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July 2022 Astrology Forecast: Love & Karmic Lessons

July is bringing all the fireworks. There is so much happening in the heavens, which means a lot is happening in your life. I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach with your July forecast.

And do not be surprised if your life takes a turn this month. It actually will be unexpected so that it will be a surprise! But I’m letting you know ahead of time.

We begin this month throughout most of the month, up until the 22nd, our Sun is in Cancer. The Moon rules Cancer, which takes you within. So even though it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere, and this is about radiating and joyful expression, this is a time of tuning in. You’re going to be tuning into yourself and going within.

Love & Karmic Lessons

Cancer reconnects you with your emotional roots and finds your security within. It feels a sense of home within yourself, regardless of what is happening in the world. And a lot will be happening in the world and in your life this month. July 2022 in numerology is a 13 Universal Month.

13 is a karmic number. There are a lot of karmic endings this month and fateful new beginnings. There will be things that feel like fate and may seem to happen suddenly, although they’re not.

Things may happen when you’re not paying attention. So this 13 energy gets you to pay attention to where you’ve let go of responsibility and where you haven’t had discipline.

July 2022 Astrology Forecast

13 reduces to the number four. It reduces to 4, and 4 is about material life – family, real estate structure, your foundations. So both Cancer and this number four have to do with home, family, and security. So it’s a pretty good time to buy a new home, or if you’re looking to rent, purchase, move, or somewhere having to do with real estate, it’s a perfect time for it because this is about where you feel safe.

This month is about how you feel safe. The emotional environment you create for yourself to feel secure, to have a sanctuary, to feel nurtured. So pay attention to how you feel in different environments. And that may be one of the sudden changes that happens this month. You may find yourself relocating with money, jobs, family, or something having to do with a transition in a way that you weren’t expecting.

Love & Karmic Lessons

So know it’s in the stars right now. And when this happens, it’s so that you feel more secure, and it’s so that you feel rooted in a way that you may not have felt before. It’s about finding your security within, even when things are changing.

So this 13 in the tarot is the Death card. It’s the end of things. You have to be letting go. You have to be weeding out your spiritual garden, which may come into your life in ways that you didn’t plan on or want to deal with right now. Know that you will be dealing with things in those areas of your life that you may not have thought of before. So keep that in mind and know that this is all for the best.

July 2022 Astrology Forecast

This 13 comes up again. We have a big Full Moon, Supermoon in Capricorn on the 13th, and Pluto plays a part in this. Pluto is associated with the number 13 and will play a part throughout the month. Pluto is known as the Lord of the Underworld. So you’re dealing with the shadow.

You’re dealing with hidden information you haven’t looked at or buried like your feelings. All of this is coming up for you, and it will also be happening in the world. So that Full Moon conjunct Pluto will bring light to some things and your feelings.

You will get in touch with your feelings in a way you haven’t before. You finally see things from a new perspective. So all of this is happening, and that Supermoon amplifies things. Pluto will get to the truth and level things to the ground if it has to, to get to the truth. And Pluto is all about what’s underneath and buried beneath the surface.

Love & Karmic Lessons

Now Pluto is playing a big part in the United States of America. Right now, America is in its Pluto Return, which means Pluto had come back around to where it was when America became a country in the way we know it now, so that’s part of why things are so shocking and horrifying right now in a lot of ways.

Right now, things are being leveled and destroyed and ultimately need building again on a foundation of truth. We realize now all the shadow elements of the shadow. The racism, the sexism, the misogyny, the patriarchy, and just how the country was structured; the country was never really built correctly.

So we are dealing with that right now. So we’re having our second of three exact Pluto returns on the 11th. We have these Pluto elements playing throughout the month. The Sun is going to be opposing Pluto this month. So throughout the month, Pluto has a hand in what’s happening. There’s a change in direction.

July 2022 Astrology Forecast

Your life is going to change direction. There are fateful new beginnings along with these endings that will put us in a better direction and put you in a better direction. Even if things don’t feel comfortable, were headed toward a new way of being.

At the end of this month, we have triple conjunction between the north node of the Moon, which represents our Dharma, where we head. Which is to Uranus, the planet of shocking revelations, quick changes, and new beginnings, and Mars, the warrior planet.

So there’s triple conjunction between those three planets at the end of the month. Again, there will be these sudden quick changes, and we’ll be in Leo at that time, which is more dramatic and bold. You will be mustering this courage to take your life in a new direction.

Love & Karmic Lessons

That triple conjunction is in Taurus, which is all about love and beauty and caring for the planet. That is where we are all heading because we need to bear in that direction. And that is where you are heading.

Taurus teaches you how to value life’s finer things: beauty, art, nature, and love. There is a lot of love in the air this month. It’s a beautiful time for romance to deepen your connections to your loved ones and partner, to find romantic relationships, and to take your life to a new level in heartfelt and meaningful ways.

So there’s this real drama here. There’s this intense Pluto energy. And yet there’s all this beauty, love, and new beginnings as you’re letting go. Change is scary, but this is a necessary change. So be open to pivots and what’s coming to you. Be open to letting go of what wasn’t good for you, or maybe it has outlasted its value in terms of your security. And now you need to find new ways to feel secure and fill your heart.

