of the zodiac. Otherwise, known as quicksilver, Mercury moves FAST! Itโ€™s the solar systemโ€™s speediest planet, with an orbital rate of 107,082 miles per hour (47.87 kms). Mercury governs your intellect and all manner of rational, objective thought.

Mercuryโ€™s job is to disperse information. He rules the realm of communication, transportation, perception, thinking, and writing. Mercury fosters flexibility, quick wit, and adaptability.


Mutable signs are born during the third and final months of a season. Just as the seasons change, mutable signs are learning flexibility and adaptation. They are learning to let go and adapt to change.
Earth signs build things.

They help bring ideas into form to be utilized here on the Earth plane. Earth is the densest of the elements, bringing grounding and practicality. If you want someone with the patience and perseverance to get things done, you can count on an earth sign.




Virgoโ€™s synthesize. They have an uncanny ability to assimilate vast swaths of information. Their ruling planet is Mercury, which makes them exceptional communicators. They are an earth sign, which means they utilize information in practical ways.

Their brilliance is their ability to discern what is useful and what is no longer vital. This typically compels them toward healthy routines for themselves and the Earth.

They notice when even the smallest detail is out of order. This can lead to perfectionism. Yet, the highest expression of Virgo zodiac sign is to use their fine minds for thoughtful communication and create systems that serve all of humanity.


In this enlightening video, I share about what your Higher Self is and how to connect with your Higher Self.

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Connect with Your Higher Self

Hey, it’s Kari here, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach. And one thing I love to do on this channel is to demystify mysticism. There’s so much out there that can seem like it’s “out there”, but you can apply these ideas and concepts to your life in ways that are practical and useful, and purposeful.

So today, we’re going to share all about your Higher Self, what your Higher Self is, how your Higher Self is different from your spirit guides, and how you can connect with your Higher Self.

Now, I suppose you’ve been studying spirituality or intuition for any amount of time. In that case, you hear a lot of expressions, and they all get jumbled together: Angels, spirit guides, Higher Self, divine guidance. Like they’re all kind of mushed up, and you may not know the difference, and you may not know if there is a difference.

Connect with Your Higher Self

Well, there is. And it’s important to know who to call upon or what to call upon at what time. It’s kind of like, if your phone breaks, for instance, and you call your phone company because you want to fix your phone, you know, to ask for technical support, you’re not going to call up and ask to speak to an accountant or the CEO. You want to know who to call upon for what situation.

So what is your Higher Self? So you may know the expression “You’re a spiritual being having a human experience.” So your human self, let’s talk about that first. Time and space limit your human self. Your human self is in a body. Your human self gets really caught up in the drama, and we have emotions, and sometimes we have trauma. And things down here on the earth plane feel very intense, and they’re polarized. And we have a lot of emotions that we’re processing.

So your human self has a personality and ego and a conscious mind. Now your conscious mind is not your consciousness. You have a higher consciousness. You have a part of you that’s connected to all that is. You have a part of you that’s connected to divine consciousness.

Your Soul is Eternal

Your soul is eternal. Your soul is always seeking experiences for growth and expansion. And one of those means of growth and expansion is having a human experience. However, a part of you is always connected to your soul, your higher consciousness. The reason that you came down and incarnated into a body, your soul’s purpose, there was a part of you that knows all of that. That part of you is your Higher Self.

So your Higher Self is that part of you that connects you to your higher consciousness. Your Higher Self is that part of you that connects you to your soul’s purpose, that knows your soul’s purpose, that knows the reasons you have certain experiences.

You know the expression “Everything happens for a reason”? You may not always know why that is, but your Higher Self knows why. So that’s why it’s important to call upon your Higher Self, that part of you that’s wise and knowing.

Spirit Guides

Now, how is this different than spirit guides? Your spirit guides are beautiful beings that are wise and loving, and they’re always guiding you toward your soul’s purpose. I have a whole video about who your spirit guides are and how they help you. So I’m going to make sure to link that here.

For now, it’s important to know the distinction is that your spirit guides, even though many of them are with you, incarnation after incarnation, they’re always with you; they’re not you. They’re not part of you. It’s kind of like, let’s say you have a grandparent that’s very wise and loving and has always given you advice and has been on the earth longer than you and guides you. That’s like a spirit guide. They’re part of your family, but they’re not you.

Your Higher Self is you. Even though it’s out there, it’s still within you, and you can access and connect with your Higher Self at all times. You are connecting with your Higher Self at all times.

