Kari: [00:00:00] Welcome everyone. Ooh, I am so excited about our guest today. Johannes Lockwood is the resident astrologer at KariSamuels com and some of you may know him because we share his link with people to sign up for readings with him. And today we’re bringing him out from behind the scenes into the front of the camera.
Welcome to Get Psyched with Kari Samuels, where you’ll find inspiration to create a magical life. Here, you’ll experience all things divine. So tune in and let the magic begin. Hi
Johannes and I… We have actually a lot in common, and a lot in common in our birth charts. Even though I grew up in the [00:01:00] Bronx, and he grew up in Denmark, we have so much synchronicity. And that’s one of the things that we’re going to be talking about today. The synchronicity with each other that you have in your birth chart.
When you have these magical connections with people. So without further ado, let us welcome Johannes. Hello. Hello, Carrie. I’m just so happy to be here. And I’m just, even though I’m in very, very cold. In the northern part of Europe, everything seems extremely hot, and warm, and cozy, and hoogly all of a sudden.
Oh yeah, Uzi, that, that word that, can you explain it? I always see it written out. It’s H, what is that? It’s H Y G G E. It’s the, the hookah. It’s like being inside with, with a blanket, with a cup of tea. Yeah. [00:02:00] Cozy. Cozy. Yeah. Well, today, actually I’m gonna go for a walk in the snow after we talk today. We very seldom have snow here in Portland, Oregon.
And so it’s very special. So it’s special to talk to you and it’s gonna be a magical day. Actually. That’s one of the things I wanted to talk about is connecting with the elements. So that’s one of the many things we will talk about. ’cause a lot of people see astrology as. Something that’s very out there and the way I like to do it, and I believe the way you like to share astrology is something that’s very connected to real life, elementally, very personal, right?
Exactly, and very connected to this lifetime and to previous lifetimes as well. I’m so glad you mentioned that because that’s why we’re very connected. So, Johannes and I Practice something called [00:03:00] evolutionary astrology and I would say this too like as a psychic I’m very like past life oriented as opposed to future oriented That’s something that I have always been and it’s in my birth chart You and I have this 12th house connection.
So I Have always been connected to past life Influences and I studied astrology for I don’t know almost 30 years now And I didn’t realize it was something called Evolutionary astrology, there’s different types of psychics. There’s different types of astrology. And so can you explain? evolutionary astrology to All the wonderful people out there, I would love to try and you’re saying correctly, like there are so many different types of astrology, traditional astrology, evolutionary astrology, um, pop astrology and so forth.
[00:04:00] And evolutionary astrology is all about acknowledging that we are not here in this life for the first time. We’ve lived many lifetimes and we come in to this existence, not as a blank slate. But with tons of resources. tons of traumas, but also tons of potential. And then we all have not only one mission, but missions in plural to accomplish in this lifetime in order to grow, in order to transform pain and in order to gain insights about love and wisdom.
So what evolutionary brings to the table. It’s a map, a map to pinpoint these potential, these resources that we can gain and harvest. It’s interesting you mentioned trauma because I don’t think people associate astrology and being trauma informed or helping heal through trauma. Can you explain that more?[00:05:00]
Yeah, definitely. So I think most like, let’s, let’s call it pop astrology. Yeah. Yeah. It’s all about. Acknowledging the light. And that’s really cool. I mean, we all have light within ourselves, but we also need to remember the darkness, this lightness, lightness, darkness. So most astrology, especially the, the kind of astrology that we read about in the magazines, they’re about like, you’re a powerful areas able Taurus and things like that.
But if you want two or three layers below that, a lot of layers. A lot of layers, there’s immense amount amount of power hiding in the shadows. And if you set lights upon these, uh, shadows, you can actually transform the hidden darkness into your, your brightest light. So there’s an immense amount of superhero abilities hiding in the shadows.
But Where to look. And in astrology, in the evolutionary astrology, we [00:06:00] focus very much on Pluto, the planet, Pluto, on the north node, on the south node, and on the moon itself. And those, especially those four point pointers will tell us not just who have you been in previous lifetime. But it will also tell us what traumas do you have in this lifetime and what is your main mission in this lifetime.
So trauma and mission are often very related. Would you say so? Definitely. Definitely. Because I mean, um, the, the way you accomplish your mission in this lifetime is to heal your, your trauma. Like to heal one of your main traumas, because when you heal a trauma, one of your main traumas, it unleashes a great, uh, amount of energy that you can harvest to use for the benefit, not only for yourself and, and, uh, your friends [00:07:00] and family, but also for society as a whole.