Three Action Steps

So, I have three steps to help you navigate this dramatic yet loving time. The first step for you to take this month is to nurture yourself. Cancer teaches you all about parenting, yet we tend to over-nurture other people at our own expense. Right? Do you ever find yourself doing this, or maybe you beat yourself up in your mind if you do something wrong?

Or, as you’re letting go of things, you’ll wonder and be mean to yourself about why you didn’t realize these things before. And why didn’t you make a different decision? Be kind to yourself, treat yourself as you would your child, nurture your spirit, nurture your body, nurture your soul, and treat yourself with kindness.

Second Action Step

Now, your second action step is to pay attention to your emotions. There is going to be so much coming up for you. Now, the Moon, all your feelings, are teaching you what’s right for you. They’re teaching you that anger lies at a crossed boundary. They’re teaching you to listen to your heart instead of what you think you want. So pay attention to what is going on in your emotional being. It is guiding you toward your next steps.

Third Action Step

Now your third action step is to listen to your body’s wisdom. As you are making choices, pay attention to how your body feels. You don’t want to get into a situation where someone or something looks good on paper, and your whole body is saying, “Nope! Not a good fit.”

I have something for you that can help you with this. I have a free guided process to ask your body for intuitive answers. I have to tell you, out of all the things I have learned in my intuitive journey, this may be the thing that has helped me the most. It is so simple and accurate; I wish they had taught me this in kindergarten.

As you learn to tune into your body for answers, it will guide you in a foolproof way. You cannot go wrong when you listen to your body, paying attention to more energy from the world than your mind can fathom.

July 2022 Astrology Forecast: Love & Karmic Lessons

So if you want to access that guided intuitive process, you can do that using the link below. It is free. So I highly recommend you do that. It could completely transform your life as it did mine. And it is so easy.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this video. If you’ve liked it, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel. I have so much more to share with you. Hit that bell for a notification when I come out with a new video.

I love you so much, and I wish you a joyful July and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

July 2022 Astrology Forecast: Love & Karmic Lessons

July brings the fireworks.

It’s a month full of passion, love, and many life lessons.

In numerology, July 2022 is a 13/4 Universal Month (7 +2+0+2+2 = 13).

13 is a Karmic Number, so the love lessons you’ll experience won’t necessarily be easy. When this number is activated, you need to go within to find your inner strength.


You are remembering how to love yourself and your life. You may need to let go of people or circumstances so you can make space for more joy and fulfillment.

With our Sun in Cancer until July 22, you may be reflecting on what home and security mean to you. Cancer is a water sign connecting you with your deepest memories and emotional roots.

Prepare to change course this month, and take the path less traveled.

There are so many shifts for you on the horizon. In this month’s forecast. I share the three essential steps you can take to nourish your soul.

Have a beautiful month!
~ Kari

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June 2022 Astrology Forecast – LOVE & HARMONY Restored

If you found last month to be challenging, you will be so relieved that this month is a lot easier. Harmony and love are restored. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, Your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your June forecast.

Before we talk about June energy, I want to talk about what happened last month. It was so intense. It was a lot. And the good news is it sets you up for a more passionate, joyful experience, not just this month but moving forward.

So last month was eclipse season. We had those intense eclipses. It was so emotional. Mercury was retrograde, and it was an 11 universal month in numerology.


11 is a master number too. It teaches you to master your life with some extra challenges. But it also brings light and illumination to your shadow. Eclipses bring light to your shadow.

So all of these buried emotions and intuitive insights came up for you. And, of course, Mercury Retrograde gave you a different perspective on things.

So you were rethinking everything. You probably had to let go of some things, beliefs, expectations, and relationships. You probably had new light shed on some old issues. And it may be one of those things where you’re like, oh my gosh, why didn’t I realize these things before, please?

June 2022 Astrology Forecast

Whatever you do, do not beat up on yourself. You made these realizations now because you’re ready now. You have the spiritual strength to move to a new level in your life.

These eclipses sometimes bring fateful new beginnings and fateful endings of karmic lessons. So here you are in June. And so what do you do with all this energy? What do you do with these newfound insights?

June is your month to express yourself. It is the month to be true to who you are, rekindle your passions, and align with what you were born to do.


So we’re in the sun sign of Gemini for the majority of the month. And Gemini is all about using your voice and communicating, expressing, learning new things, growing in new ways, networking, connecting, and enjoying life.

It’s sort of like the hummingbird of the Zodiac. It likes to taste a lot of nectar. June is a time for you to be creative and explore new things.

And Mercury goes direct on June 3rd. Woah! Thank heavens. Am I right? Mercury is going direct in Taurus and is Gemini’s ruler. So it’s all about communication and your mind and your thoughts and learning. And Taurus governs what you value, including valuing yourself. Taurus rules the throat.

June 2022 Astrology Forecast

So this is a time to speak your truth. This is a time to communicate what’s in your heart. Venus rules Taurus and is also in Taurus. So Venus is in her home sign. Venus is all about luxuriating in beauty and enjoying life’s pleasures.

