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So what does 2022 have in store? We’re going to look at astrology and numerology today because there’s such beautiful divine synchronicity between those two. It’s really amazing. Hello, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your 2022 forecast. And I know everyone wants this to be an easy year. We do have three epic once-in-a-lifetime astrological events. Yet, there’s also so much beauty and love and just delightful energy coming through as well.

So let’s take a look at the numerology first. So 2022 in numerology is a 6 universal year. Now six is the number of beauty and love and relationships and harmony. Now, just because that is what that number is about. It doesn’t mean that we inherently have that. It means that’s what we’re all striving for. That’s what the lessons are about the year, is finding more beauty, finding more love.

Now six is very much associated with the heart and the heart chakra. So this is a year where you have a lot of big decisions, major decisions The first thing to remember about that is to really listen to your heart when you’re making these decisions, it’s all teaching you. Everything that’s happening in the universe this year is about teaching you to listen to your heart, to bring more beauty and love and harmony into your life. So that’s what we’re all really seeking right now.


Again, that doesn’t mean you’re inherently going to have it because when the six is present, there’s typically more responsibility specifically in your home life. If you look at the sacred geometry of the number 6, there’s that round bottom that has to do with nourishing and nurturing. It’s also pregnancy.

So there’s probably going to be a baby boom this year. There’s usually a lot of pregnancy when the six is activated. So there’s most likely going to be a baby boom, also a boom in marriage and divorces, because what happens is when you listen to your heart, sometimes that seeks you to have more intimate connections, but sometimes you realize that people in your life are no longer nurturing you or nourishing you.

So there’s this emphasis on, what is nourishing you? What is nurturing you? So pay attention to that all throughout the year about whether or not someone or something is still nourishing for you.
Now, let’s look at the numbers, the digits of this year because that’s also quite spectacular.


So 2022. So three of those four numbers are the number 2. Now whereas the 1 is about the self and the individual, the 2 is about other people and relationships. So both the 2 and the 6’s are relationship-oriented, love-oriented. So you see there’s a theme with that. So it’s really remarkable to have that in general. How often does that happen? 1999 was the last time we had three of the four numbers being the same. So let’s all party like it’s 1999. Right?

So we have this multiplicity of 2’s with the zero. Now, the zero magnifies the energy of the two. The zero represents wholeness and completion and universality. So there’s a sense of seeking cooperation, seeking harmony. So this is already so lovely because we’ve had so much strife.

After the 5, 5 is very dramatic and it’s change-oriented. So last year, 2021, was a 5 year. So the 6 always comes to restore balance. And so does the 2. The 2 is always seeking cooperation and community and harmony. So we have this harmony-seeking energy, which is exactly what the world needs right now.


We need more love. We need more cooperation. And what this is telling us is that they’ll be a drive to have more of that. Let’s look at some of these amazing astrological events that we have.
So first of all, the United States is having its first Pluto return.

So what does that mean? The United States has a birth chart. Every country has a birth chart. And so ours was in 1776. Right? So Pluto is a planet that takes 284, 286 years approximately to come around to where it was at the time of your birth chart. So we don’t experience that as humans in our lifetimes. Right? We do have Saturn return, which you may be familiar with. And if you understand the import of having a planet return to where it was when you’re born, it really accentuates those lessons.

So when Pluto comes around to the birth chart of a nation, in this case, the United States, it accentuates the lessons that Pluto is teaching. Now, Pluto is the Lord of the underworld. This is not an easy planet. Pluto governs death, destruction, transformation, and rebirth. It’s not just destruction for destruction’s sake. It’s destruction. It’s the tearing down process in order to rebuild with more truth and integrity.


So Pluto has been in Capricorn, the sign that governs governments, economies, financial structure, business, and really tradition. But that can also– the shadow element of that can be patriarchy. So Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and really that began this sense of uncovering all over the world. And by the way, the United States’ Pluto return is going to affect everyone in the world because, let’s face it, the United States has an impact.

So Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. And since that time, he’s been exposing power, corruption and systemic racism and sexism, and abuses of power of all kinds. That’s what Pluto has been doing since 2008, is uncovering these things that have always been there. It’s not like this is anything new, but where really things are coming to light now in order to heal them. So it’s sort of a– it can be somewhat of a traumatic process when Pluto is uncovering these things or breaking down these things, but it’s in order to heal it.


So we’ve been seeing the breaking down of our economy really, and our structures in our systems. So this is all really coming to a head right now. On, listen to this, February 20th, 2022, look at that date. That’s 2/20/2022. Remember, we’re talking about all those 2’s earlier. So that’s the date of the first exact when Pluto comes back to where it was in the United States birth chart. 2/20/2022.

Now, two days after that, then Neptune is moving into 22 degrees Pisces, which is opposing the United States’ Neptune and Virgo at 22 degrees. Now, five days after that, Neptune moves into 22 degrees in 22 minutes. So look at that date also. February 22nd, 2022, 2/22/2022. Are you seeing a pattern here? So we have a lot of this 2 and 22 energy all throughout the year.

So the 2 is teaching us how to find cooperation within the division. And the 22 is known as the master builder. And the master builder is always about building foundations that help generations to come, that help future generations that are long-lasting. So it’s an amazing map that the universe is giving us right now.


So as things are breaking down and we will see breakdowns in our economy, probably the petrodollar and how we spend money and how we govern in the United States is really breaking down right now in order to be rebuilt. So this process is teaching us how to cooperate, that we need to work together, that we need to be together, that we need each other, that we’re not us and them.

This is teaching us that we need to rebuild our world through cooperation and in ways that benefit everyone equally, that benefit the greater good. That is what this is all teaching us. And we have this other aspect that’s happening this year that’s also teaching us that.

So first of all, Jupiter is moving into Pisces in late December of 2021, will be there through May. And then again, at the end of this year as well. Jupiter is going Pisces, Aries, Pisces throughout the year. But from December through May of 2022, we have Jupiter in Pisces while this is happening, and Jupiter expands everything it touches. And Pisces is the sign that teaches us that we’re all one, that we’re all connected. And Jupiter in Pisces is expanding that awareness.


Now, Pisces has two planetary co-rulers. One is Jupiter and one is Neptune. And for the first time, since 1856, Jupiter and Neptune are having exact conjunction in Pisces. That has not happened since 1856. Now, this is also this beautiful, again, these outer planets, this doesn’t just happen once, and then it’s over. These are era-defining changes, these are era-defining shifts that will change the way we live.

So Jupiter and Neptune joining together in their home sign of Pisces bring so much connection between us. It brings so much compassion and love. It is heart-opening energy. Pisces governs healing. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, which reminds us that we’re all connected to each other and to the divine.