So that, so it’s like a, a very efficient gas, a fuel that you can, uh, spend in a lot of other ways. Like, instead of it being very reactive, you can use it in a proactive way. I think it’s hilarious, by the way, that because we are evolutionary astrologers, we just start right off talking about trauma. Hi, Johannes!
Welcome! Trauma. Exactly. That’s also a beautiful house thing. Uh, I mean, yeah, you have a lot of, you have your Pluto in the 12th house. Yeah, me. Yeah. So that’s, that’s a very, very, very heavy placement. Yeah. Um, it’s also part of, of, uh, of the yacht, uh, that you also have, uh, the, the, the finger of God. Yeah. So, so the whole, uh, concept of trauma, the whole concept of, um, digging below the surface and.
familiarizing yourself with your subconsciousness. That’s a big part of [00:08:00] your life. Johannes is referring to literally my birth chart. When he says your life, he’s talking about me specifically in this moment, but also everyone. Cause um, Johannes and I both have 12 house. a lot of quite a bit of 12th house energy and we also have something called a yad that he’s talking about which is a very somewhat rare placement referred to as the finger of god which is like pointing at like here this is what you need to work on this is very specific to you and it’s something you cannot get away from and so that’s what i found fascinating i was drawn to yohannes i met him through reports, astrology reports that I license and I was looking for a resident astrologer at the time and then it was like What you’re looking for is always right beneath your nose kind of thing And I was like I bet because I didn’t really know What you had [00:09:00] like the type of astrology that you do because again, I did not want to pop Astrologer and I was like, I bet you Bet you Johannes This has something that I’m looking for, and of course I was so delighted to find out that you, Johannes, that you do evolutionary astrology, but then when we looked at our birth charts, we both have this 12th house, which is actually about past lives.
So we’re evolutionary astrologers who have this like past life influence, this 12 house influence in our birth chart and then we both have something called a yod. And so I find it fascinating that the people that I bring into my life, which are not very many because I do have a lot of 12 house and so I’m super Private in a lot of ways.
I’m very protected, you know, I, I really protect my [00:10:00] space and my energy. And I find that the people that come into my life, there’s so much synergy in our birth charts. Do you find that? Yeah. And that’s actually something that we haven’t talked about. This is the first time I’m going to mention this to watch it because, so you, because I was just looking through our chats, uh, just preparing for this podcast and I realized.
That my moon is directly conjunct your North node. And I mean, nine degrees areas and my moon is a nine degrees. Oh my gosh, that is so cool. I love when it happens. I’m actually getting angel bumps right now. And not because it’s cold here too, but for real, like that is so cool. And, oh my gosh. And so we have all these.
These various similar things and I do find that with people in [00:11:00] My life that if I when I look at their charts because if you’re in my life, I’m gonna know your numbers Astrology but it’s like the connection. So can you explain to people what a north note is? It’s super important, and it’s not talked about that much at all in pop psychology, pop pum astrology.
So we need to talk about the nodes in pairs. So we have a south node of the moon, and we have a north node of the moon. And the south node of the moon is our past lives. It’s the resources we bring into this lifetime. And the north node is the opposite. That’s the land that we have not been trodden yet.
Yeah, so Unknown territory. Um, it’s where we are heading. It’s our, uh, not safe zone. It’s where we are very naive, almost like a child. Uh, but, um, yeah, but we need to, to go [00:12:00] there in order to harvest experience. We, we can harvest our experience. Uh, already, um, from the south node where we have tremendously amount of experience, but in the north node, we don’t have any experience at all.
And uh, and that’s our, our way of learning, uh, a way of progressing in this lifetime. It’s like a mythic quest. It’s like, I like the way you describe it like that. Like it is like a quest and it’s. It’s interesting because a lot of people talk about the South, you know, including me, like something that you’re meant to move away from.
And yet it is where we have a lot of resources because we do have a lot of past life experience. Represented by the South Node, and so we come into this life with this sense of like, Okay, I’ve done this before. I’ve, I have all these resources, and I have to move away from them to go towards some great [00:13:00] unknown that’s calling me forth.
Is that how you? would experience the notes. Exactly. And I think it is of the utmost importance to remember that we should not just say goodbye to the South. We need to remember the South note. I mean, your South note is in the 12th house. Again, the 12th house. What a surprise. Exactly. So you have in many lifetimes been connected to the spiritual
So obviously in this lifetime, you shouldn’t say goodbye to your spiritual capacity. You should just also, uh, do something else than being spiritual. I mean, you have a lot of. Um, yeah, experiences in regards to the spiritual realm, but there’s also life outside spirituality. And that’s, that’s one of your missions.