Now again, Taurus rules what you value. So you’re learning how to value yourself more. You’re learning how to value what’s important. You’re learning how to value the simple things in life. And you’re learning about how to elevate your self-worth so you can enjoy life more.

Additionally, Mars is in his home sign of Aries. This first sign of the Zodiac is about passion. So it’s all about putting yourself out there with confidence and enthusiasm. Aries is sexy, passionate, and courageous.


We have Venus and Mars in their home signs. So this is about this connection of really being passionate about your life. Yet, not pushing your way through life.

Venus is teaching you to luxuriate more and to enjoy life without having to make it so hard. This time is wonderful for romance. It is a wonderful time for passion projects and your creative pursuits.

In addition to this in numerology, June of 2022 is a 3 universal month. And three is a number associated with joy and fun and creativity and expression. Do you see the theme here?

June 2022 Astrology Forecast – LOVE & HARMONY Restored

So 3 teaches you to speak your truth. Three teaches you to say what’s in your heart. When the three activates anything that has been weighing on your heart, it’s time to express it. It’s time to bring it out into the world. This thing can be a creative project. It can be unexpressed feelings weighing on you.

So this is an incredible time to connect with new people, learn new things, and do what you love. And one of the many things that the eclipses taught you was what you didn’t love anymore. What wasn’t making you feel good. And it opened the space for what you can do and who you can connect with instead.

Three Action Steps

So that being said, I have three action steps to help you make the most of this beautiful, joyful time. Now, your first action step is to BE AUTHENTICALLY YOU! Look for anywhere in your life where you’re not completely yourself, hiding parts of yourself and not allowing yourself to express your true nature.

Anytime you are oppressing yourself or repressing a part of you, this will show up in other parts of your life. These things have a way of filtering everywhere, including your vitality.

Love Yourself

So it’s so important that you find ways to be yourself in any environment because whenever you are yourself and expressing yourself and sharing with the world the fullness of who you are, you get that reflected in you.

That’s when you can attract people and circumstances who love and appreciate you for the beautiful fullness of who you are with all your quirks and eccentricities. That’s when we love you more because you are uniquely you. So the more you love yourself by expressing yourself authentically, the more that comes back to you.

Second Action Step

Now your second action step in this June 2022 astrology forecast is to SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SUPPORT. It’s easier for you to express your true nature when the people around you accept you for who you are. And again, you may have realized there are people in your life who don’t allow that and don’t accept you. They think you’re weird, or you feel like you have to hide around.

You don’t need to have these people in your life anymore. You can choose to let them go. You can choose to find people of like mind and souls who love you for who you are, who appreciate you for who you are. You’re unique, and you deserve to be loved and appreciated for who you are. So surround yourself with those people. Let go of anyone who doesn’t believe in it.

Third Action Step

We’ve arrived at our third action step to SPEAK YOUR TRUTH. Now you may even have people who love and appreciate you for who you are. And we all have these feelings inside of us where we’re afraid of hurting other people.

If we say what’s really in our minds, in our hearts, or afraid of being rejected or abandoned, especially if you’re sensitive, especially if you’re an empath, this 3 energy can bring up more sensitivity.

However, speaking what’s in your heart is going to liberate you. It’s so important that you share your needs, desires, creativity, and expression. So this can be feelings that you haven’t expressed that need to be expressed even with your dearest loved ones, or maybe people who aren’t your dearest loved ones.

Being Extraordinary 6-Week Empath Empowerment Mentorship

This is also true for creative expression. You are a co-creator. And one way that we learn to co-create our life is by being creative. So if there is a way that you want to express yourself creatively, now is a wonderful time to do that.

Everything in the universe is supporting you to do that. So if you want some support with all of these emotional and spiritual things, you can get it. Suppose you want to be with other people. Suppose you want help to be more embodied and empowered and connect with your inner truth and wisdom. In that case, you can still join me for Being Extraordinary, my six-week empath empowerment mentorship.

It’s a beautiful community of sensitive, compassionate souls. And I will help you reclaim your empathic, intuitive, and extra-sensory gifts. You can feel strong. You can claim your space in the world and feel empowered with your beautiful, unique gifts. You can join me until May 28th to sign up.

Being Extraordinary 6-Week Empath Empowerment Mentorship

We begin June 7th. I am so excited about this journey. So if you’d like more information, you can find that using the link below.

And if you’ve enjoyed this video, I’d love to hear about it. Leave a comment below, share it with your friends and make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to my YouTube channel because I have so much more to share.

I love you so much. And I’m wishing you a joyful jubilant June and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

June 2022 Astrology Forecast – Love & Harmony Restored

Our June astrology forecast shows sunny celestial skies!

After a whirlwind month, you can find your footing again.

Eclipse season is behind us. And PHEW! Mercury stations direct in Taurus on June 3, helping you gain traction on your plans.
In numerology, June 2022 is a 3 Universal Month.

Joyful 3 teaches you how to express whatโ€™s in your heart, so donโ€™t hold back your feelings! Your creativity needs an outlet – sing, dance, write, journal, play, and show the world your true colors.