So we’re going to see an increase in compassion, in the healing arts, in healing through the subconscious mind, and healing these deep karmic patterns that are keeping us divided, that is keeping you from limiting your sense of love in the world. So there will be an expansion of healing and creative energy and intuitive arts and the imagination, and a sense of hope as well.


Now, of course, there is a shadow side to everything because Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces can lead to a more sense of delusion. We already have people who are in two different realities, so there will be more people wanting to escape reality. There’ll be more delusion. There’ll be more people waking up from their delusions and feeling disillusioned. But Neptune tends to dissolve things. So whereas Pluto is tearing down things, Neptune is dissolving things.

We’re also going to see most likely some really extreme weather patterns. And water can take many forms โ€“ waters, hurricanes, blizzards, floods, or tsunamis. There will be a lot of really erratic weather. And that may be some of what brings us all together. Sometimes it is these group tragedies that make us realize that we need to help each other and we’re all connected because nature doesn’t care what your political affiliation is. Nature doesn’t care.

So we will have extreme weather. We will have more people wanting to escape reality, but we will also have more people joining in their hearts. And so that is the dynamic that’s happening this year.
1856, when these two planets, this co-rulers of Pisces joined forces before, now Pisces is mutable water, we did have the great floods of Europe those years as well. So again, bring your umbrella, but, there’s going to be a lot of beauty that comes out of this as well.


So you can see the themes of the year are all about love and beauty and harmony among the sense of division and polarity. There are definitely challenges because you will have more responsibility and things are going to be changing in the world, yet there’s a lot of love here. So I want to help you navigate this. So here’s three things that I really suggest that you do throughout the year and keep in your mind and your heart throughout the year so that you can navigate these spiritual waters with grace and really ride these waves of joy.

So the first thing to do, remember these are all throughout the year, so your first thing to remember is to listen to your heart when you’re making decisions. So this is a year of big choices. You will have a lot of choices to make.

The 6 always guarantees that. And especially since you’re going to have more responsibility, you’re going to have to choose what’s really important to you. And as you are choosing, it’s essential that you’re listening to your heart and not your mind and not other people when you’re making these decisions. Your heart is going to lead you in a road less traveled.


This is really about taking a different path, taking a path of joy rather than what you’ve always done, which can seem very contrary when you have more people counting on you. It can feel very selfish to listen to what’s right for you. But it’s also really paramount that you do because that’s the only way that you’re going to make wise decisions, which brings us to the second action step, is to make your happiness a priority.

As you are tuning in to your heart to make your decisions, you have to think, what will make me happy? It will be so tempting to think about everybody else’s demands. But I hope that you remember that your happiness is essential for your loved ones to be happy. Your wellbeing is a priority for your loved one’s wellbeing. Please remember that throughout the year, your happiness is the most important thing.

You are going to have so many people tell you that they need you and that you will want to be a martyr for them. That’s one of the lessons of the 6 as well. It teaches you not to be a martyr. So you have to remember, okay, please, make your happiness a priority, which brings us to action Step Number 3: Receive support. Allow yourself to be supported. It’s so important that you let people help you, that you delegate responsibility.


Here’s one of the lessons that the 6 brings as well. There’s that sense that I’m the only one who can do things right. I’m the only one who’s good at this. I’m the only one that can take care of this. Does this sound familiar to you? Well, that’s one of the major lessons of the year, is that you have to learn that just because you can do everything yourself and you may even do it better than everybody else doesn’t mean you should or can. So you have to let people in. You have to let people help you. You have to delegate responsibility. Okay? I hope that you remember this.

Now there are so many spiritual lessons and emotional nuances of the year, and I want you to be prepared. I’ve created a Divining 2022 Forecast that covers everything โ€“ all your opportunity periods, all your challenging periods, the cosmic storms, and the cosmic sunny days because you’re going to need that to have divine timing. Every single planet is retrograde this year. And the timing of those is very specific and it can mean the difference between success and really intense challenges. And there’s also a host of spiritual lessons.


So my Divining 2022 Forecast, I provide you with the spiritual and emotional, and strategic tools you need to really navigate this year for success and to avoid challenges. This small investment can save you a lot of time, money, and energy in the long run. You can find that using the link below: And I know that this is going to help you. So I really hope you take advantage of it. Once again, it is a very small investment that can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. So I’m wishing you the most incredible, joyful, magical 2022 and beyond.

Now, if you’ve enjoyed this video, make sure that you share it with your friends and I have so much more to share with you. So make sure you’re subscribed to this channel. I’m going to be sharing a lot with you this year about intuition, energy management, empath empowerment, spirit guides, and of course, astrology and numerology. So I’m wishing you an incredible year. I love you so much. Bye for now.


2022 Astrology and Numerology show an incredible year ahead.

We have three once-in-a-lifetime astrological events. The United States Pluto Return, Neptune opposing the United States’ natal Neptune, and a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces.

In numerology, 2022 is a 6 Universal Year. 6 Promotes beauty, balance, and harmony.

In this forecast, I share with you how the energies this year will affect your relationships, love life, career, and life choices.

You will learn the three ESSENTIAL steps to navigate a nuanced emotional terrain.

Make sure to check out my extensive Divining 2022 Forecast!

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

Watch the video below:

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We have an epic ending to an extraordinary year. December astrology is a grand finale. Hello. I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your December forecast. And you may be feeling a little bit on edge right now.

We entered December in the midst of the eclipse season. Eclipses are always two weeks apart, and we had that full moon lunar eclipse during Scorpio season last month and December 4th or December 3rd, depending on where you are in the world. We have our New Moon Solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

So this two-week period in between eclipses is always a time of heightened emotions, psychic, awareness intuitive insights, and it’s a time of endings and beginnings. You are letting go of so much: peopleโ€ฆ circumstances. There are these big, dramatic karmic endings right now.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast – Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

How perfect for this dramatic year. So this New Moon Solar Eclipse that’s coming up on December 4th or 3rd is in Sagittarius and Sagittarius is so much lighter than the Scorpio energy that you’ve been experiencing and we’re in the Sun Sign of Sagittarius until the 21st and Sagittarius is fire. It’s immutable fire.

So it’s all about change and it’s the Archer, so it’s looking toward the future. But you have to wrap some things up first. And this Sagittarius eclipse is wrapping up a set of eclipses that we’ve been experiencing since 2020, and eclipses or connected to the North Node and the South Node, which are about Dharma and Karma respectively.

We’re as a collective wrapping up the set of Sagittarius- Gemini eclipses that has taught you all about education, communication ideas ideals. That’s what we’ve been changing
and everything about how we’ve been doing that communication and education has all been changing since 2020.

Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

Thankfully we’re wrapping up that set of eclipses and we’re headed into a whole new set of lessons that are going to carry us into 2022 through 2023, but this is wrapping up those eclipses and this Sagittarius eclipse. Is connected to our South Node, which again is karmic. It’s everything. We’re letting go of so much Sagittarius governs your ideals belief systems, your higher mind.

You are in the process of changing your very core, your beliefs, how you view the world, what your ideals are. And with that, you’re letting go of so much. So during this time, be easy on yourself. There’s a grieving period as you’re letting go of everything that you once believed was right for you.

So, now, you’re headed into a whole new experience. It’s exciting. But, you know, it’s uncomfortable. Right? So there are so many things happening this month. I have to speak quickly and thank heavens I’m from New York, I could do that because if I don’t speak quickly, we’re going to be doing 2022 by the time I’m finished. Okay, so there’s so much.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast

Venus is going retrograde in Capricorn this month and Venus is going to be spending an unusually long time in Capricorn. It’s usually in a sign one month out of the Year about and now it’s going to be in Capricorn for an unusually long period of time through March of 2022. So here’s the thing, Venus is going retrograde. It’s going to be retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights, And you know, we know a lot about Mercury in retrograde, but Venus is a personal planet it travels close to the Sun and it’s personal.

So Venus covers everything that is near and dear to you. It literally is associated with what you value. It’s everything you want to attract into your life, Love and Money, its beauty. So Venus retrograde is a time when you aren’t re-evaluating your values and this is again, it’s going to take us into next year because this is a 40-day process.

This retrograde period and every planet in 2022 is going to be retrograde. There’s a lot of lessons we are learning that each planet is going to be sharing with us. So, Venus right now is teaching you to elevate your self-worth. It’s teaching you what’s really important and because it’s in Capricorn, it’s teaching you. what’s sustainable.

Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

Capricorn is about things that stand the test of time. It’s steady and stable. So Venus is teaching you really do have worth and things that are of value.ย  This is a lot to do with our money as well. It’s not really a time for risk-taking because again, Capricorn is all about the test of time. What’s Timeless. What’s priceless, what’s stable.

And it’s not a time for risky ventures in love money. So it Capricorn Venus in Capricorn is a good time to commit, more deeply in your relationships. However, while Venus is retrograde, you’re going to be questioning things. You’re going to be questioning the value of your relationship relative to your self-worth.

And that’s your relationship with money. and people, it’s exciting stuff. Right? But you’re feeling this right, aren’t you? Changing everything. inside of you isn’t everything a whole different paradigm than it was even last month? But you think back the whole year, the amount of re-evaluating that you’ve done with the people in the circumstances in your life. It’s really extraordinary.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast

Okay. So what else is in store? So we have another really big event happening this month on Christmas. December 24th. Christmas Eve is the third and final Saturn – Uranus Square is something that has been defining the year. Saturn has been squaring Uranus all year and it will through a big part of next year and it’s going to be influencing us but these squares create tension and it’s going to be an exact square the third and final exact Square on December 24th.

So this is the tension we’ve been feeling all year, Saturn is about rules, boundaries and restriction, and stability. It’s a little bit conservative and it’s squaring Uranus, which is the planet of freedom and Revolution and Liberation. It’s very electric. It’s can be a little sudden and shocking. Itโ€™s in Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, which is about your very values and belief systems.

Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

And Earth, right. So these squares are creating tension between how to be safe and conservative and have boundaries and bring restrictions versus what your idea of freedom is, so obviously this is playing out in the world. Everyone has a myriad of ideas about what their freedom means and there’s conflict in that. A lot of conflict between restrictions, rules, and freedom and all over the world in a myriad of ways and in your life, in your personal life.

How this is playing out is are you playing things safe at the expense of your personal freedom? Or is a different type of freedom drawing you in another direction? or is it important to maybe play the safe game Sometimes with this polarity is really squaring right now. It’s not a polarity. It’s a square, which is a conflict that’s happening.

And it’s been happening throughout the year will continue to happen into 2022, but it’s really coming to a head on December 24th. So do not talk politics with your family. In case, they need to tell you that, but in your life, you’re going to be asking yourself.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast

This tension is going to be mounting about where you need more freedom. Where do you need to play it safe? What are you doing for security at what price? And what price is either of those things? Like, what’s the cost-benefit of analysis? Right?

So these are some things that are coming to a head right now But wait, there’s more! on December 29th or December 28th, depending on where you live in the world. Jupiter is changing signs. Now, Jupiter is going into Pisces. It’s going to be there for five more months.

So Jupiter expands everything it touches. It’s larger-than-life energy. It’s our gas giant. It’s the largest planet in our solar system and it brings an abundance and joy and expansion. It’s one of the social planets. So every time it changes signs, it affects our culture in our society in a big way.

Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

So when it’s in Pisces, Pisces is Soulful and intuitive. It’s spiritual. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. It’s also about summing up the culmination of some karmic lessons as well. Pisces is compassionate. It’s empathic. So when Jupiter is in Pisces, which will be from December 29th, through May of 2022.

There’s a big, there’s an expansion of your intuitive awareness and dreams and this sense of we’re connected. It also opens up your heart to compassion and empathy. The other Shadow aspect of this is that you can maybe not see things. Clearly, Pisces is mutable water. So sometimes it’s like seeing things. Under the ocean, right? Like you’re going to be delusions or escapism or mortar them even.

So these are some of the elements that Jupiter and Pisces brings, but it’s, it can be a very beautiful dreamy energy that that that reminds us, that we’re one reminds us that we’re connected. It expands your intuitive powers and your imagination.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast

So there’s a lot of beauty that comes with this now because we have all this happening right now. I want to give you some guidelines as to how to make the most of this energy and I know that I usually give action steps on what to do, but I also want to include some action steps about what not to do because, with Venus retrograde and Jupiter and Pisces, your ideas can be, there can be some things that you’re not seeing things clearly, so, With Venus retrograde.

The first thing not to do especially in its retrograde in Capricorn, what not to do while Venus is retrograde, do not invest in anything that requires a big investment, it is not advised to make big investments in money or sometimes love when Venus is retrograde because your values are changing.

Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

It’s one of those things where you think things are worth some more when you’re looking at it when Venus is retrograde, and then afterward you’re like, oh my God, really? Why did I like that, that that’s not valuable to me anymore, or and again, Venus in Capricorn is about things being, very time-tested, Capricorn is more conservative.

So you want to be conservative with how you’re spending and investing your money right now. Also, like, when you’re let’s say, you are about to sign a lease, for a new house or a home.