That is to transcend sort of into the real world and, uh, and I mean, you are doing that with your spirituality. So in that [00:14:00] sense, you’re doing a great job. Thank you. Well, that gives me angel funds too, because My north because I do have this south node and it’s actually conjunct my part of fortune So it’s like I I can’t get away from myself.
No, I shouldn’t because it’s where I have my Luck, and so I experienced bad luck when I tried to Avoid my spirituality. So it was interesting like you can’t it’s this releasing south node. You’re meant to release It’s the south node, but you can’t completely disconnect from it. It’s still the tail of the dragon.
So and a lot of people, even evolution, again, I have, I was even thinking about this, not even knowing we were going to talk about it, but I was like, I should talk about the south node more in terms of like the benefits of it. But my north node being in Aries. It’s like, I [00:15:00] have to make myself do a podcast.
I have to make my you and then, I mean, it’s in the sixth house. Your, your north node is in the sixth house, uh, which is the most practical house whatsoever, and it’s in the sign of areas. So it’s all also in this in incarnation. For you, it’s also about being on the frontier and not caring about what other people think, but being a leader, uh uh, yeah, on the frontier, just.
Deciding for yourself, not needing to be validated by other people’s opinion about, uh, the society. That’s right. And, and I also am a nine life path. And I just made a video where I talked about the nine life path, having to learn how to tune out the opinions of the world, like everything about my chart is like that.
And so [00:16:00] I just want to use that as an example. Because that’s been very hard for me to learn because I am very psychic and empathic to learn how to not care about what other people think or feel about me has been very challenging. And that’s why I teach it. So I want to bring this universally, right?
That was a trauma and a challenge for me and therefore that becomes my gift to the world, right? This is how this works Exactly, and that also brings in your yacht because that’s also what you’re fated to bring into this world. I am I mean fated But the thing is but there is a little There is a little thing here we need to discuss because in many ways, in many lifetimes, you’ve brought your spirituality into the world and that has, I think, I’m sure that this has created a very Immense amount of positive impact for a lot of people, but the [00:17:00] interesting thing is that the apex, the third planet of your yacht is in the seventh house of long, long lasting relations.
So, and since your south node is in the 12th house, I think that very karmic mission for you to acknowledge that this journey that you’re on should not be walked completely by yourself. That it’s important to do it with someone else that’s so interesting my husband and I have been together 30 years and The one of the many reasons I fell in love with him on our first date.
We talked about astrology.
I Met him doing theater, but we are mystics together. So I brought my fellow You know, mystic with me on this life together. Right. So when you look at a chart, is [00:18:00] that one of the things that you’re looking at? Do you, so you look at Pluto, the moon and the nodes. What stories do they tell? Well, the tell about how one.
What’s one’s primary ego strategy that that means when one encounters difficulties in this lifetime? what how fun reacts and most of the time the way we react Consciously, uh, unconsciously, I would say it’s not the best way to react. So often it’s, uh, the, the exact opposite that is intended of us in this situation.
Um, so I, I look at, uh, at how people react, why they become reactive. And then I try to turn the energy. To make the unconscious conscious and make the reactive proactive [00:19:00] in order for people to, to redefine their life compass, to gain, regain power, uh, over their life situation. Uh, yeah, it’s an anti victimization process actually.
It’s a what process? An anti victimization process. Anti victimization. So it’s, because you mentioned fate. But fate and destiny are are not the same. No, you’re right You’re not and that’s that and it’s tricky ground that we are walking on now And I would love to hear your perspective on it. But as far as I see fate versus destiny I see I see that Fate is something that you can choose to pursue, like, you can choose to grow into it.
Whereas destiny is almost predetermined, and it leaves you with little [00:20:00] choice. I actually see it as the opposite in some ways, but it’s just semantics. There’s a sense of choice in both of them. Like, I always saw it as fate is the hand that you are given, and destiny is your choosing to align with where you’re headed.
Could be, could be. Yeah, but basically what we’re both saying is that you’re drawn, like your life is leading you toward a certain evolution. It’s a, it’s a train on the track and you’re headed there. And that’s also one of the advantages with taking this approach or this paradigm to astrology or spirituality.
That is, if you acknowledge that you might have lived, let’s just say thousand lives before. I mean, very possible. Right? Let’s pretend that you’ve lived thousands and thousands of lives before that it actually [00:21:00] It, it becomes a, you become more gentle to watch yourself and you become more gentle to watch other and the suffering of yourself and the suffering of others.