Itโ€™s a beautiful time for artistic endeavors, socializing, and fun. You may feel scattered from all the events and emotions swirling around, so make sure youโ€™re taking time to enjoy yourself and donโ€™t work too hard! You are rediscovering what you LOVE, so live it up!

In this June 2022 astrology and numerology forecast, I share how to luxuriate in this monthโ€™s loving vibes so you can make the most of it.

Enjoy every moment,


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May 2022 Astrology Forecast – Eclipses Bring BIG Energy!

May is going to be a life-changing month. This is one of those months where you look back and say, “THAT is when everything changed for me.” Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your May 2022 astrology forecast. There is so much happening in the planets this month, which means there will be much happening inside you.

You’re probably already feeling it. If you were feeling extra sensitive or overly emotional, there’s a reason for it. We are in Eclipse season, and Eclipses occur two weeks apart. There are always two in a row. So we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. And we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 16th.

And that time in between Eclipses is known as Eclipse season. The Eclipse portal and Eclipses conjure up many emotions because what they do is bring up anything eclipsed from your consciousness.

Eclipses Bring BIG Energy!

So you feel so much energy within you. And it’s one of those things where you may say to yourself, oh my gosh, didn’t I figure this out before I worked on this? I healed this. I did this already. Why is this happening to me? Why it’s happening to you is because there’s always another layer beneath the surface. There’s always more that needs healing.

The April 3oth is a New Moon Eclipse. New Moons are always about new beginnings, fateful new beginnings, which sometimes mean fateful endings.

So this May 16th is a total Moon Lunar Eclipse. Full Moons always amplify emotions. Full Moons are a time to release, heal, and let go. It’s a potent time for releasing the karmic patterns limiting you. In this Eclipse season, the first two weeks of May are about bringing your realization to the parts of you that have been limiting you, your karmic patterns, and the stuff that has kept you in the same loop over and over again.

May 2022 Astrology Forecast

So now you are awakening to the fullness of who you are. Instead of reacting to your wounds, you realize what to do and how to respond to the world. So make sure you do something special on that Lunar Eclipse and make sure that you are taking this time right now to bring your awareness to your emotions, to bring your awareness to what’s happening. That sensitivity alerts you to what you’ve been overlooking.

There’s more, always more, and especially this month, there’s so much more. May 10th is a big day because Jupiter is changing signs and is one of the social planets. It tends to stay in a sign once a year, but it’s zigzagging this year.

It’s going into Aries on May 10th and will be there until October. And then again, in December, Jupiter and Aries will give you some motivation, that drive to believe in yourself. And right after Jupiter changes signs in Aries, Mercury is going retrograde in Gemini.

Eclipses Bring BIG Energy!

Mercury retrograde is about rethinking, revisioning, and reviewing. While we’re in this Eclipse portal, you’re also paying attention and receiving previously overlooked information. That’s what the Mercury retrogrades are about now.

Mercury rules Gemini. Gemini is this double-bodied sign, and it’s the twins. It’s seeing things from a different perspective, which you will be doing.

So as things are coming up for you, like these old patterns, you have the opportunity to see it in a different light to see things from a different perspective. May 2022 in numerology is an 11 universal month. And 11 is the number of illumination, insights, and intuition.

May 2022 Astrology Forecast

11 is a master number, teaching you how to master your life. Look at the sacred geometry of the 11. It is those pillars. You’re walking through a new step into your soul’s evolution. As you walk through those pillars of light, you illuminate. And, of course, it brings light to the shadow.

So that’s the theme this month. Are you seeing what is happening? Everything about this month brings light to those parts of you that you’ve buried, suppressed, and repressed. It’s about waking up to your truth. It is about recognizing your truth and having the courage to pursue your meaning and change directions.

Now, remember this universe will do it for you, so do it consciously, and that takes courage. That’s why it’s great that Jupiter is going into Aries because that will help you with the courage that you need to take your life in a new direction. So, how do you navigate this extra sensory psychically charged energy?

Three Action Steps

As part of this May 2022 Astrology Forecast, I have three action steps for you, and your first step is to Practice Being Present. This 11 energy, the eclipse energy, it’s all very high octane. It can supercharge your nervous system and make you aware of so much light you may have a lot of divine downloads.

The tendency, especially for empaths, is to rise out of their bodies, overthink things, and then you’re not grounded. You’re not present. And, of course, we are in Taurus for the majority of this month. Taurus teaches you to be grounded and present and enjoy life’s pleasures. So focus on being in your body. Focus on staying grounded and focus on what you’re thankful for at the moment. And that’s going to help you.

Second Action Step: Watch Your Words

Now, your second action step is to Watch Your Words. With Mercury retrograde and these highly strung emotions, you can say things you maybe aren’t thinking about first, and you don’t want to yell something out and hurt someone’s feelings.

Also, it’s really important to be mindful of the words you use toward yourself. Are you speaking toward yourself kindly? Are you using loving words toward yourself? Remember, the world reflects your self-image.

Third Action Step: Heal Your Past Hurts

So this brings us to our third action step: to Heal Your Past Hurts. I know that seems like a big job. It’s the job of our life. Right? And how do you do this? Well, first of all, as you’re present and mindful, you’re noticing what words you use toward yourself and how you’re feeling.

