Here we are in 2025, potentially the most life changing year we’ve ever experienced, and you’ve probably by now heard so much about the astrology of the year and how incredible it is, how unprecedented it is. However, there is one aspect of our celestial clues that gives us a key to what this year is about and how to make sense of it.
And that is our numerology. It is often overlooked and yet it is so important. And I am here to tell you all about it.
And when I say [00:01:00] forecast, I mean what the energy is. When a weather person.
gives a forecast for the weather. They’re talking about what is coming our way in terms of heat or temperature or whatever the elements are doing. Well, that’s what an astrologer and numerologist does. They’re giving you a celestial forecast, an energetic forecast. So when we say that, it’s not what will happen.
It’s what is the energy within and around you. And that gives you power. Because when you know what’s happening, why it’s happening, you can respond consciously. And so that’s why the astrologers have been saying, Hey, heads up, this is going to be a wild year. We have some celestial storms coming. And what do you do with that?
You prepare, you understand, okay, this is a [00:02:00] cycle. The world isn’t ending. This is why this is happening. This is what we’re meant to learn from it. And we’re going to get through it. The numerology holds a key to putting this all together, to making sense of this in a very cohesive way. That’s one of the many reasons I love numerology and want to share it with you.
Every year when the calendar changes, the numbers change on the calendar and so does the numerology of the year. So every year there is a universal year number, meaning the overarching theme for the entire year as represented by the number. of that year. The number of that year, the universal year number, is derived by reducing the digits of the year till you get a single digit.
When we say reducing, that just means adding them together. So 2 plus 0 plus 2 plus 5 equals [00:03:00] 9. So that is 2025 reduced to a single digit. So 2025 is a nine universal year, and that tells us so much about how to best navigate it and what the spiritual lessons are. Nine is such a special number, and I don’t just say that because I’m a nine life path, but it’s special in the sense that there’s no other number like it in the sense that if you add like one plus two plus three plus four plus five plus six plus seven plus eight plus nine, that equals.
36 I believe and if you reduce 3 plus 6 that equals 9 and if you add 9 to any number It retains what that number is reduced to so there’s something about the 9 that contains all the other numbers and also because it keeps the reduced number when you add it to something, it’s something about maintaining [00:04:00] its integrity.
And also if you look at the sacred geometry of the number nine, it’s looking inward. It’s got that round circle that’s looking inward toward itself. And that says so much about this very special, integrous number. Nine is the last of the single digits. And one of the many lessons about the number nine is preparing you to let go of anything that is not absolutely essential to your spiritual growth.
It’s a very spiritual number. It is not very materialistic. It’s meant to teach you about looking in, turning inward towards spirit, toward your intuition, towards yourself, so that you’re learning.
What’s true within you and that is one of the many reasons why the [00:05:00] astrology of this year, is all about like everything’s changing all the outer planets are changing and They’re changing where they’re connecting with your planets in your birth chart And so you’re gonna have to let go of a lot of things That seemed familiar to you and because in our astrology, we have Saturn, the planet of structure moving alongside Neptune and the final degrees of the Zodiac 29 degrees Pisces and then the original degree of those Zodiac zero degrees Aries.
They’re finishing up their time in these signs and Saturn is about structure. Neptune dissolves structures. So there are a lot of structures that are being dissolved. Things that you thought would be here forever. This could be in the natural world, the material world, your emotional world.
Structures and [00:06:00] foundations are dissolving things in the material world are uncertain and the nine teaches you to be okay with letting go, with letting go of things from your past, forgiving yourself and others, and focusing on the spiritual world rather than the material world. Now that doesn’t mean that you can’t have a materially rewarding year.
Absolutely. But that can only come when you’re living in integrity. Of course it can come if you’re not living in integrity. We see this all the time in the world and that’s part of why it’s really uncomfortable now. However, for you, In order for you to have meaning with things of the material world, [00:07:00] you need to become very comfortable with listening to yourself and not being attached to the outcome, not being attached to the ego aspects.