And instead of pinpointing, you have this one lifetime. To accomplish yourself as a human being that everything becomes so compressed and you need to hurry yourself. You need to work on all your traumas and trends and do transcendental work in all areas of life. But if you have acknowledged that you have lived thousand lives before this, and you are probably going to live a thousand more lives.
Become more gentle and you, and you can start to take a little step at a time and not try to take a long step and, and fail in doing so. Yeah. Like with everything, there is a sense of like, if you do too much. You cannot do anything, right? If you try to [00:22:00] do too much. I was thinking about this today, which is a totally normal thought for me.
I was like, Oh, past lives. Um, I was thinking about past lives in relation to that expression, YOLO, like you only live once. I was thinking, you You don’t only live once, but in this life, you kind of need to feel like you both do only live once and don’t only live once. Like, it’s like, it’s like, you need to make this life super important, right?
You can’t be like, I’ll take care of it the next life. And yet at the same time, there, when we compare our lives to other people, for instance, Let’s say someone’s very advanced at something because they’ve worked on it for many, many, many lifetimes. So when you’re like comparing your life to someone else’s, you’re, you don’t know [00:23:00] what, how many lifetimes they had to do and work on to develop their gifts or even to get into a certain situation that seems like an opportunity or easy for them.
So in that sense, it’s really important to remember, like, Look, we’re all working on different things at different points in our soul’s evolution and the More advanced souls tend to take on quite a bit not an easy journey for the more advanced souls So if you’re looking at life like this is my only life Oh, no, like like why did I have this situation or then then it could be painful but if you’re like, okay, this makes sense that I Lived certain amount of lives and I’m working on this in this life.
And so I want to make sure I maximize my potential within the circumstances that I was given. And those circumstances [00:24:00] are your fate. Like your birth chart shows like what your fate is, but also your destiny potential, right? It’s such a good point you have there. Um, because we want to, we want to reach so many.
Uh, mountains in a way. I mean, we wanna be the perfect husband. We wanna be the perfect father. We wanna be the perfect, uh, person on the job. We wanna have the perfect body. We wanna have everything. And I mean, we only have one north note, and the north note can only be in one house, . So, I mean, I mean, you need to relax.
You know, we need to relax. Like this is your, so your north, when you say your north node’s in a certain house, meaning like. Let’s break it down for people. The north node is this, and the house is that. Can you just Toll that in terms for, for humans, for, for humans.
In astrology, we have 12 houses and each houses are a domain in life. Yeah. [00:25:00] And the North Node is the mission in this lifetime. For instance, my note. is in the seventh house. So my main mission in this lifetime is not to be a super successful man on the job or to work with the community as a whole and things like that.
I’m actually I’m actually supposed to learn to be in a committed, long lasting relationship. That’s my main mission in this lifetime. Your North Node is in the Sixth House. The Sixth House is an act of service. So your mission in this lifetime is to not to just be in your monastery as a spiritual guide.
But to go down from the mountain and give your spirituality to the people, uh, act as an act of service. And this is a, yeah. It’s so funny because yesterday, yesterday I shared a video, well, yesterday from the day of filming about the hermit, my, [00:26:00] the, the, the card of the year and, but also my LifePath card, and I said, you need to be a monk.
Outside of the monastery, you have to get out of the monastery. So it’s funny you’re using the exact same words. Exactly. And I mean, sometimes I, I have clients, for instance, highly, highly, highly successful, um, women within the high, highly leadership positions. Uh, and then I look at their chart and the North Node is in the fourth house.
And I’m like, You need to be, I’m not going to say it like that, but it would indicate to give up ambitions like career wise and actually almost be like a stay, stay at home mom. I don’t know if I would go there, Johan. I’m just saying like, when you have a south node in the tent house, like these Let me explain.
Your priorities doesn’t mean that you need to give up [00:27:00] your ambition. You need to say it’s, it’s like, don’t put pressure on yourself too. Don’t put pressure on yourself because here’s the thing we’re taught right now. You could be at all. You can have it all, but we have limited energy and limited resources and it can be a lot of pressure.
If you’re like, look, I’m very successful at this or I have this. But if someone has a North Node in a 4th house, they have a very strong desire to the 4th house being about home and family opposite the 10th house, which is about career. So there’s this sense that you came into this life with your South Node, your resources, being someone very good at career.
Right? And then the North node in the 10th house saying you have those resources you can draw upon them but you can let it go. You can let go of the focus on it and you’re meant to because [00:28:00] when there’s opposites in the chart, you’re torn, right? You’re torn within terms of like, okay I came within these resources and I came with all these gifts and yet your life drive in the North node is guiding you towards something else.