As you respond to the world around you, as you’re noticing and mindful of what’s coming up for you without judgment, you can choose to bring love to them and let whatever pass through. You let it go with kindness and forgiveness and understand that whatever you went through in your past, you did the best you could as a soul. So be kind to yourself. Be kind to others and understand that every experience helps your soul grow by design.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Healing and Masterclass

Now, I want to help you with this. I am hosting a free live Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Healing and Masterclass, which will help you release other people’s energy and help you gain your strength so you can protect yourself in the world and feel more confident.

I’m also going to teach you how you are uniquely divinely designed as an empath and a sensitive to use that to reclaim your superpowers because your sensitivity is a gift. And to utilize that as the spiritual gift that it is. This event is free, and you can access that using the link below in the description.

So sign up for that and share this with your friends. Invite them to join you because this is collective healing, and there’s power in collective healing. So this will help you heal yourself and be a light in the world. The light that you were born to be it’s free, it’s going to be magical, and it’s going to help you feel better about yourself.

May 2022 Astrology Forecast – Eclipses Bring BIG Energy!

Now. I hope that I’ve encouraged you to have a magnificent month, and I’m so excited to share this event with you on the Lunar Eclipse. And again, you can sign up for that using the link below in the description. I love you so much. I’m wishing you a magical May and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

May 2022 Astrology Forecast – Eclipses Bring BIG Energy!

May astrology and numerology bring BIG energy.

Eclipses, Mercury Retrograde, major planetary shifts…it’s all happening in May!

In numerology, May 2022 is an 11 Universal Month. 11 is a Master Number. You are learning how to bring spiritual mastery to your life.

You are probably experiencing the intensity already. Maybe you are feeling extra-sensitive or emotional. Perhaps you have some relationship conflicts that you thought you worked through. Or maybe you are stuck in emotional patterns that you thought you healed.

In this month’s forecast, I share essential steps to navigate this highly-charged psychically sensitive energy.

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April 2022 Astrology Forecast – Reach for the Stars!

April’s energy is electric. If you have a dream in your heart, this is your month to go for it and reach for the stars. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels your Intuitive Counselor & Happiness Coach. And this is your April forecast.

Let’s begin with our numerology. In numerology, April 2022 is a 1 universal month, and 1 is our first number. 1 represents new beginnings. It’s a time for really fresh starts: trying something, innovation, ingenuity, intuition, insight, all of these wonderful, inspirational energies. That’s a theme throughout the month.

We have a whole month of new beginnings! That is everything the universe is telling you to do this month. This month is when we have a New Moon at the beginning and end of the month. April 1st is this wild, incredible. New Moon with four planets in Aries. And Aries is also the first sign of the Zodiac.

Reach for the Stars!

The new year in astrology begins with Aries on the Aries Equinox. Mars, which is about initiation, passion, and confidence to go for what you want, rules Aries. It’s about being a warrior with courage. And so this is a time to be bold, think big, act big. During this New Moon in Aries, we have four planets in Aries.

One is Chiron. Chiron in Aries has been a theme for many years now. Chiron is the wounded healer, and Chiron in Aries teaches you to overcome whatever wounds you have about believing in yourself, about putting yourself first. So this New Moon is teaching you to have the courage to put yourself first.

And this Sun and moon are unopposed. It has no harsh planetary aspects. It’s about everything lining up to give you confidence. To go for what you want. So that is the beginning of this month. This month also ends with this New Moon Solar Eclipse. So this isn’t just any New Moon that we have.

April 2022 Astrology Forecast

It’s a New Moon Solar Eclipse. Solar Eclipses are like exponentially powerful New Moons. They always initiate fateful new beginnings and sometimes have abrupt endings. The eclipses coordinate with the moon’s lunar nodes also called the karmic nodes of the moon.

The North Node of the moon connects to where we are collectively headed. Our Dharma and the South Node are associated with karma. So this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus is aligned with our North Node of the moon. So everything about the energy of this month is letting go.

And these massive karmic endings of letting go of all the wounds and pain and karmic patterns you have to keep you from believing in yourself.
So you can reach for and go for what you want and achieve them.

Reach for the Stars!

So this is a very powerful time. Two New Moons in one calendar month are very rare. They happen maybe once every 36 months or so at that. And so this is an incredible time.

We also have another event happening this month that hasn’t happened since 1856. It is very, very rare. Jupiter and Neptune are aligning conjunct in the exact degree in Pisces on April 12th.

So Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces. And when a planet is in its sign that it rules, it has exponential power. Jupiter is the planet that expands everything. Neptune is the sign of dreams. Neptune, in mythology, is the God of the seas.

April 2022 Astrology Forecast

So Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces, which is the sign whose element is mutable water. So there are all of these flood gates of water. Now that Solar Eclipse that’s happening at the end of this month, we also have four planets in Pisces.

So there’s also, in addition to all this Aries fire energy, there’s a lot of Pisces. And Pisces is the sign of dreams and spiritual connection and intuition.