And when you’re looking at it, it looks like you think, oh sure. Okay. I can handle linoleum tiles. That’s not bad. I can deal with that and then afterward when Venus goes direct, and it’s time for you to move in. You think why did I do that? I can’t stand looking at this every single day.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast

This brings me to another thing the second thing not to do when Venus is retrograde, is don’t make any major changes to any aesthetics, So elective cosmetic surgery. You may not be seeing what you want clearly when you’re going into it or like, even like, like just don’t cut off all your hair kind of thing, or get a tattoo, because what you think is beautiful or is a good idea while Venus is retrograde afterward. You’re like, why did I do that? I don’t like this. That’s very probable.

So these are some don’t suggestions when Venus is in retrograde, so I have some things TO DO for you during this time as well, this incredible month. So as you’re looking back on this extraordinary year, you know, it’s been busy. It’s been dramatic. It’s been a little bit mashugana, right? Just like so much, so much happened this year. That you may not have gotten a lot of your goals achieved especially since your goals have changed many, many times, you know, it’s easy to look back and think you haven’t done enough.

First Action Step

So hereโ€™s an action step that you can do this year, is to look at what you’ve done, and what you’ HAVE achieved, rather than what you haven’t. As you’re evaluating, which is what this Venus is teaching you to do. Evaluate your credits, rather than your debits. and this is something more of a spiritual nature as well. It’s not just like, oh, I achieved this, or this, or this financially, or whatever, or productivity, it’s about who you are as a person.

Now, isn’t that one thing that you’re learning to value more is the spiritual aspects of life and the emotional aspects of life. So, as you’re looking back on this year, which is helpful to do evaluate, what you’ve accomplished as a human being as a spiritual being having a human experience. Take a look back and think of, wow. I’m a different person and I’ve grown and this is how and this is why, so do that, and it will really change your perspective and it’s a perfect activity during these times.

Second Action Step

You know, I have a second action step for you to do and that is to point your arrow toward the future, which is what Sagittarius taught. As you do think about what you want, instead of what you don’t want. Because there has been a lot of what you don’t want. And this again, this is what these eclipses are bringing.

These eclipses are teaching you what you don’t want and what you’re letting go of and there’s been a lot of it. I mean a lot. So during this time take time this month and really ask yourself. Okay. I know what I don’t want but what do I want? What am I? It toward and really Point your arrow, aim in that direction.

Third Action Step

And here’s a third action step is to feel what that’s like to experience it. Feel what it’s like to be in your new reality with your new value system and your new ideas and all the experiences and the people and all that comes with that feel your way into it as if it’s really happening.

Personal Year Number

Now. I have something that’s going to help you. Every year when the calendar changes, the numerology changes for the year. That’s our Universal Year Number and your numerology changes. Your Personal Year Number helps you understand what your numerology is for the whole entire year based on your birthdate.

And there are a lot of unique spiritual lessons, emotional lessons, financial and career. Information that you can get from your Personal Year Number. It really helps, you focus your energy. It helps you understand how best to invest your time, your energy, your resources, what your opportunities are, what your challenges are.

So you can get your Personal Year Numerology guide, using that link below and it is absolutely free. So I highly recommend that you download that right now and it’s so much fun to do when you understand how the universe is syncing up with what your experience is.

Divining 2022 Forecast and Healing

So download that using the link below and if you really want to go into a deep dive about your personal numerology, as it relates to the Universal Year and the numerology for the year, the astrology for the year, month to month, guidance my DIVINING 2022 FORECAST AND HEALING event really goes into a deep dive.

We have a complex and interesting year coming up and I really want you to have all the tools that you need to be prepared emotionally, spiritually, physically, so that program gives you everything that you’re going to need to prepare for the year ahead.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast – Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

I’m going to include a link to that below as well and we have an incredible year coming up. I want to make sure that you know everything. So also make sure that you are subscribed to this channel because I am going to keep you posted about everything.

Make sure you are subscribed to be notified when I come out with a new video. If you’ve enjoyed this, share it with your friends and your loved ones. I know they will appreciate you for it, and I am wishing you an absolutely incredible extraordinary December and I happy New Year. Let’s make this an incredible month and let’s go into this year with joy and enthusiasm. I love you so much. Lots of love. Bye for now.

December 2021 Astrology Forecast: Epic Endings and Bold Beginnings

What an epic ending to an extraordinary year! December brings all the fireworks!

Our month is off to a brilliant beginning with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th. New Moon eclipses always initiate change. This eclipse connects with the moonโ€™s
south node culminating in the completion of a karmic cycle.

Our Sun in astrology represents the ego and how you radiate in the world. During a solar eclipse, the Sun is obscured by the shadow of the Moon. This is a cosmic reboot – an opportunity to redefine how you want to share your inner light. You must first go within.


On December 19th, Venus retrogrades in ambitious Capricorn. She will stay in her backward motion through this status-oriented sign until January 29, 2022. Venus governs love and money – all that you want to attract. This retrograde offers you the opportunity to re-evaluate your self-worth and relationships. Perfect timing to create a fulfilling 2022!

Christmas Eve, December 24th, is a dynamic day. We have our final square between stodgy traditionalist Saturn and innovative Uranus. Perhaps this standoff will bring a new way for you to celebrate the seasons. Yet, this cosmic connection has far more significant implications. It will usher innovative solutions for our society to build new foundations that benefit everyone.

The yearโ€™s finale is lucky Jupiter changing signs into compassionate Pisces. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, expanding everything it touches. Every year he blesses another sign. Pisces is the sign of dreams, empathy, intuition, and connection. We are reminded, once again, that we are all one.

It is sure to be a busy, bustling month full of hope and inspired ideas for a better future.

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

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Show Transcription

Hi, Iโ€™m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your November forecast. And this will be a big month. Of course, there’s some intensity involved because we are in Scorpio season. And if you know anything about Scorpio, it always brings on the intensity.

The Sun is in Scorpio for the first three weeks, and Mars and Mercury are both traveling through Scorpio for much of the month. Scorpio is the sign of death, transformation and rebirth. No big deal, right?

There are many symbols for Scorpio. You may have seen the scorpion and the stinger, but another symbol for Scorpio is the Phoenix rising from the ashes, transforming. It’s about that renewal, about life after death. It’s about that regeneration, and it’s ruled by Pluto, which is the Lord of the Underworld and Scorpio is about everything beneath the surface.

November 2021 Astrology Forecast – Awaken Your Inner Vision

Everything unseen, everything that’s going on in the depths of your psyche, in the depths of your soul and the depth of your subconscious. Its purpose is to bring you closer to your emotions. Its purpose is really about transformation. So, as you connect with these deeper emotions, the parts of you that you may even be afraid of facing.