So true. So true. Yeah. And you’re completely right. Those people should of course never give up their South Node. They should just not perhaps focus so much about, uh, the South Node and just try at least to play and get to know the North Node and see what happens. It’s, it’s so interesting. You, you meant, you know, that’s why I was like, no, we’re not talking about that because we’re fighting against the trad wife movement right here.
Okay. So, so we’re not going to go, women, you, you stay out in the world if you want to, but what you had this one saying,
perhaps you were saying like, you know, like in [00:29:00] terms of like letting go of like, Hey, you want to take some time off to focus on that? You know, like let yourself off the hook, right? Basically, I’m just trying to say that magic happens. Yes. When you experiment with your North node. Yes, magic does happen. It does.
Yeah. Yeah. Because the, the, the house, the fourth house is like, look, you have some, you’re, you, you came into this life to learn what it’s like to like, be okay with letting go of ambition, even though it’s a gift of yours. Right? And to, to focus on like, like fourth house things, right? If someone has their north node.
So when you’re looking at like, and I’m sure the sign has a lot to do with it, too. Like your north node in a certain sign, right? And it’s, it’s amazing that you can learn so much about what drives a person just looking at, and nodes are not even planets, right? Nope. They’re just in a way, [00:30:00] artificial ways mathematically to pinpoint an axis, uh, yeah.
Formulated on behalf of how the moon is, is compared to the earth. Yeah. It’s intersecting with the path. So it’s like, it’s the moon’s, um, it’s, they’re not, it’s not, it’s not really artificial in the sense that like made up, it’s an actual. ecliptic, right? But it’s, it’s a relationship, but it’s not a planet.
It’s, it’s a point in the sky when you were born, this relation with the moon. So talk to us about the moon then, like how is the moon in your birth chart? What does that represent and how does that play out in people’s lives? Goal, by the way. Yeah, . It’s good.
We’re talking about the moon, so we have to drink water . Um, [00:31:00] so yeah, so I would say like 90% of people interested in astrology, they care more about their sunshine than their moon. Moon side. Yes. That’s because of pop psychology. And so, yeah, I want you to acknowledge that, uh, Sun sign astrology has only been around for about 100 years and astrology has been around for, I don’t know, 6, 000 years.
And it was only like within this period of 100 years that Sun sign astrology became so popular. And the reason why Sun sign astrology became so popular was that everyone knew the Sun sign. So the magazines, they had to make a column and they couldn’t bring the moon signs because No one would read them because no one would know their moon sign.
Yeah. So, uh, when I talk to people and when I talk to just normal people or clients, I mean, most people relate when they, when they first hear their moon sign mm-hmm . They actually almost relate much more to their moon sign and to their sun sign. Um, [00:32:00] so there are many trajectories in there. In our hero’s journey in astrology, one hero’s journey is from the south node to the north node.
Another hero’s journey is from the low frequency of the moon to the high frequency of the sun. Interesting. Yeah. So the first shadow you need to confront as a human being that wants to walk on a spiritual path that is to confront your, your, your, your, the shadow side of the moon. Um, I mean, my moon is in areas.
So nine degrees, I just found out. So I had to confront my big temper. I had to confront being too much, um, being, uh, too outward spoken, uh, to being too competitive. Um, so [00:33:00] those, those were things that I needed to, to confront and release. Um, in the beginning of my spiritual journey. So we all need to, you have to confront these darker sides of our moon in, in, in the first half of our life, let’s say it’s like that in order for us to gain traction, to try to gain the, the, the, the high frequent side of our sun.
So the sun and the moon, how they relate to each other. I’ve never thought of it like that the shadow of the moon to the to the high frequency of the Sun and the Sun is how You express yourself how you’re shining your light in the world and that’s the part we see that and that’s your destiny That’s how you’re what you’re headed toward.
So the Sun is like You’re not necessarily because when people read their Sun sign, it doesn’t always make sense to them [00:34:00] Because we’re meant to develop those qualities too. It’s all about what you’re developing. But I love how you relate the moon and the sun. And of course now we’re all going to be thinking of Pink Floyd’s dark side of the moon.
Yes, I think most people would be able to relate much more to the moon sign in the first half of their life. And then the second half of their life, they would relate more to the sun sign. Because you’re Developing your inner world to express it more to express your destiny out in the outer world and the moon How would you?