Now, this event on April 12th is not just a one-and-done kind of thing. Since this is a once in a generational multi-generational event, this creates a change of paradigms. So we’re going to see more intuitive arts coming to the forefront.

Reach for the Stars!

We’re going to see a lot more compassion because Pisces is the sign of compassion. It’s the sign of empathy, this element of mutable water.

The ocean reminds us that water connects everything. If you think about the ocean, if you put a drop of anything in a glass of water, it fills the whole cup.

So this is a time to fill your cup with passion, which Aries teaches you. It’s a time to live in a way that your heart guides you, not just your mind.

And there’s something else that Piscean energy is bringing us. In addition to the Aries energy, it’s about taking your compassion and empathy and doing something in the world with it. It’s easy for an empath to look at what’s happening in the world and want to hide and just put yourself in a bubble and disappear or, like, get lost in its pain.

April 2022 Astrology Forecast

And a lot of that was apparent last month. And this whole year is really about having more compassion, having more empathy. And as I said, right at the beginning of the year, when I was doing my 2022 forecast and tuning into the energy, I saw all the water, and I saw all the Pisces and then this Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces.

And we’re in the year of the Water-Tiger. And it’s a 6 universal year, which is also about living from the heart. It’s not like people decide to have compassion or live from the heart. There’s something that usually happens.

So as I had said in my Divining 2022 forecast, the compassion may come from more division, or sometimes events in the world that open our hearts events in the world that are so heartbreaking that you can’t help but be in your feelings. A lot of what this year teaches you is about living in your emotional body rather than just your mind. And I think it is our mind that has divided us.

Reach for the Stars!

We have all these twos in 2022, and two is about cooperation or division. And so this is a time when we’re learning how to live in our truth, live in our hearts. And I’m sure you’re learning that. And I’m sure you’re feeling that. This is an emotional year, and a lot of it is through heartbreak and heartbreak in the world.

Now you may see this month some world events that will open your heart more. And that could be a manmade situation as we’re seeing in the world. Still, it can also be a natural disaster because Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces can bring floods, especially anything with water.

And the time of the great floods in Europe occurred the last time that Jupiter and Neptune were conjunct in Pisces. So this water, the flood gates, it’s metaphorical, but it can also be literal. So be aware of that, and anything in your home that needs repairing as it pertains to water, don’t delay.

April 2022 Astrology Forecast

Okay. So just be prepared. It will be a month of surprises and a month of radical change. And in a way that points you in the direction of your destiny, especially what the eclipses bring.

And so we’re getting ready for that eclipse season that begins at the end of this month. So how do you navigate this wild electric energy? I have some tips for you and how to do that.

First Tip

So the first thing that you can do to maximize the energy of this month is to put yourself first. That’s what the Aries energy teaches us.

And that is what the 1 energy teaches us. So 1 is the self. One teaches you that the self is important. And it’s important to have boundaries if you want to achieve anything in the world and have the energy to do what you love. And it’s so important that you remember that your voice matters, that your unique talents make a difference.

So if you remember to put yourself first, that helps everybody. Suppose you have the courage to put yourself out there that helps the greater good. So it’s not selfish to put yourself first. So I want to remind you of that.

Second Tip

Now your second action step is to try something new. In case it wasn’t apparent, NEW is the theme. All month, everything in the universe tells you to do something new. What happens with these eclipses is that the universe does it for you if you don’t make the changes that your intuition guides you to do.

So go ahead. If there’s something you’ve been thinking about doing but don’t dare to do, do it before you feel ready. You will feel prepared once you do it. And then also, you know, this can be small things like changing up your routine, trying a new exercise regimen, taking a new direction to work, or walking on a different path.

Try some new foods, experiment with some cooking that you’ve wanted to try. Just break out of your comfort zone and do new things. If there is a product launch, blog, or anything that you’ve wanted to do, put yourself in the world in a new and exciting way. Woah. Now is your time. So go for it! Okay?

Third Tip

Your third action step is to turn up your wattage; especially as empaths, it’s easy to hide and shrink, especially when the world feels overwhelming, but you are needed now. So imagine that you have a light within you because you do, radiating outward. Bigger and brighter and bigger and brighter and bigger and brighter.

When you walk into a room, allow yourself to take up space energetically. Everywhere you go, everything your energy touches is illuminated and uplifted with your glorious, brilliant light. Turn up that wattage higher, brighter, bigger. You’ve got this!

So in astrology, your Sun Sign is the unique way that you radiate in the world. It shows you how you’re meant to focus and direct your energy. So if you want a tool to help you understand your Sun Sign better, I have a free guide, a free Zodiac guide that helps you understand your Sun Sign and your loved one’s Sun Signs.

April 2022 Astrology Forecast – Reach for the Stars!

Cause I got to tell you if you want to understand why people do the things they do, what makes them tick, what’s going on on the inside, it helps you understand them. It helps you have better relationships. So this is helpful for coworkers, colleagues, friends, lovers, children, anything. It’s really helpful to know your Sun Sign and those of your loved ones.

So if you want that free guide, you can access that using the link below, and I highly recommend you do so because it’s exciting to learn about yourself.