Of material rewards or material possessions, not being attached to the outcome of things. That’s what the nine is teaching you. And that’s so much of what we’re seeing in life now. In 2025, because we have elements moving from earth and water to fire and air. And because we have Saturn and Neptune moving in the last degrees of Pisces.
We’re going to have all manner of natural disasters, most likely, in all of the elements. Everything’s extreme right now. And that is one of the ways where We cannot be attached because things are changing and we have no control now mind you you’re meant to [00:08:00] become more Connected to the natural world.
So when I say you can’t be attached Definitely be attached to planet Earth Definitely be attached to trying to make this world and this planet a better place That is also one of the lessons of the number nine, it is a number of the humanitarian. And oftentimes we come together in humanitarian ways when things happen to our fellow human beings.
Sometimes we can put aside our differences when we all have to come together to help each other. And that’s going to be a theme all year. Pluto moved into Aquarius for good, for 20 [00:09:00] years, beginning in November. Aquarius is also the sign of the humanitarian. Now, when Pluto enters a sign, you see the shadow side of that.
You see lack of humanity sometimes, but it’s those extremes that can bring people together. And this is a time of extremes. This is a time to summon your humanitarian Instincts to summon your love or community to call forth that part of you that needs to express why you were born. What are you here for?
So this is a time to really ask the big questions and that’s when things are dissolving in our material world. That’s when you can really go inside and say, what was I born for? And how can I help? [00:10:00] How can I make a difference in this world? And hopefully you’re beginning to ask those questions of yourself.
This is not a meaningless activity. You were born for a reason and you’re born now for a reason. And this is one of the things that the nine brings up. So, letting go of the past, letting go of ego attachments, letting go of attachments to how things look, how they should be, and focusing on love, humanity, Connection and creativity, because nine is also a creative number.
Especially when you feel powerless to change the entire world all by yourself. And actually that is one of the things that the nine can carry [00:11:00] this vibration of like, I need to do this myself. I need to fix the entire world by myself. And I get it, and actually that’s a good instinct. It’s nice to want to help the world.
Focus on what you can do and your creative power, your power to imagine a better world, to focus on what you want to bring into the world rather than how things are falling apart. Focus on how you can help your fellow humans, animals, planet. That’s all part of the lessons of the number nine. Nine is very much because it is the last of the single digits.
It’s very much akin to autumn. It’s this incredible time autumn, things are so beautiful and there’s all this bounty and harvest and [00:12:00] vibrancy and everything just looks so beautiful because it’s ready to just go into this very deep hibernation period trees are gorgeous right before they let go of their leaves and there’s this bounty cornucopia harvest and it’s time to like reap it.
It’s time to celebrate the bounty of all that you’ve done and all that you’ve achieved and all that who you are. So even amidst this like process of letting go and somewhat of a death process, grief can also come with the nine because letting go is hard. If something was really awesome, and it’s time for that to end, there’s grief in that, and if something was really challenging, there can be grief in that.
So it’s really important for you to forgive yourself and others [00:13:00] throughout this entire year and every day to remember that. There are bigger forces and there’s a grand plan and we live in cycles and this cycle is about letting go. And you are so important in birthing the new beginning of what you want to co create in this world.
If you want to co create a world. Um, humanitarianism of equality where everyone is celebrated for their unique gifts. That is actually one of the major lessons of the number nine and even people who talk about this vibration often overlooked this and to me It’s the most important because nine of all things Its biggest lesson is teaching you about individuation how your unique special different [00:14:00] and beautiful self is Contributing to the greater good and that’s so in alignment with Pluto in Aquarius Because Aquarius is all about how each one of us being different, each one of us being unique, letting your freak flag fly, being so special, and so you, and so different from everybody else.
How, when we have that array of diversity on our planet, that is what makes humanity better. That is what makes us thrive, and that is what we’re working toward. So nine teaches you to be yourself no matter what. It is the most pivotal lesson you can remember. In the tarot, the nine is represented by the [00:15:00] hermit card.
And if you look at the hermit, it’s not actually about being a hermit, like never being part of the world. Quite the opposite. It means you’re in the world and yet you are tuning into yourself. The hermit is looking inward and yet they’re shining their lantern for all the world. to benefit from their light.