Explain the moon in the birth chart to someone like what does it represent? It represents our temper It represents how we seek comfort. It represents the internalized mother. And it, it represents our sacred space. It’s represents our way of belonging. It’s, but first and foremost, it’s, we [00:35:00] need to attend the moon in order to feel safe and no development can happen if we don’t feel safe.
Yeah. So that’s the reason why we need to unlock the healing modality of the moon. First and foremost, because otherwise we cannot grow if we don’t feel safe. That is the truth. And learning how to feel safe is a big part of our journeys because the world is not really, you know, a stable place, especially not now.
But I, uh, I would love to hear how you define Pluto. How would you define Pluto in the birth chart? Because you mentioned, you look at Pluto. Actually, I think Pluto was the first thing you mentioned. You mentioned Pluto, the moon, And the nodes. So talk to us about Pluto. How would you define Pluto and what does it show us in the birth chart?
So Pluto shows us [00:36:00] our primary trauma in this lifetime. It shows us where we’ve been wounded in prior lifetimes, but there is also a hero’s journey embedded in, in, in the, in the Pluto journey. So when one works with the Pluto trauma, it, it creates, an immense amount of power. I mean, cause Pluto is power, right?
But it exactly, it’s the greatest power of it all. And I mean, for instance, you have Pluto in the 12th house. I do. And it’s conjunct a bunch of stuff. Like very important. So your, your Pluto is actually very, uh, hidden, like first, like. Um, initially it’s very hidden, but when you uncover it, it creates a power field within the subconsciousness, not only for you, but also for the people around you.
Um, but people who [00:37:00] are not spiritually inclined or are working with shadows the way you do, they would Have a very hard time having a pluto in the 12th house because Then pluto is gonna Take charge of their life without them knowing it. Well, cuz Pluto is your own It’s it’s the unconscious in a lot of ways and mine is in the house of the subconscious And that’s why I consciously focus on subconscious healing.
Exactly. Um, so you’ve transformed it, obviously, otherwise you wouldn’t be the, the, the, the great healer you are. Um, but yeah, so that’s, that, that it’s actually where I would say it’s, that’s the primary place where you harvest your. Spiritual gifts in a way. I mean, you also have a strong Neptune, of course, but it’s the Pluto in the 12th house that really makes you [00:38:00] harvest the deep, deep, deep, deep soul energy.
Um, yes. So Johannes is once again, referring back to my personal chart as an example. And so, and. But people, not everybody has their Pluto in the 12th house, so what are you doing when you’re looking at, you look at the signs of Pluto, and Pluto stays in a sign for 20 years, so it’s a generational thing, but the house and how it relates to people, right?
Yeah, but it is, the thing is, it’s actually there where the, the sessions can be quite awkward, in the sense that, Um, for like Pluto is in its essence, a shadow, like you, it’s a trauma that you don’t realize. So often, like not often, but I would say 10 percent of the clients that I have, they refuse to go in that direction.
They will be like, No, that’s not me. I don’t, I don’t have a trauma like that. I don’t know. Like they will almost have a trauma reaction when I confront my, with, with the trauma in the, [00:39:00] in the chart. And I mean, I’ve also learned that you need to step very carefully when talking about this. Well, Pluto is explosive.
So, you know, you don’t want to step on that. Exactly. So the thing is, Kerry. You, I mean, you as in Carrie, have Pluto in the 12th house, which is the hidden subconscious house. I have Pluto in my first house. So I mean, I push Pluto towards everyone. It’s on your sleeve. You’re very Pluto. You’re just going to blow things up.
Exactly, exactly, exactly. And I mean, that’s also the reason why It’s not for everyone to have a session with me. I mean, I think it’s for most people, but one needs to be willing to go into the darkness, like, and at least shed, like, wanting to shed light upon the darkness, wanting to know what’s beneath the [00:40:00] shadows.
And it’s, so it’s not an easy thing. But it’s an extremely learningful experience. I’m getting angel bumps about that as well. And it’s so funny because I’m just looking at the lighting, like you’re sitting there like in the dark practically with your light. And I, I have the light like right, you know, like in my son behind me.
However, I got this Pluto thing and I, I’m laughing inside in a Plutonian way because Pluto in the 12th house way, because obviously, I guess people have described me as having like a sunny personality or whatever. And. When I was doing one on one readings, so my gifts as a psychic I went straight into the shadow I am a shadow worker.
I’d be like, I’m like an exorcist I’m like, I’m gonna take your demons and like show them to you and people Sometimes would get very upset very again like super rare, but like it would happen They’d be like this isn’t what I signed up for I didn’t come here for this and they would get really mad and then they would [00:41:00] always I can’t even think of a, well, a few exceptions.