So, if you have enjoyed this video, if you found it helpful, give it a thumbs up, make sure you like it. And I have so much more to share with you. So make sure you are subscribed to this channel.

I have a lot to share with you. I am wishing you an awesome, amazing April and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

April 2022 Astrology Forecast – Reach for the Stars!

Aprilโ€™s energy is electric!

We begin this month with an empowering New Moon in Aries on April 1. This is one of the best days of the year to start a new venture or launch a project.

We end the month with an energizing New Moon Solar eclipse.

Two New Moons in a calendar month occur approximately once every 32 months. This rare occurrence is a call to take action to fulfill your vision for the future.

In numerology, April is a 1 Universal Month. This is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. 1 is the number that reminds you to believe in yourself!


With audacious Aries energizing your confidence, now is the opportune time to be bold and go for your dreams.

We also currently have no personal planets in retrograde.

This month is ripe with opportunities!

In this monthโ€™s forecast, I share with you how to make the most of this incredibly potent energy and ride the waves of success.

Have an awesome April!

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February 2022 Astrology Forecast – Money, Prosperity, & Power

If 2022 did not get off to the roaring start you wanted, this month might bring you the momentum you want.

Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your February forecast. And it’s crazy we’re in February right now because January was the longest month in human history that happened to also fly by in a flash.

Here we are in February, and this is more like the new year than the top of the year. And so this is when you can start to have things moving for you.

We were in retrogrades for all of January. Venus was retrograde right at the top of the year and didn’t go direct until January 29th. Mercury’s been retrograde since January 14th and finally goes direct on February 3rd.

Money, Prosperity, & Power

The skies are free and clear. It is all systems go. You can go for your dreams and start feeling that forward energy, really start having more energy to go for what you want, and have more clarity in your intentions.

That January retrograde energy was to get your heart and your mind into an alignment, into really processing what’s essential for you, really knowing your heart better and your mind better. And so there was a lot of processing. So if you were tired, that’s part of why that was.

So again, we have a lot of high octane energy this month, and it is the new year because February 1st is the Lunar New Year. We begin the year of the water tiger. Doesn’t that sound so beautiful and so energizing? Last year was the Metal Ox. The year before that was the Metal Rat. If any year was a Year of a Rat, it was 2020.

And so last year too, the metal ox is plodding its hard work, and metal is sharp. Water is cleansing and healing. Water is always moving and takes on many different shapes and forms. And so there’s a lot more movement this year, and you’re tapping into your emotional energy.

February 2022 Astrology Forecast

You’re tuning into your feeling and your heart. And tigers are passionate, and they’re vibrant, and they’re magnetic. Tigers also know when to play, recreate, and be affectionate. They’re very protective of their young and their family, which is also a theme this year.

So there are a lot of themes that go through the year, and this emotional deepening is one of them. This water element is getting you in touch with your heart, psyche, and soul. Water also connects everybody.

So there’s a remembrance that we’re all connected. We’re all one. So this brings some beautiful energy. The thing about the tiger as well, the tiger always knows when to strike. So really, really go for your dreams right now.

We also are in an 8 universal month. February 2022 in numerology is an 8 universal month. Eight is the number of abundance, money, status, power. Why is that? It is certainly not because money is going to fall from the sky. It is not a magical thing.

Money, Prosperity, & Power

Eight connects you to your passions, which always connects you to your purpose. Eight teaches you how to harness your power for the greater good. It teaches you to feel good about shining and shining brightly.

There’s a lion in the Strength card, which is the eighth card of the tarot. So here we have the lion and the tiger, all this powerful feline energy, which is sensual. It’s nurturing, and it’s playful, affectionate, and fierce.

Lions and tigers, especially the tigers, don’t be afraid to show your stripes. So that’s one of the lessons that this whole year will be teaching you but especially pronounced this month.

Now, Venus and Mars are traveling very closely together, and they’re the lovers of the Zodiac. So again, this is a lot of passion that is happening this month, and it could be a very romantic month for you as well. And it’s also about bringing together your heart, Venus, and how you take action in the world.

February 2022 Astrology Forecast

Mars is teaching you to have courage. So you’re learning how to walk your talk. You’re learning how to share what’s in your heart.

So use this momentum of this month to shine brightly, to bring your light more brilliantly into the world. There will be a lot more craziness happening in the world this month, especially since the United States is having its Pluto return, which is once every 246 to 248-year event.

And so there could be breakdowns in our economy. There are certainly going to be more divisions. There can be many breaking down, many scary things, more division.

I talked in my 2022 forecasts about how these 2’s are happening this month, the 2/20/2022, which is when we have our Pluto return. The 2/22/22. There’s a lot of this 2 energy, which is polarity, but it’s also harmony. So there’s the light and the shadow aspects of these.

Money, Prosperity, & Power

So it’s up to you to bring your love into the world. It’s up to you to stay peaceful when everything around you has more chaos. It’s up to you to get your passions into the world. Because when things around you are in turmoil, it’s easy to feel helpless, and it’s easy to feel powerless.

But this energy is about teaching you to tap into your power. So it’s by pursuing your passions and bringing your light into the world where you have some power. It’s where you have some choice. It’s where you can make the world a better place.