Then there’s a transformation when you bring these things to light. There’s a healing process. So ultimately, this is a healing energy. So, the themes throughout this month will be about waking up and bringing your awareness to what’s unseen, bringing your awareness to perhaps things that you are afraid of.

Of course during Scorpio season we have The Day of the Dead and Halloween, and even the trees are losing their leaves and showing their skeletons. This is about really the depths of humanity, the depths of what lies beneath, and it also connects you to your ancestral energy, your ancestral lineage.

Awaken Your Inner Vision

And so, when you’re born, you carry with you the gifts of your ancestors. You also carry some trauma of your ancestors. And as you connect to these deeper parts of yourself, there’s also some healing involved. So, in addition to this, Scorpio energy that we have November 2021 is a 16 Universal month in numerology.16 is also a number of about waking up to the unseen.

It’s a karmic number actually, and so sometimes if you’re not processing, if you’re not acknowledging, if you’re not paying attention to your soul, if you’re not paying attention to your truth, then there can be some shocking revelations, the 16 always brings a quickening of awareness, a quickening of truth, a quickening of insight.

So, sometimes the 16 is related to betrayal or, or having your trust broken. That could be your trust broken in other people, or sometimes life itself. Now, this isn’t to scare you again, we’re dealing with scary themes at aren’t always scary. Right?

November 2021 Astrology Forecast

So, if you look at the energy of like Halloween, for instance, you have children dressed in these ghoulish fiendish costumes, right? But it can be fun, and when we bring this to light, it’s not scary anymore. And this is part of what this month is teaching you. It’s the parts of you that you buried.

Scorpioโ€™s element is fixed water. And if you think about water and the depths and all the life that’s underneath. There’s sometimes treasure under there as well. So, when these 16 energies is transpiring, you get wake-up calls about your truth.

And it could be a very joyful energy, if you’ve been living your truth you can suddenly have some wonderful spiritual insights about your path forward. You can have wonderful peace within you that you trust the process of life. It’s only when you are ignoring or betraying your intuition when you have these shocking revelations.

Awaken Your Inner Vision

Now, there’s more to this story because this month on November 19th, we have a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses also are very high octane. They to bring your awareness anything that has been eclipsed from your consciousness. Are you seeing a theme, here? Everything about this month is to bring your awareness to things that you’ve buried to what’s been in the shadows to what you have been afraid of recognizing.

And these eclipses are special. Eclipses come in pairs of eclipses and the correlate with the nodes of the moon. The nodes of the moon change signs about every 18 months, and so, since March 2020, our eclipse has been in Gemini and Sagittarius. Does that date sound familiar to you?

Do you know all the things that have changed in the world since March 2020? Those eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius have everything to do with information, transportation, and education. Everything in our life changed related to all of those things since those sets of eclipses.

November 2021 Astrology Forecast

So, now we have another set of eclipses, Hallelujah, right? We need a change. So, this Taurus North Node Scorpio South node that we’re going to be experiencing through 2022 and into 2023 brings another theme in collective Consciousness. Scorpio will be in our South Node. Our South node is, always, related to our Karma things were moving away from, and the North Node is related to what we’re moving toward.

So, we have a theme in our Karma and our Dharma of what we’re working on as a collective. So, we’re moving away from Scorpio themes, which is collective trauma and Collective drama. It’s the shadow elements of Scorpio who we can use a break from this and moving into Taurus energy.

That’s what we’re moving toward, which is about more peace, more connection with the Earth more valuing of beauty. Taurus actually governs what you value. So for the next 18 months, at least, you’re going to be focusing. We’re all going to be focusing on our value systems and maybe love. That would be wonderful!

Awaken Your Inner Vision

And the Earth, and bringing more peace and stability within our hearts and on our planet. This is what we’re working on as a collective, and it is about time. The other thing is now is Uranus, the planet of awakenings and shocks and revelations, is in Taurus. So, it’s going to be connected to that eclipse.

So, there’s a lot of energy right now about waking up to the truth. Who you are and not being afraid of what’s inside you. Not being afraid of these taboo elements, not being afraid of your emotions and not being afraid of your talents either. So, there are many gifts that come with this.

Three Action Steps

So, I have three actions steps to help you navigate this really high octane energy. Now, your first action step is to BE COMPLETELY HONEST WITH YOURSELF. One of the main reasons we don’t listen to our intuition is because we are afraid of what it’s going to tell us.

We can sometimes push things away, or you know, there are uncomfortable truths that you don’t want to recognize. It means, changing. It means that you have to change things in your life. Furthermore, it means that you have to accept parts about yourself or your life, or other people, or loved ones that you don’t want to recognize.

Take Time To Yourself

So, I highly recommend you take some time and ask yourself,โ€œWhat do I not want to admit to myself about my life or people in my life?โ€ What have I been pushing away? What have I been suppressing about? Or, what has my intuition been trying to tell me that I don’t want to accept?โ€

And the truth will set you free. And I always say this, if you do not do things proactively, the Universe does it for you. So, this might be a month when the universe does it for you, especially when we have Eclipses there are dramatic fateful endings and Beginnings. So as you let go of things, you begin things, so this is a month for that. Dramatic endings and beginnings. I know we don’t need more drama, but this is a 5 Universal Year. There’s a lot of drama in the 5 year.

Second Action Step

Your second action step is to CALM YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM. There is so much electric energy, high octane energy right now, and you need time to process, or you will be so frazzled. You probably are already experiencing it. Maybe your sleep cycles are interrupted, or you just feel anxious, or you’re having trouble getting to sleep. You may need some help right now to calm down.

So, things that you can do. Make sure you’re grounded every day. You can ground your energy. Breathe whenever you feel yourself getting anxious or upset.

Remember to breathe slowly. You can fill your whole being with breath and that helps calm your nervous system, salt baths are calming for your nervous system. And meditation is calming for your nervous system. And if you find yourself, just pushing, pushing. Make sure you are taking time to yourself.

Third Action Step

So, this brings us to our third and significant action step, which is to LET GO OF OTHER PEOPLEโ€™S ENERGY. That Scorpio south node, Taurus North Node these eclipse will be in… Taurus is teaching you how to let go of trauma and drama from other people.

So, what you can do is, if you find yourself, getting involved in other people’s drama, you can remind yourself to take a step back. If you find yourself getting upset about everything that’s happening in the world, or with your loved ones.

Heal Your Shadow

You can remind yourself to take a step back. And at the end of the day, you can say,โ€œI let go of other people’s energy.โ€œ I have a meditation that can help you with this. It’s called โ€œEmbody the Lightโ€. It’s designed to help you connect with light energy.

So, you can heal your shadow and let go of energy that doesn’t belong to you. It’s a super powerful meditation, and you access that using the link below. It is absolutely free. So, I highly suggest that you download that.