They would always come back like a year later. You were right. They were like, I didn’t want to look at it. I didn’t want to look at it at the time. I didn’t, you know, but they thought they were coming for like entertainment purposes, right? Like they think, Oh, this’ll be fun. I’m going to go get a reading and la la la and sunny and la la la and joy and happiness coast.
And then I’d be like, this is what you’re dealing with. This is why this is happening to you. Because I do have a lot of 12, 000. I, I, that is my gift as a psychic is to see into the shadow, but because I’m not wearing it on my sleeve, I don’t have it in the first house. People wouldn’t expect it. And it’s very uncomfortable, very, very uncomfortable.
Sometimes. That’s not what you think but I would make it clear in my literature like you know This is a healing process, but people don’t know what that means So [00:42:00] when you and I especially even as evolutionary astrologers like you and I we’ve talked about it like Like we have different family traumas, but still like it was a part of our, how we even got into this kind of stuff.
Right. But, uh, that’s, uh, a specificity of yours, right? Like healing family trauma. Definitely. Yeah. I mean, especially since I’ve become a father myself, uh, I, I’m very much about healing family traumas and traumas between parents and children and grandparents. And yeah, it’s, it’s, uh, it’s something that I truly love and that touches my heart profoundly.
Um, yeah. Well, one of the sessions that you do is like Parent child sessions, right? Don’t you do [00:43:00] like specific to your relationship with your child, right? Exactly. And it’s so, I mean, one of the hardest things for me was to become a father. I mean, it was also the greatest thing, but it’s obviously super difficult.
I mean, it’s, you’ve been confronted with so many things. So I hear. And, um, but the thing is you can actually, you can see it in the chart. I mean, if you put your, your sons or daughters, uh, on your chart to make what one would call a sinister analysis. I mean, everything opens up. The reason you understand, all of a sudden you understand why you play so well together or you don’t play so well together or you fight all the time.
You understand the, the, the current circumstances, but you also understand, uh, previous lifetimes you might have had together and how they play into this lifetime. Yeah, we choose each other. Right. It’s [00:44:00] written in the birth chart. I remember my first astrology reading and she was talking about my relationship with my parents.
And I was like, how do you know that? What is going on? And this is before I met my now husband. And she was like, This is the time frame where you’re going to meet your soulmate. And I was like, it definitely was not seeming like a probability at that time. And she was telling me about all the troubles I was having at the time.
And I was like, what, how do you know that? Like, what is happening? Like, I didn’t understand how she can understand my parents, my, um, that sense of, because 12th house is associated with isolation. Loneliness, sometimes, which I’ve experienced it at different points in my life, and I definitely was at that time, and I was like, wow, and that’s part of [00:45:00] why I like, uh, synchronistically, my first conversation with, um, on our first date with my now husband was about astrology, like, and he knew astrology and again, that’s destined, isn’t it?
But, um, I just find it fascinating how it’s, Our relationship with our parents is predestined and I think both don’t you and I both have Pluto the death planet in our fourth house now I think we do I do at least I didn’t shake Yes, I do. I do and as soon as Pluto went into my fourth house People know my father passed away Just a couple months ago and like as soon as it went into the fourth house That process started for like both parents and I like totally moved locations and like, and it’s, it’s, it’s like, um, [00:46:00] it, I found this in, in my client’s charts to like the death of their parents even, or the death of a loved one is, is like lined up in their chart.
So it’s like life and death is so, um, there’s a sense of divine timing and it like we’re meant to learn these. Spiritual lessons at this point in time. And like how we can see that in a bird chart is mind blowing. It is. And just to pinpoint, when we talk about Pluto, like most people, when they hear Pluto and they know a little about astrology, they think about, uh, death.
But they forget the rebirth. And people get shocked. Oh, it’s all about death. No, no, no. It’s 50 percent about death and 50 percent about rebirth. So like, so Pluto is not a bad planet or bad person. I mean, it’s here to learn us to be the most authentic version of ourselves. And I mean, your, your Pluto went into fourth [00:47:00] house.
You experienced a whole new way. Of, um, gaining inner security, I guess. It is the truth. It is the truth. Yeah. It is the truth. And it’s been very healing. Interesting for my south node in Libra, which is over giving because I had to do all this healing about finding security through over giving. So it was very connected and it forced me to do all kinds of healing.