And that is what this energy is teaching you โ€“ to tune into your passions and to bring your light into the world to pursue your passions so that you can make the world more beautiful in only the way that you can. And again, as things outside of you maybe bring up some fear and can help, it’s helpful for you to find that peace and to do your part.

Everyone always says when things were down for them, and they helped other people, that’s when their life started to have more movement. So how can you make this world a better place through your unique light?

Three Action Steps

So with that in your mind and your heart, I have three action steps for you this month that will help you tap into this. Now the first action step for you is to tune into your Higher Self for your vision and future.

So instead of visualizing what you want, which can sometimes be a mental activity, a lot of what people do is think about what they want, and it could be an ego desire, or it could be something that they think they want something that you’ve done. And then you try to muster your heart into that so that you visualize that, which is maybe a little bit not in the correct order.

What can be more helpful is if you envision your higher guidance, intuition, and meaning from your Higher Self and then pursue that. So it’s about receiving your vision from spirit rather than mustering up a visualization. So pay attention to your divine downloads.

Money, Prosperity, & Power

Pay attention to your feelings because your emotions will guide you. Pay attention to your dreams while you sleep, but also your daydreams, the things that come to you. Pay attention to these inner yearnings that happen to you, those feelings that don’t go away.

Pay attention to all that inner guidance. And if you want to get in touch with your Higher Self actively, you can do a few things.

Now, first of all, the calmer you are, the more you can hear your divine guidance. Now it’s helpful if you want to say a prayer and ask your Higher Self to guide you. And then write a letter from your Higher Self, ask your Higher Self to write through you.

February 2022 Astrology Forecast

That’s one way you can tap in. I also have a guided meditation for you to get into a very calm meditative state and receive a vision for your future from your Higher Self. And that meditation is free, and you can access that using the link below.

So that can be a compelling way of accessing a divine vision to envision your future from your Higher Self. Again, you can access that for free using the link below.

I highly suggest you use that. And pay attention to what’s coming to you rather than what you think you want. Your feelings your passions are going to be guiding you toward your purpose.

Second Action Step

Your second action step is to do something scary that guides you towards your goals. So when I say “scary,” I don’t mean bungee jumping or jumping from a plane or anything like that.

It doesn’t need to be a physical risk. I’m talking about an emotional risk-taking you toward your purpose, bringing you one step closer to your goals.

Now I’m not asking you to do everything at once. What happens is, if we have a big vision or we see this next step that we need to take, the bigger picture, which you will receive from your Higher Self, if you see that bigger vision, it’s like, “How do I get there?” looking at the whole top of the mountain or this long road ahead of you. And that can get you so scared that you don’t do anything.

February 2022 Astrology Forecast – Money, Prosperity, & Power

So this is about taking one step toward your goal, desires, and intention. Toward what you’ve been seeing as a vision for your future. Just that one step. But do it in a way that strengthens your courage muscles.

If you want to meet someone, ask someone on a date or go on a dating site, or if that’s something you’ve been wanting to do that’s been frightening you. If you’ve wanted to become self-employed, maybe start your web page, start a blog, put yourself on video. Anything taking you toward your big goal is one step that builds your courage muscles.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t all work out or if you’re finding your way as you’re going along. It’s going to open up so many doors for you when you take that action step. You can keep redirecting the course, but keep going. Okay? Keep putting one foot in front of the other and do what scares you.

Third Action Step

Now, your third action step is to expect more for yourself. Now is a time to ask for more money, expect more respect, and expect more from yourself and the world. And what’s going to happen is the world will mirror you.

If you get into some situations where people are disrespecting you or belittling your worth in any way, it’s a mirror for you. The universe is trying to show you that you need to step it up. You need to step up your game. It would help if you ask for more, expect more, and treat yourself with the love and respect you want and deserve.

Now, I know that if you do these three action steps, you will open up a whole new world of opportunities for you. And again, if you want help envisioning your future with your Higher Self, I highly recommend that you download that free meditation using the link below.

February 2022 Astrology Forecast – Money, Prosperity, & Power

And if you’ve enjoyed this video and found it helpful, make sure that you are subscribed to this channel because I have so much more to offer you this year and in the coming years. And also, share it with your friends. I know they will appreciate you for it.

I’d love to hear what action steps you’re taking this month. So leave a comment below, and again, make sure you like this video and subscribe to this channel for more.

I love you so much, and I’m wishing you a joyful, beautiful February and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

February 2022 Astrology Forecast: Money, Prosperity, & Power

February astrology brings BIG energy.

This larger-than-life month begins with a New Moon in Aquarius on February 1, initiating the Year of the Water-Tiger.

2022 began with Venus in retrograde, and Mercury has been retrograde since January 14th.

In numerology. February 2022 is an 8 Universal Month. You will have many lessons in the realm of money, status, and personal power.


Globally, we will see some major shakeups, especially since the United States will experience its Pluto Return. This rare occurrence happens approximately every 246-248 years.

Iโ€™ve got you covered. In this monthโ€™s forecast, Iโ€™ll share with you how to make the most of this monthโ€™s momentum and stay peaceful while the world is chaotic.

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.