Still, the thing is, as our conscious mind is constantly trying to figure things out and as our emotional self is constantly stuck in something that can be fearful or scary or upsetting, your Higher Self is always guiding you at all times. So that’s why it’s important to connect with your Higher Self consciously.

Connect with Your Higher Self

So how do you do that? Again, as I said, it’s paradoxical that your conscious mind can sometimes prevent you from connecting with your higher consciousness because that’s the part that’s figuring things out. Your left brain is your conscious mind. Your right brain is your intuitive mind. And that’s at least 85% of your brain, these other parts of you that are picking up intuitive guidance all the time.

So if you want to connect with your Higher Self and your higher guidance, get quiet. Get still. Turn this part of your brain off that’s always thinking and figuring things out, and allow yourself to receive divine guidance by being still, by quieting your mind.

If you’ve ever been in the zone when you’re being creative, that’s when really brilliant ideas come to you when you’re dreaming. That’s when you get a lot of guidance because that’s when your intuitive faculties are really running the show, right? So that’s the first thing that you want to do to connect with your Higher Self.

Your Wisest Self

Now, you also want to ask your Higher Self for guidance. So if the term ‘Higher Self’ sounds a little bit like out there, right? You can ask your wisest self. What would my wisest self do? What would the wise part of me, the all-knowing part of me? What is my wisest, highest self trying to tell me about my situation now?

So go within and ask the question, ask your wisest, highest self, and allow yourself to receive the answer. So get quiet. The answer may come to you in images. It may come to you later on. It may come to you in a dream.

One way to receive that answer is after you get still and quiet and ask your highest, wisest self for guidance. Write a letter to your Higher Self. “Dear Higher Self…” or “Dear wisest self…” or however you want to frame it, and write a letter and ask your inquiry and then ask your Higher Self to write back to you. It’s not that weird because you are your Higher Self.

Envision Your Future

Your Higher Self is communicating through you. Your Higher Self is part of you. So why can’t your Higher Self write back to you? So write yourself back as your Higher Self, but make sure you’re in that nice, calm, quiet space first, and write a letter back to yourself with guidance from your wisest, highest self, and you will amaze yourself.

Now, another way to communicate with your Higher Self is through meditation. You can get into a quiet, calm place and ask your Higher Self to guide you through a vision, to give you an idea, to meditate upon something with your Higher Self, and see what comes to you.

Now, I have a meditation that I’ve created for you to connect with your Higher Self to envision your future, envision your next steps, and fulfill your soul’s purpose. You can access that meditation for free using the link below if you want that meditation. And I highly suggest you do that because sometimes it’s easier if you’re guided. So this is a guided meditation to guide you to connect with your Higher Self. So again, you can get that using the link below.

Connect with Your Higher Self

Now, another thing to do is ask your Higher Self before you go to bed to help you solve something or give you guidance on something. And then your Higher Self will communicate to you through your dreams. And you may want to write your dreams down the next day.

The most important thing for you is to know that you have the answers, that you have access to divine wisdom, to divine consciousness at any time, and to allow yourself to relax and receive and know that you have access to this at any time.

So there’s so much more in this vast and loving universe that I want to share with you. So if you want to know anything else about spirituality, the soul, your soul’s purpose, intuition, astrology, or numerology, I want to know what you want to know for me because I’m going to be making so many more videos for you.

Connect with Your Higher Self

So leave a comment below and let me know what you want me to share with you in my next video. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, make sure you like it. And I’d love for you to subscribe to this channel. I’ll be sharing more with you in the future. And share it with your friends. I know they will appreciate you for it.

And I am wishing you the most joyful, beautiful journey as you connect with your Higher Self. I love you so much, and I’ll talk to you soon. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Connect with Your Higher Self

Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides, and Soul…

These are words that are seemingly interchangeable. Yet, they a distinctly different.

If you’ve been studying spirituality you’ve heard these words referenced, yet may not know what they mean.

It’s important for you to understand the distinction. For instance, if your cell phone wasn’t working and you called the company for support, you’d want to ask for technical support, not their accountant or CEO right?

When you are facing a challenging situation, the more specific you are with your intentions, the more help and clarity you will receive.

Your soul is that infinite aspect of yourself that is continuing to grow and expand. As your soul incarnates, you learn valuable lessons that can expand the consciousness of all beings, including yourself.