One of the major lessons of the nine is to find the answers within yourself, to listen to that voice within you, to listen to your intuition and let that guide you. And by doing so, you will be a beacon of light. And hope and inspiration for others. It’s a very challenging [00:16:00] lesson, especially now when there is so much noise and what’s important about this besides everything, what’s especially important about this is that you may be listening to yourself, the part of you that has a new identity emerging within you.
We’re also in the year of the snake when you are shedding old identities. So there may be a part of you that sees yourself as a certain person and you may have been rewarded for being that kind of person. Or maybe it’s just your career where you identify yourself in your career in a certain way. And yet there’s something within you emerging a new creativity, a new voice, a new inspiration, a new way of being.
And it takes a lot of [00:17:00] courage to listen to that, to act on that, and to say, you know what, even if this aspect, this identity, this part of myself helped me thrive in the past, it’s no longer something that I identify with. And that is so pivotal right now to you. Evolving in the next phase of your soul’s journey, we are all going through this because all the planets are touching different parts of our birth chart.
Now there are different needs in the world as things become more extreme and you must listen to that voice inside of you, that creativity inside you, that inspiration that is bursting forth within you. Let that mind expression, let that part of you emerge. And honor the part of you that brought you here, the [00:18:00] identities, your actions, anything that brought you here.
Let it go with gratitude and forgiveness as you allow these parts of yourself to birth into the world. And that is your responsibility. That will be your joy. Keep going forward with listening to the divine downloads that you’re receiving, the joy within you, and things that don’t feel joyful anymore.
Pay attention to that. Pay attention to what’s lighting you up inside and pay attention to what isn’t. And this is why it’s so important to look within and to tune out The noise and the drama of the world so you can be more in the world to help the world. This isn’t about just retreating. This isn’t about burying your head in the sand.
This is very much about you being an integral [00:19:00] part, an active part of this world’s co creation, your life’s co creation without hiding, without shame. This is about being the most authentic version of yourself. And allowing that to shine and have light. Do you see the difference? You’re not a hermit that’s just in the monastery.
You’re a monk without a monastery. You’re a monk in the world. So you are bringing a spiritual light into the world very actively by being true to yourself. And that requires individuation, that requires that you are not listening to what other people are telling you to do or how to be. And that includes former versions of yourself.
It’s a big task and it’s a big year, a very important year, and you were born for this moment. You have everything within you to make this the greatest [00:20:00] version of yourself. I always like to give you a magic lesson, something to focus on throughout the day, throughout the weeks and months that can help you synthesize a spiritual lesson.
And so the magic lesson. Of the number nine for you to focus on is for you to remind yourself to tune into yourself throughout your day. There’ll be many times throughout the day when you’re pulled outside of yourself. When you’re pulled toward a probable future of worry and fear, and that’s inevitable.
When you’re pulled toward making a decision and yet you’re focusing on how other people are going to be affected or how they’re going to respond and you’re pulled outside of yourself for that.
When you’re pulled outside of yourself in [00:21:00] fear of making the wrong decisions,
so, your magic lesson is when you find yourself being pulled outside of yourself to go back inside and ask yourself, what do I feel? What feels right for me? And what feels like the best next step forward before you think about everybody else before you think about What’s happening or why or what other people are doing just keep bringing yourself back and that’s going to happen several times Many many times throughout the day you feel yourself being pulled outside
of yourself Pull yourself back and ask yourself what you’re feeling and what’s right for you.
That is a lesson that will change your life and others for the better. And with this, I wish you an absolutely wonderful Every day, [00:22:00] wonderful 2025 and beyond. And if you have enjoyed this, make sure to subscribe and share it with your friends. I’d love to hear how you’re doing. I also have many free resources for you, including a personal year numerology guide.
You can get that using the link below. I have some other resources for you. I will include those in the description below I have so much more to share with you and I’m so grateful you’re on this journey with me. I love you so much. Lots of love. Bye for now.
Thanks for listening to Get Psyched with Kari Samuels. If you want more intuitive insights and inspiration, go to Kariesamuels. com for all things divine. Until next time, trust in your magic and let your light shine.