And when my parents were past, like, well, my mom is still with us, but in a different way than she was before. Um, and so, because, um, My mom has dementia now. So anyway, it’s, it’s been very hard. And so that forced me to have a lot of healing about my own childhood as well. When your parents are leaving [00:48:00] the world, you have to confront your feelings about your everything about them.
So it has been a very empowering process. And that’s what Pluto is helping us. Do is empower us. Exactly. And having Pluto transiting your IC, which is the house cusp of fourth house. It is one of the biggest astrological things that’s going to happen in your life. Yeah. And I felt it. Yeah. So it’s a big one.
So when you’re looking at a chart, you’re looking at all these Pluto in the birth chart, but also like where they’re moving now. You’re looking at the note. I mean, obviously you’re looking at the whole chart, but you’re looking at the notes. You’re looking at the, the transformation and just those four things can, you can talk for hours, right?
Just looking at the, even though you’re looking at the whole chart. Like it’s amazing how much information just that can give. [00:49:00] Right? Exactly. And sometimes one needs to, um, try to simplify things because some astrologers, they, they will tell you 20 things and then that’s not my strategy. I try at least to tell you one, two, or maximum three things, because those are the most important things.
If you have those. If you work on these, those three things, everything will be really, really good. Fall into place, because you want, you want to be like, okay, like plugging into a GPS. This is where you’re headed. Make sure you’re headed in that direction. And then everything makes sense after that. This is why, can you see everyone why I love Johannes so much?
And why he is a resident astrologer? Johannes is doing a special for video readings. Now you can obviously get a longer [00:50:00] one on one session, but Johannes and I have talked for months about this. Like, how do we make this more accessible for people? So, uh, can you tell us about the video readings? But we have to remember to do your magic lesson after that.
Okay. Okay. Can you tell us about your, your readings and your video readings and how, um, how people can connect with you? I’m going to send a link for you to connect with Johannes. That would be great. I mean, so the thing is I’m in a completely different time zone than you are and you have and a lot of your listeners will be in a completely different time zone than than I will be in.
So that’s why you and I invented, not invented. We invented the internet. No, no, but we discussed and we were like, we have been doing a lot of sessions previously. There’s been this time zone issue, so let me try to do a lot of video sessions with people where I, I gain their, I get their astrological data [00:51:00] and I do their charts and then I tell them, uh, Either I tell them about their career and life purpose, I tell them about their, their relationships and their love, or I make them a whole overview about the next year.
So it’s either one of those three domains. And then people get a video with me analyzing their birth chart and transits. And we made this very accessible, very affordable, and if you want a longer session, you can have a longer session. If you want to meet him one on one on actual camera, you can do that, but we, we, we invented these mini video readings.
They’re not really mini, I mean, they’re, they’re deep and action packed, but they’re very accessible. And so you can do this in your own hi hey time in [00:52:00] Denmark. And, and send them. And one can also, and one can also, uh, get the video reading and then. Like feel, okay, is this for me? Do I like the energy? Do I like what he’s talking about?
Do I see myself in this and then book a session? So it’s, it’s actually a nice way of just trying to see whether it actually works for you or not. Exactly. And that’s why we made it super accessible and super fun and. Although, you know, maybe they’re not always fun. Like I said, you know, you don’t know what you’re gonna get.
You’re looking at the dark side of the moon, too, but also the light, the light, the high frequency of the sun, and that’s the whole point. So, Johannes, we always like to end with a magic lesson. Uh, something for people to focus on, for them to connect with a lesson and energy, something simple to focus on throughout the day to incorporate a [00:53:00] spiritual lesson or something we’re talking about.
What magic lesson would you like to share with people today?
I think that, I don’t know whether it’s a simple thing, but I think it’s a very beautiful thing and it’s a very necessary thing. And So I would invite people once a day to close their eyes and give themselves a big hug while, while they think of themselves as being five years old and just to connect with the five year old in themselves and really try to remember how it is to be five years old and remember that there’s still in some sense.
a five year old child. I love that so much. That is beautiful. What a sweet and loving magic lesson for everyone. Thank you so much. Johannes! Yay![00:54:00]
I’m so glad that people finally get to know you and enjoy your light. And, uh, thank you for being here. Thank you for being a part of this. And I’m so glad. So Johannes Lockwood, everyone, and, uh, I’ll leave a link for, uh, sessions with him down below and to know him is to love him. Thank you, Johannes. And thank you everyone for listening.
We love you. Lots of love. Bye for now. Bye bye.
Thanks for listening to Get Psyched with Kari Samuels. If you want more intuitive insights and inspiration, go to karysamuels. com for all things divine. Until next time, trust in your magic and let your light shine.