Discover the bonds that transcend time and space

Soulmate Connections

Understand the Spiritual Dimensions of Love

Live Online Event: Thursday, August 15th at 1 pm Pacific / 4 pm Eastern. Recorded for you to keep forever

Have you ever met someone and felt an instant familiarity?

You may have known them for many lifetimes

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These profound bonds extend beyond the traditional definition of love and offer the key to facilitating personal growth, healing, and profound understanding.

Explore your various soulmate connections, from romantic partners to cherished friends and even colleagues.

During our time together, you will discover:

soulmate connections

  • The different types of soulmate connections: You have soulmates beyond just romantic partners, including friendships, colleagues, and family members.
  • The spiritual purpose of soulmate connections: Understand the unique lessons and growth opportunities offered by each type of relationship.
  • Recognizing the signs of soulmate connections: Discover the various ways soulmate connections manifest in your life.
  • Meeting your soulmates: Uncover whether you have one soulmate or many, and learn if it’s possible to miss a connection.
  • Healing and evolving within relationships: how your soulmate can challenge you to evolve into the best version of yourself.
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Carol Mastroianni testimonial

I have a much greater understanding of what soul mates are and are not and about the concept of karma and how it plays into relationships. Kari is gifted at explaining concepts in a way that make so much sense -- even terms that I have heard for years, she brings a new level of understanding that is refreshing and illuminating. Carol Mastroianni

Limited Time Bonus – Open Your Chakras Psychic Energy Attunement

Reprogram your subconscious mind so you can unlock your intuitive powers, and receive an unlimited flow of prosperity and divine guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels.

When you open your chakras, you allow miraculous opportunities to flow into your life. Your chakras will be infused with divine life force energy, illuminating your inner world while expanding your outer world.

You will open yourself up to receive divine guidance.

This is unlike any meditation you’ve experienced before

Specifically designed to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can unlock your intuitive powers.

In this chakra healing activation, you will clear yourself of fears, and expand your energy for an unlimited flow of prosperity and divine guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels.


Binaural beats are used in the background music for deep relaxation and healing. This assists your brainwaves to slow down and synchronize the two hemispheres of your brain. Theta waves are 4hz – 8hz, which what you experience before sleep. You can reprogram your subconscious more easily in a Theta state. You’ll feel blissful and relaxed as your chakras are energized.


Each chakra is infused with affirmations so you can reprogram your mind and your energy. As your brain entrains to the theta brainwave music, your subconscious can easily assimilate the empowering messages. You’ll feel confidence and fearless, so you can finally have the courage to shine more brightly and boldly share your gifts with the world.

Here’s what you will receive:

  • 90-minute video and audio recordings: Learn in your preferred format and download to your favorite device
  • Lifetime access: Revisit the course at any time for further exploration.
  • Emotional and Spiritual Healing: Achieve a deeper understanding of your emotional landscape,  paving the way for healthier, more fulfilling soulmate connections.
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Joanne Keane testimonial

I had only a superficial glancing understanding of soul contracts, karmic relationships, or so-called twin flames before Kari’s program. I am now able to better understand the dynamics because have a better sense of the bigger picture. What used to cause me anxiety, worry, or stress are far easier to take in stride and, more importantly, to address in the moment with greater authenticity. Joanne Keane

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