Now, I know if you follow these steps you can have a really transformative, powerful and positive month. This is going to really set the stage for 2022, and I have a lot to say about that. So stay tuned. I want to make sure you are subscribed to this channel.

November 2021 Astrology Forecast – Awaken Your Inner Vision

If you’re on YouTube, hit that subscribe button and that bell to be notified whenever I come out with more videos. I will be sharing with you so much about astrology and numerology, intuition, and empath empowerment. You want to avoid missing anything.

So make sure you’re subscribed and if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends and loved ones. I know they will appreciate you for it. I am wishing you a marvelous, fantastic, sensational November and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

November 2021 Astrology Forecast: Awaken Your Inner Vision

November Astrology brings surprises!

We are in Scorpio season! Our Sun is in Scorpio for the first three weeks of November. Scorpio is deeply sensitive. Its nature is to connect you to the depths of your psyche and the emotions buried in your shadow. Mercury and Mars are in this soulful sign for most of the month.

In numerology, November 2021 is a 16/7 Universal Month. This is a karmic lesson number, ushering in many spiritual lessons.


It’s also eclipse season! Our Lunar Eclipse on November 19th begins a new eclipse series in the Taurus/Scorpio axis that spans until October 2023.

In this forecast, I share with you three essential steps to navigate this high-octane energy with grace.

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

October 2021 Astrology Forecast: Beautifying Your Relationships

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Hi, it’s Kari Samuels here – your intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your October forecast. And we have a busy month. There is so much happening astrologically, and you’re probably feeling it because your mind might be racing with all kinds of decisions.

This is a month of making big choices, heartfelt choices. There’s a lot of emphasis on relationships this month. Many things are happening in this special month. October is always special. Because the numerology of October gives you a glimpse of what the next year is going to be because the Universal Month of October is the same as the Universal Year in the next year.

So, October 2021 is a 6 Universal Month and 2022 is going to be a 6-universal year. 6 is a number that brings you into your heart chakra. That’s the energy of 6. That’s what the lessons teach you, and the themes that are highlighted when 6 is activated are Balance, Beauty, and Harmony. Itโ€™s relationship oriented also, very creative and expressive and because it brings you into your heart, it helps you make decisions that are based on what you feel. What’s really true to your heart and soul, rather than what’s been expected of you.

October 2021 Astrology Forecast – Beautifying Your Relationships

This is a theme that’s running all throughout this month. It’s about balancing your needs versus the needs of others. It’s about tuning into your heart and making choices that might bring you away from what you’ve always done and what’s been expected of you. This time is very relationship oriented, so it involves marriages, sometimes divorces, and children.

These are all themes that come up when 6 is activated. You may be taking on more responsibility. Now, in addition to this six energy, we’re in the sun sign of Libra until October 22nd. Libra is also about Balance, Beauty, Harmony and Relationships. You may know the symbol is the scales, right?

So, you’re going to be weighing some decisions. What’s good for you? What’s good for everybody else? Or, what’s good for me? Or, what, do I really want? There’s this sense of weighing things, balancing things, bringing back balance in your life as you relate to other people. There is so much AIR in our planetary activity this month.

Beautifying Your Relationships

The majority of planets is in air signs, but there’s so much more than that. So, we are in Mercury Retrograde until the 18th. Now Mercury is Retrograde in Libra, So whenever there’s a retrograde, it’s always an inward process. It’s all about going inside and reassessing, re-evaluating, reviewing. And, in this case, it is in regard to relationships because Mercury’s in Libra.

So, this is about your mind. Mercury is how you think and your Consciousness. How you’re thinking about relationships? Are they serving you? Are you attracting people in your life that support you? What is the world mirroring for you? What are your relationships mirroring for you?

So in addition to Mercury retrograde, we have six planets in retrograde this month. This is no joke. Plus Chiron. The wounded healer, which is an asteroid, which kind of acts like a planet. Chiron, the wounded healer in the sign of Aries, which is polar opposite of Libra.

October 2021 Astrology Forecast

So, Chiron, is retrograde teaching you how to remember to put yourself first. Remember how to have healthier boundaries. Remembering how to believe in yourself, and assert yourself and your energy in the world with confidence. We have Mercury retrograde and the social planets, Jupiter and Saturn, And then the outer planets, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune retrograde. Now, that’s a lot.

So, remember retrograde planets, bring you inside. Air is about the mind and your decisions. So, can you see what’s happening here? All of this retrograde activity is helping you review your life. Think about your life. Think about how you relate to the world, to other people, in a way that can allow you to restore harmony. You can restore balance in your life, and you can feel good about yourself in your relationships and in the world. Mercury ends it’s retrograde on the 18th. By the end of the month, Jupiter and Saturn, the social planets, are going direct.

Beautifying Your Relationships

So, the beginning of the month looks a lot different from the end of the month. Throughout the course of October, as you are reassessing and weighing pros and cons, you’re tuning in to how you feel about yourself relative to the world in relationship to the world and other people, you’re going to gain some clarity. But the first part of the month is not a time to act on your decisions. It is a time to reassess. And when there are those outer planets, those big planets stationing direct. It’s a big movement.

So, the things that you’ve been held back from for those past several months, things that you weren’t clear about. You most likely will get a lot of clarity about by the end of the month. But this is an in-between process, right now, that you’re experiencing for the first part of the month, it can feel confusing. So stay with it. Just understand. This is an internal process. Be good to yourself and don’t rush into anything.

Three Action Steps

Now, of course, I have three action steps that you can take as part of this October 2021 Astrology Forecast. To help you through this sort of topsy-turvy time so that you can have a lot of clarity wet as you’re moving through it. So, your first action step is to MAKE YOUR HAPPINESS A PRIORITY. Most likely, you make other decisions based on other people’s happiness, based on other people’s expectations of you.

And so, every time you’re trying to decide something for yourself, whether it’s good for you. You most likely think about this person in your life. Everybody else your family, your friends, what they think of you the public whatever, right? You’re most likely weighing all that as you are trying to decide what’s good for you.

You want to avoid doing that. Furthermore, you want to really think about what will make you happy. Because when you are happy, it helps everyone else in your life. So, you really want to do things and make choices. Also, if there are things in your life that you want to let go of or bring into your life to make you happy, now is a good time to do that. Okay.

Second Action Step

So, this brings us to step number two, which is to BEAUTIFY YOUR LIFE. There’s so much going on in the mind. There’s so much going on about decisions. That it could take you all up here. But really, your wisdom is in your body, and you make choices based on what is joyful to you. What is pleasurable to you? And as you bring more Beauty into your life, remember the 6 and Libra are both associated with beauty.