Your Higher Self connects your human awareness to your soul. It is aware of your soul’s purpose, challenges, and karmic lessons.

Your Spirit Guides are wise beings that have incarnated throughout many lifetimes, who remain on the Other Side, and communicate to you through your intuition.

In this video, I share the many ways you can connect with your Higher Self for growth and guidance.


Do you see Angel Number 888 frequently?

This is a divine message for you!

Numbers are a special way that your angels and spirit guides can communicate with you! If you understand the meaning of these numbers, you can communicate with your angels and guides easily through the meaning of the numbers. When you see a repeated number pattern, it is your angels and guides getting you to pay attention.

What is the meaning of Angel Number 888?

Divine Trilogy

Whenever you see a triple number (such as 999, 444, or 111), it has exponential power. 3 is the number that reminds you of your ability to co-create with the divine – as in the divine trinity. Therefore a number repeated three times is a wake up call to your manifesting powers.

Abundance in Action

8 is the number associated with Abundance and Prosperity. If you look at the sacred geometry of this number, it is the symbol for infinity, reminding you that you have unlimited resources.

In the number 8, there are two perfect circles stacked on top of one another. The top sphere of the eight is your connection to the spiritual realm, perfect whole and complete. The bottom sphere of the eight is your fullness in the material world.

What is the symbolism of Repeated Number 888?

This sacred symbol is a reminder that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. When you are trusting and tapping into your infinite resources in the spiritual realm, you can also have prosperity, fulfillment and abundance in the material world.

The Symbolism of 888: Infinite Possibilities

Angel number 888 resonates with the symbolism of infinite possibilities. Each ‘8’ in this number is akin to the infinity symbol (โˆž), signifying unending opportunities, and limitless potential. This angel number serves as a reminder that your potential is boundless and, much like the looping curves of the infinity sign, you are not confined by the limitations of your past experiences.

Connection and Continuity: Your Eternal Journey

Similar to the infinity symbol’s unending loop, the 888 angel number message represents your ongoing journey as a soul. Whatever challenges you are facing is strengthen your resolve. Each experience gathered along your path contributes to your personal growth and wisdom, enriching your soul’s journey.

Balancing Spirit and Matter

The upper half of the number ‘8’, represents the boundless spiritual realm, while the lower half signifies the tangible material world. There is an unbroken connection between the two. This wisdom reminds you to follow your divine guidance, no matter how scary it can be. We you do, you acquire not only material prosperity but also true harmony where the spiritual and material aspects of your life coexist. It’s the key to living a life that resonates with your soul’s purpose. If you choose to ignore your intuition, you may find that what you once believed to be your heart’s desire either remains out of reach or disappoints. Your inner guidance is there for a reason. It’s your compass through the journey of life.

Passion and Power

Angel Number 888 ith description.
8 is a number of POWER. Many people are afraid of their power, because they associate power with being domineering, authoritarian, greedy, or overbearing. Yet, true power is allowing the greatness of the divine to flow through you. You can be a channel for something greater than yourself. When you open yourself up to your spiritual gifts, you will receive blessings and abundance that will bring joy and benefit others as well.

Your passions will always guide you toward your purpose. When you see repeated 8s in your life (such as 88, 888 or 8888) it is a reminder for you to connect to your passions and express your inner gifts with gusto!

Summing up Angel Number 888

To best interpret Angel Numbers, add the SUM of the numbers, as well as interpreting the individual numbers:

8+8+8 = 24,ย ย ย  2+4 = 6

Adding 8+8+8, you get the sum total of 24, which is further reduced to the number 6. The numbers 2, 4, 6 and 8 are all activated! Therefore the number 888 contains all our single digit even numbers. The even numbers represent BALANCE between heaven and earth, your heart and mind, the spiritual and material realms, work and play as well as HARMONY IN RELATIONSHIPS.

When you are truly expressing your divine gifts with confidence, you are in your power, and your relationships improve, as well as your bank account and quality of life.

How do I work with the energy of Angel Number 888?

When you see 888, this is a strong reminder from the Universe to stand up for what you believe in, follow your heart to fulfill your purpose, and radiantly share your gifts with the world. Then you will receive spiritual, emotional and material rewards.

Angel Number 888 also reminds you to RELAX because when you are doing what you are born to do, you always RECEIVE immeasurable support from the Universe.

This is a positive sign that you are on your path, so KEEP GOING!

Do you see 888? If so, leave a comment below!

Angel Number 888