

Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries is the first sign in the zodiac. The role of this Zodiac sign is to initiate change through the power of self-belief and confidence.

Your Astrological Sign, Zodiac Sign, Star Sign, and Sun Sign are all names for the same thing. They represent the constellation in which the Sun appears to travel at the time of your birth. Knowing your Sun Sign is akin to having an owner’s manual. There are characteristics that are hard-wired into your sign that shape the way you relate to the world. When you understand your true nature, you can fully express your purpose.

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Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus is your steadfast companion.

Taurus delights in life’s sensual pleasures and material comforts. In its highest expression, Taurus teaches us to value the beauty within and around us.

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Gemini Astrology

Gemini Astrology

Gemini are quick-witted and gifted communicators. They bring a breath of fresh air to any environment and are highly adaptable and flexible.

Gemini is the honeybee of the zodiac. Rather than painstakingly focusing on one thing, Geminis love to gather information from many sources and germinate new ideas. They can bring different perspectives and connect seemingly opposing viewpoints.

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Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancers are pioneering and enterprising. Their role is to initiate new paradigms and ideas.

Cancers are natural nurturers. Cancer’s instinct is to protect others, as well as their sensitivity. If they appear guarded, it is only to protect their deep well of emotions. Being a water sign, they are meant to experience a depth and breadth of emotions.

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Leo Zodiac Sign

Leo Zodiac Sign

Leo ignites passion and inspiration while bringing joy, light, and love to the world through creative expression.

Leos shine like the Sun. The Sun is a bright star that illuminates our days. Without the Sun, there would be no life on this planet. Its warmth, light, and heat bring joy for us all to bask in.

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Virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo zodiac sign

Discover how Virgo uses their fine minds for thoughtful communication and creating systems that serve humanity.

Virgo’s synthesize. They have an uncanny ability to assimilate vast swaths of information. Their ruling planet is Mercury, which makes them exceptional communicators. They are an earth sign, which means they utilize information in practical ways.

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Libra Zodiac Sign

Libra Zodiac Sign

The first day of Libra is the Equinox. This is when the day and night are of equal measure. Discover the astrology of Libra.

Libras crave balance in all things, especially relationships. This doesn’t mean they are inherently balanced. Like the scales that represent this sign, they can feel off-kilter when not in a romantic partnership.

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Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Scorpio Astrology

Scorpio can use profound emotional intelligence to create loving relationships and embody the healing power of their heart.

Fixed signs are born in the second month of a season. Their role is to stabilize and concentrate the energy that was initiated by the cardinal signs. Water has no natural boundaries. It takes the shape of its container. When a person looks into the water, their image is reflected back to them.

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Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius are known as the philosophers of the zodiac. Their nature is to explore other cultures and expand their hearts and minds.

Mutable signs are born during the third and final month of the season. Just as the seasons change, mutable signs are learning flexibility and adaptation. They are learning to let go and adapt to change.

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Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Capricorn Astrology

Capricorn is a practical earth sign. They embody patience and perseverance to build structures and systems that can support societies.

Capricorn’s ruling planet Saturn ensures that Capricorns take their tasks seriously. Whether that’s raking a lawn or managing a multi-billion dollar company, they will not shirk their responsibilities. They are natural leaders and guides.

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Sun in Aquarius: Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Aquarius Astrology

Aquarius is the change-maker and trailblazer. Often embodying the archetype of the revolutionary, or rebel, they tend to tread their own path.

Aquarius is known as the humanitarians of the zodiac – offering innovative ideas that will benefit society as a whole. Freedom is their hallmark. They want to avoid being defined by other people’s ideals

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Pisces Zodiac Sign

Pisces zodiac sign

Pisces is oriented toward the collective experience and the unity of higher consciousness. These dreamers remind us that we are all ONE.

Pisces are empathic and sensitive. They will deeply feel the full range of feelings and can have immense emotional intelligence. Their sensitivity can foster heightened intuition and creativity.

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