So as you bring more Beauty into your life, it slows you down. It helps you enjoy what you have, which is a form of gratitude. It helps you feel good about where you are now and enjoy the moment and from that sense of sensory experience. You can make your choices. But if you’re just trying to like figure out what you want to do when you grow up, it’s really going to throw you off your game. So make sure you are enjoying lifeโ€™s Beauty and all the pleasures that life has to offer.

Third Action Step

Now. Your third action step is to REASSESS YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. So, every relationship in your life helps you feel good or maybe drained, or some are neutral. So as you are beautifying your life and feeling that those feel good feelings of what it’s like to be in your life and your body.

You can assess how people make you feel. You can assess your relationship to work, to money, to your home, to your environment, and it will help you evaluate. what you want to let go of and what you want to keep. In this case, who you want to have more interactions with and who is draining you.

So, you can let those relationships go. It’s so important right now that you bring people into your life and that the people in your life support you for who you are. That you feel yourself in your relationships that you feel that you can express yourself without feeling inhibited, That you can be truthful with.

October 2021 Astrology Forecast

And if there are people in your life that make you feel conflicted about that, really take time and figure out why they’re still in your life. And I understand some of these people can be people that like family members, for instance, that will always be in your life, but you can decide how you’re going to interact with them. Okay.

So, these are very important that you do this month, and you can have an incredible sense of liberation. And, Clarity and Joy. When you do now, I also have something that’s going to help you because this is Mercury retrograde and every life path number is unique.

I have a guide Mercury retrograde by the numbers That’s going to help you a tune to how to manage this Mercury retrograde specific to your Life Path Number. It’s super helpful and absolutely FREE, and you can get that using the link below.

October 2021 Astrology Forecast – Beautifying Your Relationships

So, I am wishing you and absolutely joyful October and beyond! This can be a fantastic month, and I am so excited to hear about the kinds of choices you’re making to be true to your heart, to be true to yourself. So if you want, share that in the comments below, we would love to hear about your adventures.

And if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your friends. I know, they will appreciate you for it. And if you want to hear more, I have so much more coming your way. It’s going to be a really incredible next few months, and year ahead.

And I’m going to keep you also posted with intuitive guidance and all kinds of magic. So make sure you’re subscribed to this Channel, and if you’re on YouTube, make sure to hit that bell to be notified when I come out with a new video. I love you so much, and I look forward to seeing you soon. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Buckle up! October Astrology brings a wealth of surprises.

We begin the month with SIX planets in retrograde – plus Chiron (an asteroid known as the wounded healer). By Halloween, youโ€™ll have more treats than tricks. By then, four of those planets will be direct.

Our main mischief-maker Mercury will be retrograde. Heโ€™s in his backspin until October 18th. Thereโ€™s always a two-week shadow period after Mercury goes direct. This allows you to process the many lessons you received.

We have a predominance of planets in air signs. This makes for indecisiveness, over-thinking, and feeling anxious. It is helpful to ground yourself every day to stay calm and centered.

6 Universal Month and Relationships

The bustling comings and goings in the heavens can lead to unpredictable events. You might feel as if you canโ€™t get a footing. Pursuing your plans can be frustrating if youโ€™re expecting things to go smoothly.

Allow space in your calendar for flexibility. You will need it!

This is an emotionally charged time. Your relationships will be re-evaluated. Especially since Mercury and the Sun will be in relationship-oriented Libra most of the month, AND this is a 6 Universal Month.


6 in numerology is very much akin to the Sun Sign Libra. It promotes relationship harmony, balance, and beauty.

Yet, it is not implicit that you will have balance. You must strive for it.


These retrogrades reveal areas in your life where you need more balance. You will recognize where you are giving too much or not enough energy to the people and projects in your life.

If you have been living out of balance, life can feel more lopsided now. The Universe is helping you recognize where you need to make adjustments.

As you balance work and play, make sure to prioritize your well-being above others. You can

Have a truly beautiful month.

Discover More

Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.

September 2021 Astrology Forecast: Tune Into Your Soul

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Hi, I’m Kari Samuels, your Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach with your September 2021 astrology forecast. This is a month to get serious about your life because we are in Virgo season.

So, before I give you the astrological forecast for the month, I want to give a shout-out to my fellow Virgos out there and September babies. Happy birthday.! See, Virgos can be fun too, right? Represent. But really, let’s get serious because we are in Virgo season.

The transition between Leo and Virgo, can be a bit dramatic. We were in Leo for the first three weeks of August. You can probably feel the shift in the last week of August when the Sun went into Virgo. It will be in Virgo until the 22nd of this month, Leo is very extrovert and exciting.

September 2021 Astrology Forecast

It’s all about, like, Woo-hoo! Let’s get the party started and then Virgo comes along and Virgos like, โ€œHey guys, can you quiet down in here? I’m trying to get some work done. And while you’re at it, clean up the place. Okay?โ€ That’s what it’s about.

That’s probably how you’re feeling in your life right now. Like, okay, I’ve explored, and I’ve done a lot, and maybe I felt scattered. Now it’s time for me to get serious. This is why school always starts during Virgo season. The archetype of Virgo is when we usher in autumn. We start to have energy, go inward and the leaves are falling off the trees.

Now, even if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, the archetype is still the same. This is about inward focusing, and it’s about harvesting. If you’ve ever seen the totem for Virgo, the Earth goddess, the maiden otherwise known as the Virgin, the ancient archetype for the Virgin had nothing to do with celibacy or anything like that, it had everything to do with a woman who knew herself, someone who needed nobody.

Tune Into Your Soul

The archetype of Virgo is very much about DISCERNING what is right for you. You’re finding self-sufficiency, finding nourishment, knowing what’s right for yourself without depending on other people to guide you. It’s very intuitive, actually. People don’t always think of Virgo as intuitive, but it is because it’s about knowing yourself, and it’s earth-centered.

As you get grounded and connected to the Earth and in your body, that’s when you are guided by earthy wisdom. That is what this is about. This is about knowing yourself. Virgo is about discernment.

If you have ever seen the goddess holding the wheat, it’s because Virgo is about separating the chaff from the wheat. It’s about knowing what to let go of. Just as in Autumn, the trees are letting go of the leaves. Everything’s about letting go and knowing what is sustaining, what is nourishing for you. Virgo, in astrology, rules the digestion.

September 2021 Astrology Forecast

I know that is so glamorous! And so, this is about digesting, you have a lot to digest about your life. There’s been a lot going on. You have to digest everything that’s been happening now so that you know what your next steps are. This month is very pivotal for next steps.

September 2021 in numerology is a 5 Universal month and 5 is a pivot point number. This is a 5 Universal year, 2021 in numerology is a 5 Universal year. So, this is a 5 Universal Month in a 5 Universal Year. And you see this is a month for change. It’s also a year for change. Right?

This whole year has been about pivoting in some ways. The number 5, if you look at the sacred geometry of it. It’s looking forward, but it’s also looking back in a very unstable kind of way. It’s like dealing with the past. Learning lessons of the past. As you are eagerly awaiting the future. It’s about breaking up structures and paradigms as well. Trying new things.

Tune Into Your Soul

This is a month to try new things and to break up your routines, but it’s not quick because of this internal energy, and we also have a few of the personal planets in Virgo at the top of the month. Especially, so it’s more about knowing what to let go of to know where you’re headed in the future. The root number of the 5 is actually a 14. September 2021 is a 14 Universal month, and 14 is a Karmic Lesson Number.

It teaches you about how to have freedom through discipline. It teaches you to make necessary changes around your independence. Furthermore, it’s a good time to evaluate where you’ve been dependent on people or circumstances that are no longer healthy for you. And where you need to forge your independence or where you’ve been too independent and not allowing people in or not cooperating.

So, these are all the lessons that are going to be coming up this month and same thing with last month. We have five of the outer and social planets retrograde, which is part of why the world is upside-down right now, like the world is just turned on its head.

September 2021 Astrology Forecast

And so even more reason for you to go within, and Virgo is ultimately a sign of service and work. So, you may be wondering with the world so crazy right now, how you can possibly do your part, and it is that going within and connecting with the Earth that you can find your role in the world. It’s about how you can be of service in the world in your small way, which is actually has some gigantic ripple effect.

I know it feels like, maybe it’s not enough, but all you can do is find ways that you can take care of yourself. By doing so, by nourishing yourself, by sustaining yourself, you find out how you can live your purpose in life. This is what this month is about. It’s this very, somewhat dramatic, pivot point.

Tune Into Your Soul

And next month we have a wall of retrogrades because Mercury is going to be retrograde until the 18th of next month. It goes retrograde on the 27th of September. So, you’re going to start, especially toward the end of the month, really feeling those lessons around Mercury. How you communicate. How your words have power. What to say. How you express your voice in the world. This is really an incredible time for you and the world. Virgo is very practical.

Three Action Steps

So, I have three action steps. See, I’m a Virgo. This is why I like to give you practical steps! We love to know how to make use of this energy. This is the energy of Virgo, it’s like, how do I take this energy and do something with it?

So with that said, I have three action steps that you can put into practice. The first one is to CREATE SOME NEW HEALTHY HABITS. Virgo is all about the habits, the healthy habits, the daily practices, and that’s where you can make the most lasting changes and this is a month about what you can do that’s new, that you can make lasting changes.

Tune Into Your Soul

Now, that 14 Karmic Number will teach you not to skip any steps, just out of escapism. So, it’s the healthy practices is what you’re putting in your body. What are you eating? How are you taking care of your body? Are there chemicals in your house or in your diet that you can change for nature-based products? Is there plastic that you can get rid of so that you can help the Earth? How can you have some more sustainable items in your house? Can you create an exercise routine that you can stick with?

It’s better to do 15 minutes a day, than like one big workout a week. So if you want to go to bed earlier or get more sleep, those are the kinds of daily maintenance practices that are so helpful right now, and also clean up the clutter. Is your house clean? I know, I’m really, really sounding like a Virgo! These are important, you know? So, those are the kinds of daily habits and activities that you’re meant to focus on now.

Step Two

Which brings me to action step number two. SLOW DOWN so you can go within. Especially with all the drama that’s going to continue to accelerate in the world, especially now through October.

You must have these daily going within moments that you’re not focused on doing too much because the world is going to slow you down, especially as we get closer to that Mercury retrograde. You must be taking time and space in your calendar, that you’re taking time to yourself every day.

That you’re digesting your emotions that you’re processing your emotions that you’re tuning into how you feel because it’s that is where you get the discernment of what is nourishing for you and what needs to be let go of. So make sure that you’re not running around trying to do too much. But you’re still making some changes. Small incremental, yet monumental changes in your life as you are tuning in and recognizing where you want to go and what you want to let go of.

Step Three

This brings me to action step number three, which is critical and very helpful. To make these decisions, you don’t just want to do this in your mind, especially with that retrogrades, you want to tune into your body’s wisdom. So, that is step number three. TUNE INTO THE WIDSOM OF YOUR BODY.

Your energy is flowing through your chakras, receiving information all the time, and your body has a lot of wisdom. So pay attention to how you and your body feels as you’re thinking about certain things as you’re interacting with certain people as you’re interacting with certain circumstances.

Now, there is a technique that I use every day many times a day when I tune into my body and ask questions to my body, that has the intuitive Wisdom, yes or no questions to make decisions. โ€œIs this nourishing for me?โ€ โ€œIs this not nourishing for me?โ€ And you can do this by simply asking your body and noticing whether there’s an opening or closing or a tightening or an expansion.

September 2021 Astrology Forecast

I have a guided practice that I can guide you through this. This is one of the most essential practices that I use to connect with my intuition. So, I have that as a free link. Itโ€™s in the description below. So, I highly recommend that you do that, and you practice it because the better you are at learning how to ask your body for intuitive answers, the more clear your path will be.

I literally use this several times a day and I do not know what I did without this technique, it is so easy, and it’s free. So, I highly recommend that you download that using the link below. It’s an incredible technique, and you are an incredible person. And I am so excited to hear about the changes happening in your life.

September 2021 Astrology Forecast

You are welcome to leave a comment below and let us know what you’re letting go of and what you’re moving toward so, we can all share in the joy together and support each other. I love you very much. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, share it with your loved ones. I know they will appreciate you for it, and I have so much more to share with you.

So make sure you are SUBSCRIBED to this channel. And if you’ve enjoyed this video, like it, and what a time, we are living in. I love you so much. I wish you a spectacular September and beyond. Lots of love. Bye for now.

Virgo Season is here!

The Earth Goddess is here to help you tune into your soul.

We begin the month with our Sun and Mars in this earthy sign.

Virgo teaches you to go within to discern what is nourishing for you, and what you need to let go of.

In numerology, September 2021 is a 5 Universal Month.

2021 is also a 5 Universal Year.

5 is a number of CHANGE, experimenting, and trying new things.

Yet, this is not a time for haste.

Mercury goes retrograde on September 27th. We also have five of our outer and social planets retrograde.

Retrogrades guide you inward, to review what is best for your life, so you can revise your future.

In this September 2021 astrology and numerology forecast, I share with you 3 essential practical steps to make positive changes for a healthy and happy future.

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Your personal numerology changes with the calendar each year. Discover how to calculate your Personal Year number.